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1、密级:分类号:学校代码:10075 学号:20070034 哲学硕士学位论文形式法律推理与实质法律推理的比较研究学位申请人:指导教师:学位类别:学科专业:授予单位:答辩日期:胡桂哲耿昭教授哲学硕士逻辑学河北大学二O 一O 年五月C aSSified IndeX : CODE : 10075 U . O . C : NO : 20070034 A Dissertation for the degree of M . Philosophy Comparative Research of Formal Legal Reasonillg and Substantive Legal Reasoning

2、Calldidate : Hll GlliZhe Supervisor : Professor Geng Zhao Academic Degree Applied : Master of Philosophy Specialty : Logic University : Hebei University Date of oral Examination : May , 2010 河北大学学位论文独创性声明本人郑重声明:所呈交的学位论文,是本人在导师指导下进行的研究工作及取得的研究成果。尽我所知,除了文中特别加以标注和致谢的地方外,论文中不包含其他人已经发表或撰写的研究成果,也不包含为获得河北大

3、学或其他教育机构的学位或证书所使用过的材料。与我一同工作的同志对本研究所做的任何贡献均已在论文中作了明确的说明并表示了致谢。作者签名:血幽1 日期:竺竺年三月三一日学位论文使用授权声明本人完全了解河北大学有关保留、使用学位论文的规定,即:学校有权保留并向国家有关部门或机构送交论文的复印件和电子版,允许论文被查阅和借阅。学校可以公布论文的全部或部分内容,可以采用影印、缩印或其他复制手段保存论文。本学位论文属于. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 二. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 、保密口,在_ 年月日解密后适用本授权声明。2 、不保密回。

4、(请在以上相应方格内打“了”) r ! ! 保护知识产权声明本人、。请河J 匕大学学位所提交。、目、(, ;杯恤狮柳峭掀学位论文,是我个人在导师(取邝)指导并与导师合作下取得的研究成果,研究工作及取得的研究成果是在河北大学所提供的研究经费及导师的研究经费资助下完成的。本人完全了解并严格遵守中华人民共和国为保护知识产权所制定的各项法律、行政法规以及河北大学的相关规定。本人声明如下:本论文的成果归河北大学所有,未经征得指导教师和河北大学的书面同意和授权,本人保证不以任何形式公开和传播科研成果和科研工作内容。如果违反本声明,本人愿意承担相应法律责任。声明人:右目日期:丛- 年二月. 二日作者签名:导

5、师签名:胡漪呱喊日期:二。),年三月一生日日期:加年一项月日摘要摘百石3 ( 法律推理是近代法理学研究的核心问题之一,在法律实践中具有举足轻重的地位。本文致力于逻辑与法律的结合,对法律推理及其基本理论进行分析,按传统形式将法律推理进行划分,分为形式法律推理与实质法律推理。最后,又将两种推理形式进行辩证统一,充分体现了两种推理形式在具体的司法实践中是相互联系、密不可分的。逻辑是一门研究思维形式和思维规律的学问,法律逻辑可以说是法律和逻辑相交叉的一种学科,它是法律工作者将一般法律规则或规范用于具体案件中,证明其判决是否正当的一种工具或一种智力手段。逻辑是法律逻辑的基础,但法律逻辑又不是逻辑在司法实


7、适用过程当中,两种推理形式是相互渗透、彼此交融的。换句话说,所有司法实践中使用的推理都是两种推理形式的辩证结合。首先,推理者在推理过程中必须遵循基本的逻辑形式,让其结论具有说服力,使其推理过程具有逻辑性,结论具有“合法性”;其次,推理者在推理过程中必须考虑有关价值判断,让其结论符合基本的社会价值观,使其结论具有“合理性”。两种推理形式的辩证统一,无论从理论角度讲还是从现实角度讲,都具有重要意义。关键词法律推理形式法律推理实质法律推理比较研究AbstraCt Abstr8Ct Legal reasoning 15 one of the core problems that modern juri

8、sprudence researches , It has decisive position in legal practice . The article concentrates efforts on the union between logic and law , analyses the legal reasoning and the elementary theory , divides legal reasoning into formal legal reasoning and substantive legal reasoning as traditional form d

9、oes . The article carries on the unification of two kinds of reasoning forms finally , has manifested two kinds of reasoning forms are mutually connected , inseparable in concrete judicial practice . Logic was knowledge that researches form of thought and rule of thought , legal logic can be conside

10、red as one discipline law and logical overlaP , it 15 one kind of tool or one intellectual method that the officer in court uses general legal rules or standard in concrete case and proves his decided conclusion if right or not . Logic 15 foundation of legal logic , but legal logic 15 not slmple aPp

11、lication of logic in a judicial practice . The central content that legal logic researches 15 legal reasoning , Legal reasoning refers to thinking activity that legal being considers legal norm suitable for case fact as the major premise , considers the case fact as the minor premise , draws decided

12、 conclusion according to certain form of reasoning finally . According to inevitable validity of legal reasoning 15 whether directly correlated with form of reasoning , legal reasoning can be divided into two broad headings : formal legal reasoning and substantive legal reasoning . Formal legal reas

13、oning refers to one kind of reasoning legal being cites the related legal norm directly on basis of case fact , draws his decided conclusion according to rule of formal logic reasoning . Validity of formal legal reasoning 15 directly related to form and strUcture of legal reasoning , What manifests

14、15 one kind of valuable idea of legitimacy , . Substantive legal reasoning refers to one kind of reasoning that main body of reasoning draws his decided conclusion through analysis of substantive content of the case fact and the legal norm , and according to certain value judgment . Therefore , the

15、conclusion has subjectivity and instability , but has manifested one kind of valuable idea of rationality , . In the process of legal practice , two kinds reasoning forms penetrate mutually , mingle II AbstraCt each other . In other words , Any reasoning which 15 used in judicial practice 15 dialect

16、ical union of two kinds of reasoning forms . First , elementary logical form must be followed in the process of reasoning , 50 that its conclusion has the persuasive power , and process of reasoning have character of logic ; Next , related value judgment must be considered in the reasoning , 50 that its conclusion conform to the basic social values , and its conclusion has rat


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