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1、七年级英语集体备课教案内容:动词的三种时态 English智力快车(动词的三种时态)课型Revision教学目标1.复习三种时态的定义,构成规则2.能正确的写出动词的第三人称单数形式,现在进行时,和一般过去时3.能正确的运用动词的三种时态重点三种时态的定义,构成规则难点正确运用动词的三种时态教具黑板,卡片 主 备 人 教 案 及 教 学 过 程参备人意见教学环节教学意图师 生 活 动Step1Step2Step3Step4OrganizationPresentationSummaryHomework1.Sing a song “ My little donkey”.2.T: Do you li

2、ke me? Do you like English? Do you like having an English class?OK,If your answer is yes ,welcome to English 智力快车。首先我们做一下热身运动。I will ask you many questions , you should answer me correctly.Ask and answer between students and the teacher, using three tenses that we have learned in Grade seven.For exa

3、mple:T:Whats your name? / How are you ?/Do you like animals ?/Which animal do you like best?pandas ,elephants.koalas,tigers,lions ?/What do you want to be?Do you want to be an actor?a teacher?a nurse?a policeman?a doctor?/Do you want to eat noodles?What kind of noodles do you like?/What are you doin

4、g?/What did you do last weekend?/How was your weekend?引导学生用动词的三种时态来回答问题1. T:热身运动到此结束,现在我们进入English 智力快车的第一环节,词汇竞技场T:As we know , there are so many verbs that we have learned, how many verbs do you know?.Review the verbs that we have learned in Grade seven as many as possible.The group who remember t

5、he most is the winner.2. 现在我们进入第二个环节:轮流答题T: The first question:we know that there are three tenses of the verb that we have learned, what are they? S:一般现在时,现在进行时,一般过去时。Revise the definition of three tenses.一般现在时表示:现在进行时表示:一般过去时表示:Revise the formation rules of the verbsThe second question:动词变为第三人称单数形

6、式的构成规则The third question:动词ing 形式的构成规则The forth question:动词过去式的构成规则3,现在我们进入第三个环节,竞争平台,这里包括两个笔试题目。T:No.1 is 单词大比拼,T:please look at the samll blackboard, please change these verbs into Ving 形式 and past tense.Every group choose one to write your answers on the blackboard.Then check the answers with stu

7、dents , The group which get the highest points will be the winner.T:No.2 is 语法大比拼T:please look at the samll blackboard, do the exercises on the small blackboard. Also the group which get the highest points will be the winner.4 .现在我们进入英语智力快车的最后一个环节,风险提速。T:Lets play a game which name is 换宝。教师将把原先准备好的写

8、有单词和短语的卡片放到一个盒子里,让学生上来摸宝,摸到中文要把它翻译成英文,摸到英文要把它翻译成中文,要根据时态来翻译;摸到图片也要把它用英语说出来,可以用动词的各种时态。 The students make a report of the 英语智力快车。Then choose the best group , give them the praise.The teacher summary what we have learned this class , and summary three tense of the verbs.Do a survey about the differences of the present tense, V-ing tense and past tense.Blackboard design:一、 English 智力快车热身运动1. 词汇竞技场2. 轮流答题动词的三种时态分别是什么动词变为第三人称单数形式的构成规则动词ing 形式的构成规则动词过去式的构成规则3. 竞争平台:单词大比拼,语法大比拼4. 风险提速二、Homework Make a surey about the differences of the present tense, V-ing Tense and past tense.教学反思



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