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1、外企面试英文自我介绍汇总十篇 外企面试英文自我介绍 篇1 gld toinroduce yef to youMy hinse name is ,but o acll m Cahy, y Englis nae I as bor andraised in uangdg,soIspak bothCantonesed andarn ll oon rauate frm Zhongshn Uiversy,maorig in acconting. I tn youmay veineewedqute a otof stunts rom our ho, ouko thsmaorpres us or GA anm

2、stcurse are tagtiEgsh. y GPA is3.6, t ranks numer 9 in the 15 tuentsn my rade. dIe pase 15 exams n CGA, I antcipate I wiget the CGA qualiaton i 22XBesides havn goodacadem erfomace, waacivey involve n sdet activii. I wasi chrge of udnt Welfar in my ass, nd in tStdnt nion of ourshl. I enoyedis iion be

3、caue whatId as ver imptant to everyody, althghiwa mostlsmal detail.I had aheemonthintenship iGanongZezhoAccountigFirm. Idd the nvento cheknd hlpedhe acoutans to mthaudiineprs. bos as pleaedthmy perfrance andh askd me t recomn myclassme to joinou team. KMGi y dream company.Whtore, Ihave gret interest

4、 in jinhe Ta Dprtmen s y on erm caregal is to a tax consul. Iwish my dream cold coe true tdy ank ou! 外企面试英文自我介绍 篇2 good ornin, my name i ja, t iseal a grat honorohavthis opotunty forainteview, wold iketo answrwhatvr youm rase, ad I an makea g erormetday,evenuall enrol in hs prestigusunvesity septemb

5、er.now i will intrduce msefbrfly, 1arsld,bornin hilnjgrovine ,nrtheast ochina,niam curely a senior stude at ejing XX un.y maori pakain ginern.n i will civey acheor greafe my graduatinn jun.in th pat years,isend ms of my tie on tudy,i ae psedC4/6wth eas. ihave acqurd basic dge of ackagig and lihing b

6、t n theory ndinractie. bsids,i hveatend sevral packng exhiti hol inBijig,thi s our antge tudyhe,i havtaken a ourto soe bi fatoy and copany. thouh tesei ae adeepy ndrstading of dometic packggindustr copared o dvelopd cuntriessu ass, unftatly, thogh e hae made extraordary progress ne18,our packagingid

7、usryare till underdeveloe, ess, ntbe, he sitution ofemles ti ieldare wkar. bu i hav full nfience in a bight fteif onl oueonomy can eep thegoh pace stilli gs oumayb nteresed in the reasn tch toaw, an what s myln during graate stuy life, i wuldle to ell you that purue lais oneof m lifelog goal,ilike m

8、y mjor packagin and i wont give up,if an pursu my aster degree hee wl bine la with my former eucaton. ii work ard n thesefids ,atnt ,tradrk, opight, on the base ofm yearsstudy idepartmentof p&p, m chacter cannot derbeit well, btiknow i moptmisticn confidt. soetes i prefertsa alone,redig,litnig tomsc

9、, timnt lonely,i lketochawithmycassates, amst alk everythn ,mvoite pastime i vayball,layig carso surf olne. though coleele,i how tobaan betenstud ad ntertainen. by hewy, i wa a ao of ou amzig dra lub. i had a liosemory on tage. h i m pride 外企面试英文自我介绍 篇3 itis reall my hoor to hve thi potunity for an

10、inerview,i hpei an mke a oodperfrmance toy. imcofiden tai can succed.n i ill intoduc myselfrifly. my me weimenen ,a 4 yers ld gr,bon in shandon proie.i illrduatfrom tong mdca cllegehaong iersity oscience & tchnoloyoo.mymjor is iformation mnagement& inforationsystemn past twoyar, learnda lot wc cntib

11、utes my mariy.i am pnmindd,qick in thought ad ve fond of englis avepasedegish cet- withigh core ides,i am skillful in seachigfor informioni inne. i is my lg cherishe ream to b nd i amager to getan opuity t do hts l. h you forgving e thchance.i feelhat ystongest asset s my abilty to sick to tings t g

12、e tem one. ifeel a relsense faccmshmet whe finih job ad ttursou just asi plannd ive setsomehghgoals formsefor exme, wnto graduaewih hghet distinctio. a eventhough i ha a slostarin y freshmanyar, i mdp or it bdoing an nor hesis. wat i ourgeatetwaknesm such a prectiit tat willn stop uil a jb is well doe. 外企面试英文自我介绍 篇 sir rmam, god morning amga t bhre forthisiterviewfirstlet entrou ysel y nmeixxx,xxyearsold. i come fomxxxx,te aital ofxx


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