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1、八年级上笔记Unit 1(八下)1. What do you/ they usually do on weekends? 你/你们/他们通常周末做什么?I /We/They usually watch TV/go to the movies/exercise.我/我们/他们通常看电视/看电影/做运动。go shopping/do homework/surf the Internet/read English books. 购物/写作业/上网/看英语书。2.What does he/ she do on weekends? 他/她通常周末做什么?He /She often watches TV

2、/goes to the movies/goes shopping=does some shopping/surfs the Internet /exercises=does sports . 他/她经常看电视/看电影/逛街/上网/做运动 3. How often do you shop/eat vegetables/ eat fruit/eat junk food? 你多久购物/吃蔬菜/吃水果/吃零食?I shop once a week./ I eat vegetables twice a week/ I eat fruit three times a month/ I eat junk

3、food every day.我一周购物一次。 我两周吃一次蔬菜。 我一个月吃三次水果。 我每天吃零食。4.How often does he /she watch TV? 他/她多久看一次电视。He/She always/usually/often/sometimes/hardly ever/never watches TV. 他/她总是/通常/经常/有时/几乎没有/从来没有看电视。5. Here are the results of the student activity survey. 以下是学生活动调查结果。6. As for homework, most students do h

4、omework every day. 至于家庭作业,大多数学生每天写作业。7. Whats your favorite program? 你最喜欢的节目是什么? Its Animal World. 是动物世界。8. want sb to do sth =would like to do sthMy mother wants me to drink milk every day. She says drinking milk is good for my health.我妈妈要我每天喝牛奶。 她说喝牛奶对健康有益。9. How many hours do you sleep every nigh

5、t? I sleep nine hours every night. 你每晚睡几个小时? 我每晚睡九个小时。10. Eating a lot of vegetables helps you to keep healthy. stay/keep healthy=keep in good health 吃大量的蔬菜帮你保持健康。Im kind of/a little unhealthy. 有有点不健康。 Im pretty/ very healthy=Im in good health. 我很健康。 11. try to do sth You must try to eat less meat a

6、nd lots of vegetables. 你应该尽量少吃肉多吃蔬菜。12. My healthy lifestyle helps me (to)get good grades. 我健康的生活方式帮我取得好成绩。13. Good food and exercise help me (to) study better. 好的食物和运动帮我学的更好。14. My eating habits are pretty good. 我的饮食习惯很好。15. Although he eats fruit every day, he has an unhealthy lifestyle.虽然他每天吃水果,但

7、是他有一个不健康的生活方式。16. What sports do you play? I play football. 你做什么运动?我踢足球。17.背诵p2 2c, p4 1b, p5 3a18. 背诵下列不规则动词过去式。16.背诵p2 2c, p4 1b, p5 3a 和U1听力材料 Unit 21. Whats the matter/the trouble with you /him/her? 你/他/她怎么了?Whats wrong with you/him/her? 你/他/她怎么了?I have a sore back/arm/hand/neck/nose/ear/leg/eye

8、/foot/mouth/throat.我背痛/手臂通/手痛/脖子痛/鼻子痛/耳朵痛/腿痛/眼睛疼/脚痛/嘴痛/喉咙痛。He/She has a sore back/arm/hand/neck/nose/ear/leg/eye/foot/mouth/throat.2. I have a sore back. You should lie down and rest. 我背痛。 你应躺下休息。I have a sore throat. You should drink some hot tea with honey. 我喉咙痛,你应喝一些加蜂蜜的茶。I have a toothache. You

9、should see a dentist. 我牙痛. 你该看牙医。I have a stomachache. You should see a doctor. 我胃痛. 你该看医生。You shouldnt eat anything for two hours.你两小时内不能吃东西。I have a headache/a fever/ a cold . 我头痛/发烧/感冒。You should see a doctor/ drink lots of water . 你该看医生/多喝水You should go to bed early。你该早点睡觉。3.Im not feeling well.

10、 I get/have a bad cold. 我感觉不舒服。我感冒了。4. Im sorry to hear that. When did it start? Two days ago. 听到这消息很遗憾。什么时候开始的?两天前。5.Thats too bad. 太糟了。 6.I hope you feel better soon.祝你早日康复。7.Whats the matter with Gina? Gina怎么了?Shes tired. She should go to bed early. 她很累. 她该早睡Shes hungry. She should eat an apple.

11、她很饿. 她该吃个苹果Shes thirsty. She should drink some water她很渴. 她该/喝些水Shes stressed out. She shouldlisten to music.她很紧张。她该听音乐。She shouldnt study or go to the party.她不该学习或参加晚会。8. need sth need to do sth We need a balance of yin and yang to be healthy.我们需要阴阳平衡。 I need to see a doctor.9.Its + 形容词(for sb) to d

12、o sthIts easy (for us )to have a healthy lifestyle.有健康的生活方式很简单。Its important to eat a balanced diet. 饮食平衡很重要。10.I dont think Im improving. 我想我没提高。11.He doesnt go to bed till/until ten oclock every day.他每天直到10点才睡觉。12.背诵 p8 2b, p9 3a、4 和U2听力材料Unit 3 1.What are you/they doing for vacation? 用进行时表将来Im vi

13、siting my grandmother/ camping/ babysitting my sister. 我要拜访我的奶奶/野营/照看我的妹妹They are going sightseeing/relaxing at home/going bike riding.他们去观光旅游/在家放松/骑车旅行。2.Whats he/she doing for vacation?他/她假期要做什么?Hes/Shes taking walks/spending time with friends/going fishing/going hiking in the mountains/going shop

14、ping/going boating/renting videos. 他/她要散步/和朋友渡过/钓鱼/在山上远足/购物/划船/租录影带。3.When are you/they going? Whens he /she going? 什么时候去?Im/Were/Theyre /Hes/Shes going on the 12th/next week. 12号/下周4.How long are you staying? 你要呆多久? For two weeks.两周5.Who are you going with? 你要和谁去?Im going with my parents. 我要和我的父母去。

15、6.I dont like going away for too long. 我不喜欢离开太久。7.He thought about going to Greece or Spain , but finally decided on Canada. 他考虑去希腊和西班牙,但是最后决定去加拿大。8.plan to do sth He plans to have a relaxing vacation. 他计划有个放松的假期。9.Shes leaving from Shanghai for Hong Kong on Tuesday. 她周二从上海去香港。10. Thailand is a good place to go sightseeing.泰国是个观光旅游的好地方。11. Where are you going? Im going to Beijing. 你要去哪里?我要去北京。13 . 背诵p14 2c ,p15 3a/3b ,和U3听力材料。Unit 41.How do you get



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