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1、英语(四年级下册)Unit 2 After school(Period 3)内容分析:本课教学内容是译林版小学牛津英语四年级(下册)Unit2 After school的Sound time, Ticking time & Checkout time三个板块的综合内容。学生分析:本节的教学对象是小学中年级学生,在此之前学生已经学过一些有subjects 和lessons等内容的单词,本单元还增加了一些有关课外活动的单词。例如swimming,dancing等等。学生对课外活动话题也很感兴趣。本节课在设计的过程中,设置人物Jim贯穿整节课的教学:在Sound time板块中,Jim向爸爸询问东西

2、在哪儿;在Checkout time 板块听力练习中,完成Jim的周活动计划表;最后的活动是学生询问Jim每天的课程安排。完整的情境设计会让整节课衔接更自然,板块过渡更流畅。目前学生的思维特点是以对话思维为主,同时具有初步的总结思维能力,对于具体、直观的的内容有较大的依赖性。所以,本课尽量营造一种轻松愉悦的氛围,让学生在玩中学,在观察、操作中探索研究,以希沃教学为学习媒体,让学生自主探索,在探索中发现,在探索中学习。教学内容Teaching contentsSound time & Checkout time & Ticking time教学目标Teaching aims and learni

3、ng objectives 1. 学生能够流利地说出星期名词。2. 学生能够运用have和has谈论课程。3. 学生能够知道字母a的发音。教学重点和难点Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty 教学重点:1. 学生能够熟练运用所学句型进行交流。2. 学生能听懂、会说字母a的发音,发音准确。教学难点:学生能够综合运用语言进行简单的交流,合作完成任务。教学过程Teaching procedures Step 1 Greeting 1. Free talk:T: Hello, everyone. Its time for class.

4、Shall we begin our class? S: T: Class begins. Good morning, everyone. Nice to see you. Sit down, please. S:.2.Learning the aims.T: Look! These are the aims for this lesson:1. I can say and sing the days of the week.2. I can use “have” and “has” to talk about the lessons.3. I know the sound of the le

5、tter “a”. Do you understand?S: Yes!T: Please try to do your best to get more stars!【设计意图:在课的一开始,让学生明确本节课需要达到的目标与要求。】Step 2 Revision 1. Sing a song: Days of the weekFirst, lets enjoy a song, OK? And then try to answer: Whats the song about?S:.T: Do you like it? Whats the song about?S:.T: Yeah! Its na

6、me is “Days of the week”. So its about week days. Do you know “week”?(用红线标注)What does it mean?/Chinese meaning!S:.T;Yes. (用红笔写“周”) Follow me: week, Days of the week . How many days of a week?S:. 【设计意图:复习歌曲,活跃课堂气氛,调动学生的积极性。】2. Play a game(1) T: There are seven days in a week. What are they? Lets coun

7、t together. (2) Now, lets play a game, OK? Who wants to try? A boy and a girl?【设计意图:通过游戏活动复习星期名词,达成第一个教学目标“I can say and sing the days of the week.”】3. Free talkT: Seven days make a week .And Sunday is the first day of a week.What day is it today?(板书) S: Its T: What lessons do you have today? S: We

8、have T: What subjects do you like? And why? S1: I like Because . T: What about S2? S2: I like T: He/ She likes.【设计意图:通过对话形式复习句型What day is it today? What lessons do you have?及其第一人称和第三人称的回答,达成第二个教学目标I can use “have” and “has” to talk about the lessons,同时为下面的教学做准备。】Step 3 Sound time1. T: I have a frie

9、nd. Look! He is Jim. He is at school. Look at his school timetable. What lessons does he have today?【设计意图:介绍图片中的人物Jim。本节课以Jim为主线贯穿所有的教学活动。】S: He has. today.T: Hi, you are Jim now. Lets have a talk. OK? T: He has six lessons today. Hes tired. But hes happy now.(板书happy) Because its time for school. W

10、heres he? Do you know?S:. T: Very good! How do you know?S:.T: Wonderful! The picture can help you ! Jim and Dad are talking. What are they talking about? Do you want to know? You can look at the picture carefully.You can say “They are talking about.”S: They are talking about.T: Perfect! How do you k

11、now ?S: I can see. in the picture.T: Cool boy/girl. What else? Anything else? Any more?S:.T: What are they really talking about? Lets listen ! Do you need again?S:.T: Jim is asking to Dad. How does he ask?S: Dad, Dad, Wheres.? T: Who wants to say again? T: Follow the computer! 2. 教师带读 cat, cap, bag

12、with chants: Dad, Dad, Wheres.? T: Look at these words. Do you know the sound of the letter “a”? S1: Its .T: Yes! Lets read these words like this. Cat, cat, is for cat. Understand? S:.T: Have a try! Who can try? 3. Read the chant.4. T: Look! Here are some other words with the letter “a”. Can you rea

13、d them? (hamburger, sandwich, snack)5. Work in pairsT: Can you say more words with the letter “a”? And make a new chant! Please Work in pairs, and try to say like this. (板书词汇)6.Make some sentences with the words about the sound of the letter a.T: Now please tick for yourselves on Page 17.【设计意图:语音板块的

14、教学分三个步骤进行。首先了解字母“a”的发音,然后能读出句子和含有字母“a”的单词,最后学生Work in pairs找出更多含有字母“a”的单词并汇报。教学环节由浅入深,使学生能够体会学习英语的成就感。】Step 4 Checkout time1. T: Now, Jim finds his cap and bag. What does Jim want to do? Look! This is his table. Do you know these words? They are short forms. Can you spell their full form? The first

15、word is S: Sunday, S-U-N-D-A-Y. T: Good! The next is S: Monday, M-O-N-D-A-Y. (The same way to review TUE, WED, THUR, FRI, SAT.)【设计意图:Checkout time中的星期表达方式是缩写形式,在练习前先复习星期名词的缩略与完全形式的拼写。】2. T: Look at the table and discuss in your groups. What activities can he do after school?S:. 3. 完成 Listen and tick并核对答案: Listen twice or three times and tick the table. T: Lets listen and tick. Who can come here and tick. Once again. 4. Make a dialogue in actions.T:



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