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1、 GRE阅读各类型难句罗列类举及深度剖析之信息题所谓信息题,也可以称之为推断题,即:依据文中的信息,可以推论出什么。可分为两小类别.有定位信息题和无定位信息题。常见的标志性信息题句式:1. It can be inferred from the passage that.2. The author/passage suggests that.3. Which of the following statements concerning/regarding/about.(二) 解题策略1. 有定位信息题:回文中定位标记并找到选项中的原文改写。也就是,先阅读题干,找出标志性的词来,;然后阅读原文相

2、关段落的文章和各个题枝,推断由文中的关系可以推断出题枝中的哪个选项来,最终选出正确答案。2. 无定位信息题:用选项定位标记后按有定位方法进展。也就是,先阅读各选项,找出标志性的词来;然后阅读原文相关段落的文章和各个题枝,推断由文中的关系可以推断出题枝中的哪个选项来,最终选出正确答案。(三) 作标记学问点总览作标记在GRE阅读答题中起着至关重要的作用,其直接目的就是为了定位。有的考生或许会认为做标记会铺张答题的时间,但事实并非如此,在没有任何标记的状况下重复地回到原文中定位会铺张更多的时间。尤其在面对那些信息量较大的文章,如:专出名词繁多,观点繁多,事物之间关系简单。不做标记很简单让自己混乱。1

3、. 宗旨:只要能够简洁,明白地标出信息即可2. 需要作标记的学问点:A. 强比照(while)B. 性(the most, only, unique)C. 年月或者时期(the industrial revolution)D. 态度词(分为正态度和负态度,如:oppose,misunderstanding),E. 事物之间的联系(like; unlike)F. 人名、地名等专出名词G. 数字,序数词(first, second)3. 简洁符号的说明A. 表示性B. 用来对年月、时期等信息进展标示C. 表示比拟级或者级D. +-表示文中人物的正负态度E. =或者不等号用来表示人物之间的观点全都性

4、或者相悖(四) 例题与深度剖析例题1:The transfer of heat and water vapor from the ocean to the air above it depends on a disequilibrium at the interface of the water and the air. Within about a mil-limeter of the water, air temperature is close to that of (5)the surface water, and the air is nearly saturated with wa

5、ter vapor. But the differences, however small, are crucial, and the disequilibrium is maintained by air near the surface mixing with air higher up, which is typically appreciably cooler and lower in water-vapor content. (10) The air is mixed by means of turbulence that depends on the wind for its en

6、ergy. As wind speed increases, so does turbulence, and thus the rate of heat and moisture transfer. Detailed understanding of this phenomenon awaits further study. An interactingand complicating(15)phenomenon is wind-to-water transfer of momen-tum that occurs when waves are formed. When the wind mak

7、es waves, it transfers important amounts of energyenergy that is therefore not available to provide turbulence.(NO.5-1)section2译文热量和水蒸气自海洋往着海洋上方的空中进展转移,有赖于在水和空气界面处的一种不平衡。在水面上不超出约一毫米的范围内,气温接近于表层水(surface water)的温度,而空气中的水蒸气亦趋于饱和。但是,这两方面的差异,无论微弱到什么地步仍是至关重要的,而那种不平衡亦得以维持,这是由于贴近水面的空气与较高处的空气不断地混合,普遍而言,较高处的

8、空气温度要低得多,水蒸气含量也低得多。两种空气的混合靠的是湍流(turbulence),则湍流又是依靠风为其供应能源。随着风速的加快,湍流的速度亦加快,因此热量和湿度的转移比率也加快。对此现象的详尽理解尚有待于进一步的讨论。一种发生交互作用并使问题趋于简单化的现象是在波浪形成之时所发生的由风至水的动量转移(wind-to-water transfer of momentum)。当风形成波浪时,它将相当一局部能量转移掉,因此,所转移掉的那局部能量就不再能用来供应湍流。题目:It can be inferred from the passage that the authorregards cur

9、rent knowledge about heat and moisturetransfer from the ocean to air as(A) revolutionary(B) inconsequential(C) outdated(D) derivative(E) incomplete答案:(E)解析:通常我们说海洋生物类的文章对于我们考生来说都是一个不小的挑战,可能读了几遍依旧很模糊,不能理出一条清楚的思路来,拿此题来说,主要围围着两方面的差异而绽开。其实长阅读和短阅读的解题思路都是全都的,读原文读题带着问题回去定位,在这个过程中着重理解其段TS和段尾,或者是文章however th

10、us等关键词汇引领的一些信息,那么在我们这篇短阅读中总结性的表达是“thus the rate of heat and moisture transfer. Detailed understanding of this phenomenon awaits further study.”即“对此现象的详尽理解尚有待于进一步的讨论。”那么我们完全可以换个角度来理解,就是the current knowledge about heat and moisture is incomplete,由于incomplete而需要进一步的讨论,而绝非A B CD 所表达的意思!故正确答案为E!例题2Accord

11、ing to the passage, wind over the ocean generally does which of the following?I. Causes relatively cool, dry air to come into proximity with the ocean surface.II. Maintains a steady rate of heat and moisture transfer between the ocean and the air.III. Causes frequent changes in the temperature of th

12、e water at the ocean”s surface.A.I onlyB.II onlyC.I and II onlyD.II and III onlyE.I, II, and III答案:(A)解析:According to the passage, wind over the ocean generally does which of the following? 首先分析题干我们可以明显看出题目的要求是According to the passage,也就是要纵观全文。其次,分析“wind over the ocean generally does which of the following.”可以看出题干的要求已经细化到“wind over the ocean”了,所以通过分析题干确立解题步骤:全文把握-细节定位-解题



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