高二英语综合检测练习:Unit 3Life in the future Section 2 Learning about Language人教版必修5 Word版含答案

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1、2020年精编人教版英语资料Unit 3 Life in the future Section 2 Learning about Language.单词拼写1It is known to us all that the English language is_(持续不断地) changing.2If she doesnt want to go, nothing you can say will_(劝服) her.3They drove 600 miles across the_(沙漠)4Eventuallyshemanagedtoo_her shyness in class.5Modern h

2、ouses have replaced the m_huts with grass roofs.6He s_the letter into his pocket while no one was looking.答案:1.constantly2.persuade3.desert4.overcome5.mud6.slid.用方框中所给短语的适当形式填空fill in, speed up, on earth, bend over, take up,lose sight of, remind of, persuade . to.,pick out, leave alone1What_are you

3、going to do in the coming weekend?2. As I_, my fountain pen fell to the ground, broken.3If you want your free copy of the Patients Charter,_this form.4He has finally_the post of the societys president.5Nothing on earth could_me _take his advice.6You should notice that your breathing has_a bit.7A rai

4、lway station is no place for a child to be _at night.8She was_from thousands of applicants for the job.9He was_his fathers devotion to his garden.10I watched the plane go higher and higher until I_it.答案:1.on earth2.bent over3.fill in4.taken up5.persuade;to6.speeded up7.left alone8.picked out9.remind

5、ed of10.lost sight of.单句改错1The meeting is held yesterday is of great importance._2Having deeply moved by the story, the children began to cry._3To give more water, the tree can be saved._4Being devoted to his research work, the professor cared little about other things._5Seating at the back of the c

6、lassroom, he couldnt see the blackboard clearly._答案:1.去掉第一个is。2Having deeply moved改为Deeply moved3To give改为Given4Being devoted改为Devoted5Seating改为Seated.完成句子1小偷趁没人注意时溜进了房间。The thief_ _the room while no one was looking.2我们把落叶堆在角落里,然后把地打扫干净。Lets pile up the fallen leaves in the corner and_ _the ground.3

7、只有鼠目寸光的人才会无视教育的重要性。Only shortsighted men will_ _ _the importance of education.4离开学校以后,他就从事了新闻工作。When he left school he_ _journalism.5我们希望新的经济方案能让我们国家重新站起来。We hope with new economic program our country would_ _ _ _.6你对伦敦的第一印象是什么?What was your_ _of London?7这个计划因缺乏资金而被放弃了。The project was abandoned_ _ _

8、funds.8他们在下结论之前做了充分的调查研究。They made full investigations_ _reaching a conclusion.9他把一张10美元的钞票塞入了我的手中。He_a tendollar bill_my hand.10我从书店出来时看见她上了公共汽车。I_ _ _her getting on the bus when I came out of the bookstore.答案:1.slid into2.sweep up3.lose sight of4.took up5.be back on its feet6.first impression7.for

9、 lack of8.previous to9.pressed;into10.caught sight of.句型转换1Although the players were beaten by the opposite team, they were not discouraged but practiced harder._ _ _ _, the players were not discouraged but practiced harder.2She was dressed in white and appeared suddenly._ _ _, she appeared suddenly

10、.3The meeting, which was attended by over five thousand people, welcomed the great hero.Themeeting_ _ _ _ _ _, welcomed the great hero.4Accepted by the club,he has taken part in several activities held by it._ _ _ _ _ _ _, he has taken part in several activities held by it.5Once seen,it will not be

11、forgotten._ _ _ _,it will not be forgotten.答案:1. Although beaten by the opposite team2.Dressed in white3. attended by over five thousand people4.After he was accepted by the club5.Once it is seen.完形填空A grown man found_1_once again fascinated with a cocoon. He had_2_it at the side of the park path. S

12、omehow the twig had been knocked from the tree and the cocoon had_3_undamaged and still woven to the branch.As he had seen his mother do, he_4_protected it by wrapping it in his handkerchief and carried it home. The cocoon found a_5_home in a jar with holes in the lid. The man_6_it every day. One da

13、y, for the first time, the cocoon moved. He watched more closely and soon the cocoon was trembling with activity. Nothing else_7_. The cocoon remained tightly glued to the twig and there was no_8_of wings.Finally the shaking became so_9_, and the man thought the butterfly would die from the_10_.He remove



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