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1、英语中否定形式表示肯定意义的句型总结 英语中有些句子“貌相”(形式)否定,实则表示肯定的意义,甚至表示非常强烈的肯定意义。此类句子尤其容易出现在阅读理解中给考生增加干扰因素。就此语言现象归纳总结如下句型,希望大家能够复习之。1 can / could not.too can / could never .too表示“无论怎样也不过分”。例如:You cannot be too careful when crossing the street. 穿越马路时,再怎么小心也不为过。You can never be too careful in performing an experiment. 做实

2、验越仔细越好。 2 can / could not.enough意为“无论怎么都不够”,表示强烈的肯定。例如:I cannot thank you enough. 我对你感激不尽。You cant be careful enough. 你越小心越好。3 nothing but表示“只有,只不过”,含肯定意义。例如: We could see nothing but water. 我们只看见一大片水。She does nothing but listen to records. 她除了听唱片什么也不做。 4 never too.to是对too.to的再否定,表示肯定。例如: Its never

3、too old to learn. 活到老,学到老。 It is never too late to give up prejudices. 放弃偏见永远不晚。5not without 没有就没有;在这个句型中,使用两个否定,用来加强语气,表示肯定意义。例如:One cannot live even a few minutes without air. 没有空气,人们甚至连几分钟也不能生存。They couldnt have completed their task on time without your help. 有你们的帮助,他们才按时完成了任务。注意: too not to 和 ne

4、ver (not) too to 这类双重否定的句型,也表示肯定意义。例如:The boy is too clever not to work out this maths problem. 这个男孩很聪明,不会解不出这道数学题。6 nothing if not表示“极其”,含强烈的肯定意义。例如: He was nothing if not clever. 他很聪明。 The story was nothing if not interesting. 故事极其有趣。 7 nothing less than表示“完全是”,有肯定的含义。例如: What he said was nothing

5、less than a lie. 他说的纯属谎言。 His negligence was nothing less than criminal. 他的粗心大意无异于犯罪。 8too.not to表示“太不会不”,具有肯定意义。例如: He is too careful not to have noticed it. 他那么小心,一定会注意到这一点的。His speech was too good not to stir the audience. 他的演讲太好了,不会不使观众轰动。He is too foolish not to say it. 他那么傻,不会不把这事说出来。 注意:若把否定词

6、放到前面not too to 表示这并不太所以能。He is not too old to do it. 他做这件事,年龄并不9 no的否定意义很强,和具有否定意义的名词连用,来表示强烈的肯定。例如:She is no fool. (She is very clever.) 她绝不是傻瓜。There is no question that Mr. Smith is the boss. 毫无疑问,史密斯先生就是老板。 10双重否定表示强烈的肯定。否定否定=肯定,加强句子的肯定语气,这样的双重否定句被称之为肯定型双重否定句。例如:Nobody had nothing to eat. =Everyo

7、ne has something to eat. 每个人都有吃的。I cannot/never see the film without being moved to tears”“I will never be unmoved when ever I see the film。=Whenever I see the film, I will be moved to tears. John is not unable to do it. 约翰还是挺能干的。双重否定表肯定的句型分类 1)谓语否定状语否定 在这种双重否定结构中,谓语否定主要指“never实义动词”或“操作词not实义动 词”;状语

8、否定指“介词名词/动名词”,要么介词否定,要么名词或动名词否定,而介词否定的形式多表现为一个词,即without。例如: You cannot make egg rolls with out breaking eggs不打破鸡蛋,就无法做出蛋卷来。 (即:有失才有得。) He will not do it for nothing他不会无缘无故做这件事。(他做这件事定有企图。) She never came with out reporting some fresh instance of Wickhams extravagance orirregularity她每一次来的时候,都会讲些有关威克

9、瀚姆豪华奢侈生活的新鲜事。2)主语否定状语否定主语否定指主语常由noword(比如no名词、nobody、none、nothing、noone等,这些词被称之为绝对否定词)来担当,或主语由not来否定。 In some countries no major business is carried on without eye contact, requiring facetoface conversation 在有些国家,一切公事都要面对面地进行,需要当面交谈。 There is no success without hardships 没有磨难,就没有胜利。(不经历风雨,怎能见彩虹。) No

10、ne of us will leave school without learning any thing我们毕业时定会学有所成。 Not a student has access to the library without showing his student card不出示学生证,就进入不了图书馆。3)主语否定谓语否定 Nobody does not believe in him人人相信他。(无人不信他。) Not many students will not succeed in passing the exam大多数同学会通过考试。4)谓语否定宾语否定 I do not have

11、nothing to say我有话要说。 We cant afford not to believe the missile attack我们不得不相信这导弹袭击是真的。5)主语否定宾语否定 No one has nothing to contribute to society人人对社会都有贡献。 Nobody has no access to the sporting facilities人人都可以使用这些体育器材。6)主语否定补语否定补语覆盖面很广,包括名词、介词、形容词、副词、代词、分词以及不定式等等,这些词本身可以是否定形式(比如代词nothing、nobody等),也可以被否定词修饰

12、(比如not补语),也可指那些含有否定词缀的形式(比如形容词、分词的否定词缀等)。 Nothing is nothing at all没有一件事是微不足道的。(凡事都有重要性。) No smoking is harmless吸烟有害健康。 No place is left unexploited到处都已被开发。7)否定词否定意义的动词/名词/形容词/副词英语中有许多词语虽没有被否定词修饰或不含否定词缀,但它们的意义却完全可能是否定的,这样的词和否定词连用时也会构成双重否定。 We dont doubt that he will succeed in carrying out the exper

13、iment我们相信他会做好这个实验。 There is no denying the fact that your action has affected her normal life不可否认,你的行为已经影响了她的正常生活。 Comrade Lei Feng was not reluctant to help others雷锋同志非常乐于助人。 For all his years, he is none the less vigorous and active他虽年老,但仍然生气勃勃,精力旺盛。8)主句否定从句否定前面提到的都是特指简单句中的双重否定句的情况。很明显,英语中主从句的双重否定

14、形式也是普遍存在的。而主从句双重否定的两个否定词分别出现在主句和从句中。主句否定时常借助于一般否定词(即not)或绝对否定词(如no,nothing,nobody,never等);从句否定时同样也可借助于一般否定词或绝对否定词,但也可以使用一些含有否定含义的连词,如until,unless等,或是否定含义的准关系代词but。 In the neighborhood there is nobody who does not know me在这儿,我绝对是个名人。 I never read novels that dont appeal to me我从不看不感兴趣的小说。 You cannot t

15、ake the books away unless you get the special permission from the dean除非你有系主任的特批,否则你不能把书借走。 There is no rule but has exceptions任何规则都有例外。 11not.until / till表示“直到才”,具有肯定的意义。 not until 直到才;在这个句型中, until 可作介词,也可作连词。作介词时,后接名词、代词或短语;作连词时,后接句子。 not 后面接非延续性动词。例如:She didnt stop working until 12 oclock last night. 昨晚12点以前,她一直在不停地工作。The bus didnt leave until all the seats were taken. 直到车上坐满了乘客,汽车才开走。Pe



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