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1、程序员面试题精选100题(01)把二元查找树转变成排序的双向链表题目:输入一棵二元查找树,将该二元查找树转换成一个排序的双向链表。要求不能创建任何新的结点,只调整指针的指向。比如将二元查找树 10 / 6 14 / / 4 8 12 16转换成双向链表4=6=8=10=12=14=16。分析:本题是微软的面试题。很多与树相关的题目都是用递归的思路来解决,本题也不例外。下面我们用两种不同的递归思路来分析。思路一:当我们到达某一结点准备调整以该结点为根结点的子树时,先调整其左子树将左子树转换成一个排好序的左子链表,再调整其右子树转换右子链表。最近链接左子链表的最右结点(左子树的最大结点)、当前结点

2、和右子链表的最左结点(右子树的最小结点)。从树的根结点开始递归调整所有结点。思路二:我们可以中序遍历整棵树。按照这个方式遍历树,比较小的结点先访问。如果我们每访问一个结点,假设之前访问过的结点已经调整成一个排序双向链表,我们再把调整当前结点的指针将其链接到链表的末尾。当所有结点都访问过之后,整棵树也就转换成一个排序双向链表了。参考代码:首先我们定义二元查找树结点的数据结构如下: struct BSTreeNode / a node in the binary search tree int m_nValue; / value of nodeBSTreeNode *m_pLeft; / left

3、 child of nodeBSTreeNode *m_pRight; / right child of node ;思路一对应的代码:/ Covert a sub binary-search-tree into a sorted double-linked list/ Input: pNode - the head of the sub tree/ asRight - whether pNode is the right child of its parent/ Output: if asRight is true, return the least node in the sub-tree

4、/ else return the greatest node in the sub-tree/BSTreeNode* ConvertNode(BSTreeNode* pNode, bool asRight)if(!pNode)return NULL;BSTreeNode *pLeft = NULL;BSTreeNode *pRight = NULL;/ Convert the left sub-treeif(pNode-m_pLeft)pLeft = ConvertNode(pNode-m_pLeft, false);/ Connect the greatest node in the le

5、ft sub-tree to the current nodeif(pLeft)pLeft-m_pRight = pNode;pNode-m_pLeft = pLeft;/ Convert the right sub-treeif(pNode-m_pRight)pRight = ConvertNode(pNode-m_pRight, true);/ Connect the least node in the right sub-tree to the current nodeif(pRight)pNode-m_pRight = pRight;pRight-m_pLeft = pNode;BST

6、reeNode *pTemp = pNode;/ If the current node is the right child of its parent,/ return the least node in the tree whose root is the current nodeif(asRight)while(pTemp-m_pLeft)pTemp = pTemp-m_pLeft;/ If the current node is the left child of its parent,/ return the greatest node in the tree whose root

7、 is the current nodeelsewhile(pTemp-m_pRight)pTemp = pTemp-m_pRight;return pTemp;/ Covert a binary search tree into a sorted double-linked list/ Input: the head of tree/ Output: the head of sorted double-linked list/BSTreeNode* Convert(BSTreeNode* pHeadOfTree)/ As we want to return the head of the s

8、orted double-linked list,/ we set the second parameter to be truereturn ConvertNode(pHeadOfTree, true);思路二对应的代码:/ Covert a sub binary-search-tree into a sorted double-linked list/ Input: pNode - the head of the sub tree/ pLastNodeInList - the tail of the double-linked list/void ConvertNode(BSTreeNod

9、e* pNode, BSTreeNode*& pLastNodeInList)if(pNode = NULL)return;BSTreeNode *pCurrent = pNode;/ Convert the left sub-treeif (pCurrent-m_pLeft != NULL)ConvertNode(pCurrent-m_pLeft, pLastNodeInList);/ Put the current node into the double-linked listpCurrent-m_pLeft = pLastNodeInList;if(pLastNodeInList !=

10、 NULL)pLastNodeInList-m_pRight = pCurrent;pLastNodeInList = pCurrent;/ Convert the right sub-treeif (pCurrent-m_pRight != NULL)ConvertNode(pCurrent-m_pRight, pLastNodeInList);/ Covert a binary search tree into a sorted double-linked list/ Input: pHeadOfTree - the head of tree/ Output: the head of so

11、rted double-linked list/BSTreeNode* Convert_Solution1(BSTreeNode* pHeadOfTree)BSTreeNode *pLastNodeInList = NULL;ConvertNode(pHeadOfTree, pLastNodeInList);/ Get the head of the double-linked listBSTreeNode *pHeadOfList = pLastNodeInList;while(pHeadOfList & pHeadOfList-m_pLeft)pHeadOfList = pHeadOfLi

12、st-m_pLeft;return pHeadOfList;程序员面试题精选100题(02)设计包含min函数的栈题目:定义栈的数据结构,要求添加一个min函数,能够得到栈的最小元素。要求函数min、push以及pop的时间复杂度都是O(1)。 分析:这是去年google的一道面试题。我看到这道题目时,第一反应就是每次push一个新元素时,将栈里所有逆序元素排序。这样栈顶元素将是最小元素。但由于不能保证最后push进栈的元素最先出栈,这种思路设计的数据结构已经不是一个栈了。在栈里添加一个成员变量存放最小元素(或最小元素的位置)。每次push一个新元素进栈的时候,如果该元素比当前的最小元素还要小,则更新最小元素。乍一看这样思路挺好的。但仔细一想,该思路存在一个重要的问题:如果当前最小元素被pop出去,如何才能得到下一个最小元素?因此仅仅只添加一个成员变量存放最小元素(或最小元素的位置)是不够的



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