人教版高中英语选修七课时作业:Unit 1 Living well Section Ⅲ GrammarWriting Word版含答案

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1、 精品资料1.3 新提升课时作业.用所给词的适当形式填空1It is wrong _(make) fun of others.2He pretended _(read) when his mother came in.3We dont know whether _(accept) the invitation.4The man downstairs found it difficult _(get) to sleep.5My ambition is _(become) a lawyer.6The boy proved _(be) an honest student.7They went the

2、re _(visit) their teacher.8My grandmother woke up only _(find) everybody gone.9He was too excited _(say)a few words.10I am so sorry _(hear) your mother is ill.11It took us three years _(fulfil) the project.12The Browns have a comfortable house _(live) in.13The room seems _(clean) already.14Women and

3、 children were the first _(get) into the lifeboats.15She invited me _(have) dinner yesterday.答案:1.to make2.to be reading3.to accept4.to get5.to become6.to be7.to visit8.to find9.to say10.to hear11.to fulfil12.to live13.to have been cleaned14.to get15.to have.完成句子1老板让他们整天干活。The boss made _.They were

4、made _.2他只想出去玩。He wants to do nothing but _.3除了吃这药,他什么都信。He wants to believe anything but _.4我想让你和汤姆谈话。I want _.5让他别关窗。Tell him _.6他太激动了,说不出话来。He is _.7我们知道她研究这问题有好几年了。She is known _ on the problem for many years.8他好像正在吃什么东西。He seems _ something.答案:1.them work all dayto work all day2.play3to take me

5、dicine4.to have you talk with Tom5.not to close the window6.too excited to say a word7to have researched8.to be eating.单句改错1She could do nothing but to cry._2What do you like to do besides swimming?_3Because of his stupid fault, he had to resign the office._4The teacher has us to write a composition

6、 every week._5We might as well putting up here for tonight._6What the teacher said was easy to understand it._7I hurried here seeing you._答案:1.去掉to2.swimmingswim3.resign后加上from4.去掉to5.puttingput6.去掉it7seeingto see.阅读理解AI was born in Mississippi in the 1960s. My disabilities were caused by lack of ox

7、ygen to my brain when I was a fiveyearold boy. I grew up knowing I was different. The first time I felt hurt and left out was in Grade Five. The other fourth and fifth graders played together in gym class, while I was put in the second grade gym class. One day, a famous football player visited the f

8、ourth and fifth grade P. E. class. All the kids got his autograph except me because I was with the second graders playing games. Mom called the school to tell them it wasnt fair, but the school scolded me for complaining too much. In the 1980s,when my mom was giving birth to my sister,she had made a

9、 major stroke(中风) and died. My dad became even more distant(冷淡的). I was very sad and began using alcohol to ease the pain. Dad got remarried in 1985. Everyone went to his wedding except me; he told me to stay at home and watch the house. When my high school ball came around, I wanted to go but wasnt

10、 allowed. When I graduated,my dad and stepmom refused to hold a party for me. They put me in a group home after graduation. My life changed when I became a local leader of the National Selfadvocacy(自我辩护) Group. At first, I thought the group wasnt for me, until I found out it was all about empowermen

11、t(授权)! My goal is to be the voice for people who havent been heard and to empower them. Many families, like mine, dont believe their disabled families have a voice or mind of their own. Looking back over my 16 years of leadership experience,Im proud that Ive helped disabled people. They should be en

12、couraged never to give up and to follow their own path.1When the writer was in the fifth grade,he _. Awas hurt by his classmates in school Bfelt left out for the first time in his life Cstudied with the second graders Doften complained about the school2According to the passage,the writer _. Awas bor

13、n disabled Bdidnt study well at school Cwas happy in his childhood Ddidnt get along well with his father3By mentioning the events in Paragraph 3 the writer wanted to show that _. Ahis father was very strict with him Bhe was illtreated by his stepmother Chis family didnt believe he had a voice Dhe had no f


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