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1、堂堂清Module 4 A Trip Along the Three Gorges(Cultural corner and Grammar)一、需要记住的词组:at a distance ( of)在有一定距离的地方at the edge of在边缘at (the) least 至少 be heavy with 有大量 In the distance 在远处rip off 敲竹杠 get a kick out of 从-得到乐趣 from a distance 从远处 keep sb at a distance 冷淡某人二、需要记住的知识点及句子:forbid / allow / permit

2、 / advise + doing sth / sb to do1. The Princess is to get married in a weeks time.2. He was about to practucing the piano when someone broke in.3. When listening to lectures, children are forbidden to eat.预习作业Look at the words and phrases below and choose the best meaning.1. That sounded fine to me.

3、a). It seemed like a good idea, b) it didnt seem like a good idea.2. Oh well.a). Never mind b). I am pleased3. All tourists are ripped off.a). Welcomed b). cheated4. They have been around for six thousand years.a). Reavelled b). existed5.1 get a kick out of travelling.a). Enjoy b). find it hardIL Fi

4、nd out the phrases1. 只有 2.超过3. 至少 4,敲竹杠,敲诈,欺骗5. 从.中得到乐趣6. 带有漂亮风景的明信片7. 我这么做是为了旅游 Read the passage in Page 49 and do the following tasks.I. True or False:1. Among the three countries that McCorquodale didnt visit includes China.( )There is a short message on each of the postcards of Mr. McCorquodale.

5、()2. He stuck a pin in the map whenever he visited a place.( )In Italy, tourists may be ripped off by the Italians with a smile.( )3. No matter where he goes, Mr. McCorquodale always takes a pen with him.( )Mr. McCorquodale sends a postcard to his best friend when he goes to a new place.()II. Transl

6、ation1.1 am allowed to slick one in only if i have been in a place for more than 24 hours.2. This is one country in the world which is completely different.There is no European influence. Its been around for 6,000 years,yet its a country of the future.III. Fill in the blanks:1. There are hundreds of

7、 little red pinsit.2. I am allowed to stick one inIve been in a olace for more than 24 hours.3. There is a saying in the travel trade.4. , Mr. McCorquodale takes with him a photo of his wife,a candel,atorch,a shirt with a secret pockel,and a pen for writing his postcards.5. It has for 6,000 years,ye

8、t it is a country of the future.Grammar : aux情态动词情态动词属于语气助动词,他们一般具有以下特征: 后面必须接动词原形没有单复数变化 没有不定式或动名词形式 可以放句首借助提问也可以在后面加not构成否定句。英语中常用的情态动词有:shall, should, must, can, could, may, might, will, would和ought to.另外need, dare, used只能算作半情态动词”因为他们既可以 做情态动词也可以做行为动词。词形意义和用法例句mustYou must be here on time.He must

9、 be at home now.Why must you be so stubborn(固 执)?canHe can swim.He cant have seen me,because I wasiVt there then.Can you lend me two books at a time?couldHe could run very fast.Could you do something for me?mayHe may be right.May I go now? Yes you may.May you be happy.mightFather said that I might p

10、lay football before supper.We might be going to Spain on holiday this year.shallThis time next week,we shall be in England.shallShall she come in? Shall I sit here?You shall not leave your post.shouldYou shouldnt drink and drive.It should be ready by now, I think.You should like to talk with him.wil

11、lWill you put on your coat?The door wont shut.If you will allow me, I will see you home.wouldWould you please do me a favour?The man would sit there, still, for hours.I know you would never do anything like that.ought toWe ought to help each other in our study.You ought to see a doctor.He ought to w

12、in the race.needYou neednt worry about it.dareShe dare not go out at night.used toWe used to swim in winter, but now we dont.have toI have to consider the whole thing.【即学即练】1. A computerthink for itself; it must be told what to do.A. cantB.couldnt C. may not D. might not2. The World Wide Web is some

13、times jokingly called the World Wide Wait becauseitbe very slow.A. should B. must C. will D. can3. A left luggage office is a place where bagsbe left for a short time,especially at a railway station.A. should B. canC. must D. will4. If Iplan to do anything I wanted to, Id like to go to Tibet and tra

14、velthrough as much of it as possible.A. wouldB. could C. had to D. ought to5. Johnny, youplay with the knife, youhurt yourself.A. wont; cantB. mustnt; mayC. shouldnt; mustD. cant; shouldnt6. Children under 12 years of age in that country be under adultsupervision when in a public library.A. mustB. m

15、ay C. can D. need日作业(必做)01. Mr Wangbe in Nanjing now, he went to Beijing only this morning.A. mustntB. may notC. cantD.neednt1. -Must I saty at home, Mum?- No, you.A. needntB. mustntC. dontD. maynot2. -Can you go swimming with us this afternoon?Sorry, I cant. Itake care of my little sister at home because myA. can toA. can toB. mayC. wouldD. havemother is ill.3. -May I go to the cinema, Mum? -



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