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1、Unit7 Would you mind turning down the music ? 教学设计抚远一中 王丽娟一、教材与学情分析:Would you mind turning down the music? Section A是新目标 Go for it ! Students,Book 八年级下册Unit7的内容。Section A主要围绕 “询问或请求别人做或不做以及征求对方(说话人做事)的意见”为话题而展开的。本单元主要是通过“创设情境”的教学原则,并通过任务型教学( task-based learning )创造性地使用英语。在“学中用,用中学”,从而培养学生的人际交往和社会意识。

2、二、教学目标:A:知识目标1掌握提出请求和表示歉意的方法:Would you mind moving your bike?2理解并运用本单元的重点语法Would you mind doing sth.Not at all .I will do it right away.B:能力目标1、 能以“向对方委婉地提出请求及表达自己的谦意”为话题,展开会话,并让学生学会自己创编对话。2、加强学生的听和说的能力的训练,培养学生的创新能力3、培养学生的造句能力和看图写作力。C:情感态度及价值观1、根据所学知识情景,激发学生探索新知的兴趣。2、培养学生人际交往和社会意识的优良品质。三、教学重点、难点基本句型

3、的运用: Would you mind moving your bike?Not at all .I will do it right away.Could you please take out the trash?Sorry, I will do it right away.四、教学过程:环节学生活动教师活动设计意图Step IGreeting and revision points 3 minutes(1)Greeting each other!(2)Review some questions.(1)Greeting each other! What did you do last ni

4、ght/yesterday morning ? How long have you ?创造学习氛围,组织教学,复习前一单元学过的时态。Step Lead inRead new wordsRead after me:Would you mind turning down the music?1.Say, in this unit were going to learn polite ways of asking people to do things. down . 2.Review some request sentences and show the topic: Would you min

5、d turning down the music? Teach the topic.学习新单词,为即将学习的内容做准备。Step PresentationWrite the following requests on the board:T: Look at the picture. The music is too loud. The man doesnt want to listen. What should you do?S: turn down the music.T: What should he say?S: Would you mind turning down the musi

6、c?Then tell students how to answerShow six pictures and let students learn “would you mind doing sth?” “ would you mind not doing sth?” talk about the other pictures like that.通过利用多媒体展示图片,创设情境,让学生练习使用所学句型。Step IV 1a Pair work. 5minsPair work. S1:Would you mind turning down the music?S2: No. not at a

7、ll./ Sorry, Ill do it right away.1、Point to the list of request and practice the pictures above. 2、teacher asks some request sentences using the target language.通过简单的Pair work来练习说的能力。Step VI 1bListen and check the answersListen and number the requests1-4 in the order you hear them. Put a number 1 af

8、ter the request you hearabout the first on the recording, and so forth. Check the answers.用Would you mind doing sth去练习解决问题,在完成任务的过程中学会运用所学的目标语言。 Step VII 1cSpeakingTalk about the pictures.Give four pictures, ask students to use the target language “Would you mind (not)doing sth?” to talk about the p

9、ictures. Then ask some pairs to act out.进一步强化训练所学的目标语言,让学生学会正确运用。Step VIII Summaryhomework 1、This class, weve learned a word “yard” and some phrases. We have also learned the target language “Would you mind (not)doing sth?”. 2、Use “Would you mind (not)doing sth?” to make up some conversations by one

10、self. Next time Ill ask some students to read your conversations to the class.小结。让学生回顾一下本节课的内容,帮助学生记忆。Blackboard Design:UNIT 7 Would you mind turning down the music?“Would you mind (not)doing sth?”反思:本堂课因为使用了多媒体课件教学,教学内容得到很好的体现,有较多的时间让学生练习所学的语言目标,取得的效果也较好。但在学习过程中,有些同学被多媒体的动画所吸引,忽略了对语言目标的学习,在以后的教学中要注意这点,并加以改进。Unit7 Would you mind turning down the music ? (Section A)教学设计 抚远一中 王丽娟2


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