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1、联片教研活动资料Module 6 Unit 2. What does Lingling have at school?(教 学 设 计) 单 位:周府庄小学 授课班级:三年级 教 者:李春霞 时 间:2014年4月23日Module 6 Unit 2 What does Lingling have at school? (Teaching Design)教学内容(Teaching Content): 外语教学与研究出版社三年级英语下册第6模块第2单元教学目标(Teaching Aims):知识与技能: 1、继续认读会单词:today, music, Chinese, maths, art,sc

2、ience, PE, has。 2、会说句子:What does she/ he have at school ? She /he has ; 学习歌曲We like school. 过程与方法: 通过听、说、读、写,让学生领会将第一人称转换为第三人称后动词也 需要变化。情感与态度: 喜欢听说英语并敢于用英语表达。教学重点(Teaching Key Points): 1单词:today, music, Chinese, maths, art,science, PE, has 2句子:What does Lingling have at school ? She has 教学难点(Teachin

3、g Difficult Points):主语第一人称及第三人称时,动词使用上发生的变化。教学方法(Teaching and Learning Methods):情景交际法,小组合作法,游戏法教具(Teaching Tools): 点读笔,课件教学过程(Teaching Procedure):Step 1. Warming up/Review .a. Greetings. b. Review the subject words( 通过图片来认读有关科目的单词。利用小游戏“闪读”来巩固所学单词(English, music, Chinese, maths , art, science, PE)等,

4、为学习课文做好铺垫。) c.Review the sentence structures“What do you have at school?-I have.”(请几位同学说句子)d. Lead in.当我们问他/她上什么课时应该怎么说?今天,我们就来学习Module 6 Unit 2.(板题)。Step 2. Presentation.a.引导学生说出句子“What does Lingling/she have at school?”并且用“She has.”;同样的方式引出句子“What does Daming/he have at school?”及其回答。b.练习运用上面的句型。St

5、ep 3.Learn the text. a.听课文录音。并回答老师提出的问题“What does Lingling have in the morning ?What does Lingling do in the afternoon ?”再次播放录音,请学生模仿跟读。 b.全班齐读课文。 c.分组练习读课文。d.请学生以小组为单位分角色表演课文。Step 3. Practice. a.运用chant进行巩固练习 What does she have at school? She has Maths. She has Music. What does he have at school? H

6、e has Art. He has PE. b.课件出示习题请学生回答。Step 4.Summary. 这节课我们巩固了单词Chinese,Maths,English,Art,Music,Science.另外,还学习了句型“What does she have at school? She has”“What does he have at school? He has”Step 5.Homework.a. 拼读会单词;b. 读熟课文。板书设计(Blackboard design): Unit 2 What does Lingling have at school?What does he/男生姓名 have at school? What do you have at school? I haveWhat does she/女生姓名 have at school?She has



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