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1、Unit23 知识要点梳理1. expose vt.暴露;揭露;显露expose sth./sb.to sth./sb.使暴露于;使面临;使接触exposed adj.无遮蔽的;不挡风雨的;易受攻击的be exposed to 处于可能受伤害的境遇 The floods washed away the soil,exposing the rocks beneath.洪水冲走了土壤,使得下面的岩石露出来了。His back was badly burnt because he exposed it to the sun for too long.因为他的后背暴露在太阳下太久了,后背严重灼伤。Th

2、e newspaper exposed the activities of the secret organization.报纸揭露了这个秘密组织的活动。温馨提示:expose,display与exhibit用法比较:expose“显示出,展出,显露”,指让某物从藏匿、隐蔽状态中显示出来;也有使某些不妥当或被隐匿之事显露于众,即“揭露,暴露”之意。display“展示,陈列”,指将物品最充分、有效地展示在人的视线或便于看清楚的位置。exhibit“展出,表现出”,往往指出于某个特殊目的而公开地推出某些事物。Curtains are hound to fade if theyre exposed

3、 to sunlight.窗帘如果让阳光暴晒一定会褪色。Id like a pen like the one displayed in the shop window.我真想要一支像商店橱窗里面展出的那种笔。The gallery exhibits works by unknown artists.创新应用:1.Is it advisable to our body to sunlight?AexhibitBdisplayCexpose Dshow【答案】C2In some Muslim countries,women do not their faces in public.Areveal

4、BuncoverCexpose Ddisclose【答案】C这个展览馆展出无名艺术家的作品。2. trouble vt.& n麻烦 trouble sb.to do.麻烦某人干ask/look for trouble自寻烦恼,找麻烦get into trouble陷入困境/遇到麻烦be in trouble处于困境have trouble (in) doing sth.做某事有困难have trouble with.应付有困难make trouble闹事,捣乱take (the) trouble to do.尽力/设法做;不怕费事做put sb.to the trouble of doing.

5、麻烦某人做 He is always ready to help those in trouble.他总是乐于帮助那些处境困难的人。温馨提示:They took great trouble to help me out of the car.他们费了好大功夫才把我从车里弄出来。温馨提示:Whats the trouble with.Whats the matter with.Whats wrong with.出什么毛病了?/出什么麻烦了?Whats the trouble with your stomach?你的胃出了什么毛病?创新应用:3.For example,if we notice a

6、 group of teenagers who seem to be looking for ,or someone destorying property,we report to the police.AworkBburdenCservice Dtrouble【解析】looking for trouble找麻烦。如果我们注意到一伙年轻人在找麻烦或有人破坏财产,我们就会向警察报告。【答案】D3. rob vt.抢劫 rob sb./sth.(of sth.)抢某人(东西)robber n抢劫者,强盗robbery n抢劫,盗窃, The bank was robbed of a lot of

7、 money last Sunday.上周日银行被抢,失去了好多钱。 温馨提示:steal sth.from sb./sth.从偷窃steal into a room溜进房间cheat sb.out of sth.骗取某人的pick ones pocket扒口袋It is not easy to steal anything from our school.想从我们学校偷什么都很难。创新应用:4.单词拼写While we were sleeping,a thief s_into our bed room and took away some money.【答案】stole4. send vt.

8、送;派遣;使 send a letter寄信send sb.to do sth.派某人去做某事send sb.doing sth.使某人做某事, The fire sent everyone running out of the building.大火使得大家都从楼里跑了出来。温馨提示:send off送别;发出send out发送;派遣;发出;放出;生出send for sth.(sb.)派人去拿(某物),派人去叫(某人)send in 叫进来,提交The sun sends out light and warmth.太阳发出光和热。He has sent three paintings i

9、n for the exhibition.他已递交三幅画参加展览。创新应用:5.Dont worry,Madam.The doctor_.Ais sent for Bwas sent forCis to send for Dhas been sent for【解析】本题考查时态用法。Dont worry为安慰对方,说明医生正在路上,马上就到。因此用完成时态较佳。【答案】D5. whisper v& n低语,耳语,私语;私下说,低声地说 in a whisperin whispers低声地whisper about sth.密谈某事It is whispered that.有人私下说whispe

10、r to sb.对某人窃窃私语 He whispered to her so that no one else could hear.他对她低声耳语以便别人听不见。She whispered to him that she loved him.她低声对他说她爱他。She whispered the word in my ears.她在我耳边低声地说那句话。温馨提示:shout to sb.对某人大叫shout at sb.训斥某人call out 大声叫I heard someone call out to me from downstairs.我听到楼下有人大声叫我。创新应用:6.Stop_

11、in the corner;say whatever it is out loud.Awhisper BwhisperingCto whisper Dwhispered【解析】stop doing sth.停止干某事。【答案】B6. wound vt.使受伤;n.伤口 get wound in the leg腿部受伤have a wound in the leg腿部有伤口a wounded soldier一位伤兵, The wounded are taken good care of in the hospital.伤员在医院得到很好的护理。温馨提示:表示“伤害”的词injure,harm,w

12、ound与hurt用法比较:(1)injure意义较广,着重指偶然事故对人的“损害”。be slightly/seriously/badly injured受伤很轻/很严重/很重。injury n。(2)harm可用做动词和名词,“伤害;危害”指精神上或物质上的危害;对有害。短语:do harm to sb./do sb.harm对某人有危害。(3)wound可用做动词和名词。主要指暴力或战争中所受的伤,如刀伤、枪伤。也可用于对人的感情、名誉等的伤害。(4)hurt主要用于有生命的东西,多指肉体方面的伤害,常伴有痛感。作借喻时指对精神或感情方面的伤害。创新应用:7.用表示“伤害”的词的正确形式

13、填空:(1)Tom fell down from the tree and_his legs.(2)Smoking will_your health.(3)Shes afraid that he would_the child.(4)I_my eyes by reading in dim light.(5)He got_in the war.【答案】(1)injured/hurt(2)harm(3)harm(4)harmed(5)wounded7. engage vt.使订婚;使从事 be/get engaged to sb.与某人订婚engage (oneself) in (doing) s

14、th.从事于某事;忙于做某事be/get engaged (in) doing sth.从事于某事;忙于做某事engage sb.as.雇用某人当be engaged with sb.与某人有约have/make an engagement with sb.与某人预约 She engaged herself in reading a book.她正在忙于看一本书。She decided to engage a nurse to look after her baby.她决定雇用一个保姆照料她的婴儿。温馨提示:be busy (in) doing sth.忙着做某事be occupied in doing sth.从事于,忙着做某事I have been busy in writing a novel these days.这些天我一直在忙着写小说。创新应用:8.My sister has recently got engaged_a foreign teacher,who has been engaged_education research for years.Awith;in


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