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1、M10 重点短语和重要句子Module 10 Unit 1 Reading1.以非常快的速度 at a very fast rate 2.享受较高水准的生活enjoy a higher standard of living 3.筹集资金 raise money 4.给.施加压力 put pressure on5.夺走生命 claim Lives 6.另外, 此外 on top of7.处于危险的状态 at risk/ in danger 8.毫无疑问 without doubt9.处于抉择的关键时刻 at a crossroads 10.落后于 fall behind11.从转换到switch

2、 from to 12.(谚语,消息)说法是 There is a saying that goes13.依靠, 依赖 be dependent on 14.在掌握之中 in the hands of15.填饱肚皮 fill ones belly 16.提高公众对饥荒的意识 raise peoples awareness of the famine 17.打算通过音乐会募捐 intend the concert to raise money for 18.取得惊人的成就 make great achievements 19.与贫困作斗争 fight against poverty 20提高生活

3、质量 improve the quality of life 21.相反on the contrary/ in contrast22.感到经济拮据feel the economic squeeze 23.一则, 再则for one thing, for anotherTask1.炫耀 show off 2.不可能 out of the question3.毫无疑问 out of question 4.生活在贫困中 live in povertyProject1.可持续发展 sustainable development 2.弊大于利 do more harm than good3.不可更新能源

4、 non-renewable energy 4.增加到 increase to5.敲响警钟 set alarm bells ringing 6.保护自然资源 preserve natural resources7.提高生活水平 improve standards of living 8.将付诸于实践 put into practice9.淋浴 have/ take a shower 10.用完,耗尽 run out11.在可预见的将来 in the foreseeable future 12.意识到,明白 be aware/ conscious of13.努力争取 push for 14促成,

5、引发 contribute to15.变得日益受欢迎 become increasingly popularUnit2:Reading1.前往 head for 2.占据,解释的原因 account for3.在移动 on the move 4.思考 look at 5.某人年龄从.到. sb aged from to 6.有的趋势 there is a trend for7.在某些情况下 in some cases 8.一系列 a series of9.抓住某人的注意力 capture ones attention 10.享有.的权利或机会 have access to Project1 在

6、。方面有共同点 have something in common 2. 服从 顺从 submit to 3 徒劳 徒然 in vain 4. 衣衫褴褛 in rags5.开始从事 喜欢 take to 6. 生活于恐惧状态 live in terror7.目的是。 aim to do sth 8. 密谋做某事 plot to do sth9. 对。有偏见 have prejudice against 10. 为。做补偿 compensate for 11. 扫除 消灭 wipe out 12. 一连串的 in chain of 13. 枉费心机做某事 try in vain to do sth

7、 14. 用迂回的方式 in a roundabout way Unit3 Reading1. 因而失去 lose sb to sth 2. 以惊人的速度 at a frightening rate3. 占据 account for 4. 订阅,同意 subscribe to5. 全身心的投入到devote his body and soul to doing 6. 据估计 It is estimated thatWord Power远离 stay / keep away from 2.停止,放弃stop/ quit/ give up doing3. 祛除的陋习 get out of the

8、habit of/break the habit of Project1.反抗 rebel against 2.有不同的影响 have a different effect3.戒烟困难 have trouble quitting smoking 4.作为.而分类 be classified as5.范围从到range from to 6.自杀 commit suicide7.抹掉过去 erase the past 8.寻求帮助 seek help9.减轻戒毒期症状 ease withdrawal symptoms 10.首先 in the first place11.拒绝毒品 say no t

9、o drugs12.保护某人将来的健康和幸福 protect ones health and well-being for the futureUnit4 Reading1.进行网络犯罪 commit crime online 2 向某人做演讲address sb 3.面对罪犯 face / be faced with / in face of criminals4.提到合作的必要性 note the necessity of cooperation5.使商人损失数十亿美元cost business people billions of dollars6. 将犯罪分为四种 classify c

10、rimes into four categories7.侵犯知识产权和违反版权法 break intellectual property and copyright laws8.打击网络犯罪 combat cybercrime 9.安全系统遭到入侵 have the security systems broken into10. 准确地说 say accurately / say with some accuracy11. .存入银行账户 be deposited in the bank accounts 12.有.的安排have arrangements for doing sth 13.跨

11、境追踪罪犯 follow criminals across borders14.成立特别机构 form a special agency 15.跟上,不落后 keep up (with)16.充当国际裁判员 act as an international referee17.与安全有关的犯罪 crimes related / relating to security 18.适宜的目标 ripe targets19.集合技术资源 combine technological resources 22. 为创立标准 set/create standards for23.无疑地 no doubt (

12、that) / without doubt24.挣钱而几乎没有被捕的风险 make money with little risk of being caught 25.滋长仇恨和暴力 encourage / incite hatred and violence. Project1.定义为 define sth as 2.被分两类 be classified into two categories 3适用于 be applied to 4.值得他人为此付费 deserve to be paid 5.被欢迎加入该组织 be welcome aboard 6.免费下载 download sth fr

13、ee of charge 7.仅2005年一年 in 2005 alone 8.处于法律困境 be in legal straits 9.带来严重的挑战 pose a serious challenge to10深入反盗版斗争further the fight against piracy 11.诉至法庭 take sb to court 12.促进国际贸易平稳发展 smooth the progress of international trade13.在几部法律上加上某人的签名 add ones signature to several laws14.耗尽这两个产业的生命 suck the life out of both industriesM10重要句子1. In 1985, there was lit


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