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1、考研英语历年真题来源报刊阅读100篇Text15Doughnut adjust your set HAVE you ever seen anything on television that made you shout or shake your fist in anger at the screen? Televisions are, of course, unable to respond to such reactions. But that could be about to change. Controlling your television and other homeente

2、rtainment devices using voice commands or gestures is starting to become possible thanks to a new generation of controllers. Consider, for example, the controller that went on sale last month with Nintendos Wii games console. In place of the usual (sometimes baffling) combination of buttons and joys

3、ticks, the Wii has a motionsensitive controller. The console can determine how the controller is moving in space and what it is pointing at, and uses that information to control what is happening on screen. Depending on the game, the controller becomes a warriors sword or a golf club. For some games

4、, the controller connects up via a cable to a second, smaller handset called the Nunchuk after the weapon favoured by Bruce Lee in his martialarts movies (two batons linked by a chain). It is then possible to use one controller for movement, and the other to fire weapons or use items. The number of

5、buttons on both controllers has been reduced to a minimum, as Nintendo hopes to draw in new customers who find existing games consoles too complicated. But whether the Wii will introduce a generation of grandmothers to the joys of karate games remains to be seen. This living room overload is likely

6、to get worse as telecoms operators launch a new generation of television over broadband services, using a technology called IPTV. This will make possible thousands of channels, downloadable programs and films, plus messaging, internet access and games. It will also involve the biggest and most compl

7、icated controllers ever seen. The experience isnt as good as it could be, says Michael Cai of Parks Associates, a consultancy. So some companies believe a new approach is needed. Other companies have looked at using speechbased controllers in the living room. One firm, Promptu, developed a voice con

8、trol system for American cable operators and tested it in conjunction with Motorola, which makes set top boxes. But it has now decided to reposition the technology as a voicebased navigation system for mobile phones. A simpler approach is taken by the In Voca voiceactivated remote control. It is a u

9、niversal remote control that can recognise 50 separate commands spoken by up to four separate users, from lower volume to Cartoon Network. A recent entry to the field is Apple Computer, a firm renowned for designing elegant, easytouse products. In 2007 it will launch a new device, called the iTV, th

10、at acts as a bridge between a television and a computer. It has a deliberately simple remote control that, like Apples iconic iPod musicplayer, involves just one button and one wheel. Steve Jobs, the companys boss, boasts that it is very Apple. Might his company be the one to solve the remotecontrol

11、 confusion? respond v.回答,答复;(to)响应 真题例句 An important factor in a marketoriented economy is the mechanism by which consumer demands can be expressed and responded () to by producers.1994年阅读1 例句精译 以市场为导向的经济中的一个重要因素是反映消费者需求以及生产者对消费者需求作出反应的机制。 command n.命令,指令;统帅,指挥(权);掌握,运用能力;v.命令,要求;指挥,统帅;掌握,控制 真题例句 Ce

12、lebrate! commanded (v.) the ads for the arthritis drug Celebrex, before we found out it could increase the risk of heart attacks.2006年阅读4 例句精译 欢庆吧!宣传关节炎良药西乐葆的广告这样命令道,随后我们却发现它能增加心脏病的发病率。 真题例句 Americans no longer expect public figures, whether in speech or in writing, to command (v.) the English langu

13、age with skill and gift.Nor do they aspire to such command(n.) themselves.2005年阅读4 例句精译 美国人不再期望公众人物在演讲或写作之时可以娴熟地运用技巧和文采来驾驭英语,而且公众人物本身也不这样要求自己。 console vt.安慰,藉慰;n.控制台 reduce v.减少,缩小;简化,还原 boast v.(of,about)自夸,夸耀;n.自夸,大话 真题例句 Given all these disadvantages, central bankers seem to have had much to boas

14、t (v.) about of late.1997年阅读5 例句精译 尽管有这么多不利因素,中央银行家们似乎对近来的形势有了不少值得夸耀的东西。 Navigation n.航海,航空;导航,领航 remote a.远的,长久的;偏远的,偏僻的;关系疏远的 真题例句 Rodriguez notes that children in remote () villages around the world are fans of superstars like Arnold Schwarzenegger and Garth Brooks, yet some Americans fear that i

15、mmigrant living within the United States remain somehow immune to the nations assimilative power. 2006年阅读1 例句精译 罗德里格兹记录道,在世界范围内偏远村庄里的孩子也崇拜着超级明星,比如阿诺得施瓦辛格和葛司布鲁克斯。然而一些美国人害怕在美国居住的移民在某种程度上不会受到民族同化作用。 Little Tips: 任天堂Revolution系统遥控器终于现身:任天堂未来的革命家用控制系统的控制器是只用一只手控制的无线遥控器,用电视旁的两个小传感器和内置的芯片跟踪它的位置和方向,允许玩家用物理移动控制器本身来操作屏幕上的动作。例如,你可以横向移动它来玩击剑,用腕部动作来玩赛车,或者用它指向目标来开枪射击。 电视遥控器 你看电视的时候,是否曾边看边大叫?或者怒气冲冲地对着屏幕挥舞拳头?现在的电视机当然不会对你的举动有什么反应。但这种情形可能会发生变化了。新一代遥控器出现了,不久以后,你也许能用声音指令或手势控制电视机及其他家庭娱乐设备。 拿上月发售的任天堂Wii游戏机所带的控制手柄来作例子吧。通常,游戏手柄会由许多按钮与摇杆(有时能把人搞迷糊)组成,而Wii所带的却是一个动作识别手柄。游戏机能测出手柄的移动轨迹,识别手柄指



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