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1、课 题: Unit1 My classroom 学 科英语年 级六班 级四年级各班主备人韩鹏审核人王娜 孙晓华课 型新授学习内容: Part B Read and write第六课时学习目标:1、With the help of the teacher and tape recorder, the students can read and tick or cross.2、With the help of the teacher, the students can read and complete the dialogue skillfully and correctly. 学习重点:Wit

2、h the help of the teacher and tape recorder, the students can read and tick or cross.学习难点: With the help of the teacher, the students can read and complete the dialogue skillfully and correctly.学法指导:听说训练指导、对话朗读指导、创编对话方法指导。评价设计:1.针对学习目标1,可以通过听录音,跟读,齐读、男女生对话,指名提问,同桌互相检测,观察学生口型,表情,听辨单词的语音和语句的语调,等来达成目标一

3、。2.针对学习目标2,通过指名提问,观察学生口型,观察同桌合作对话的情况,观察学生口型,表情,听辨单词的发音和句子的语调,判断句子结构等来达成目标2的要求。学习准备: A tape record , the pictures and the cards ,班班通录音资源授课节数:一节学习过程: Step 1.热身导入Review the words and the dialogue. Call some students to recite the dialogue.Step 2.教授新知1. Listen to the tape. Read and tick or cross.Tell th

4、e students how to choose.T: Look at the picture. Where is the kite?Ss:.T: Where is the blue pencil box?Ss:.T: Where is the green book?Ss:.给学生强调打对号和错号。(落实目标1要求)2. Look, choose and write.T: OK, now boys and girls. Look at the picture. What can you see in the picture?Ss: .T: And where is the bag?Ss:.T:

5、 Great! Lets write the desk in the blank. desk 提醒学生注意字母在四线格中的规范写法,并下去巡视。 Where is it?It is in the _.It is under the _.It is near the _.Where is the _?It is in/ on/ under/ near the _. 3. Read the text several times.1) Read it after me.2) Read it by yourself自读并进行检测.3) Read it in groups. 4) Read it in

6、roles5) Read it in pairs.(落实目标2要求)Step Practice.1.DiscussDiscuss these words with your partner. 2. Write the words. T: Please open your exercise book, lets copy the words. Please follow me. Please pay attention to the letters. (Check the words.) Write the words and the sentences on your exercise book.(落实目标2的要求)板书设计: Unit 1 My classroom Part B Read and write Where is it? It is in/on/under/near the.


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