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1、Module 5 SafetyUnit 10 How to stay safePeriod 3 How to stay safe on the road一、 教材分析广州版小学英语五年级下册Module5单元的主题是安全,第九课主要介绍居家安全,第十课主要介绍在学校、在户外的安全。这一主题,贴近学生日常生活。本课是U10 How to stay safe的第三课时,是一节综合活动课,在完成课文lets talk 及Fun with language的内容之后,分类进行复习U9及U10的安全规则,在此基础上拓展交通安全的注意事项,对学生进行安全教育。二、 教学目标能力目标:能使用祈使句,并能制定

2、规则。知识目标:1. 掌握U10的必会单词:如safe, cross, traffic, light, road, stair, money, candy, strange, trouble, hour, without; 2. 掌握U10的重点词组:cross the street, the traffic lights, safety crossing, cross the road, climb tall trees, on the stairs, in the street, in trouble, leave the school. 3. 能熟练运用语言知识来表达意义: Do Don

3、t You should You shouldnt. You may思维能力目标: 1. 能通过读图,运用已学知识; 2. 能通过语言框架,对不安全行为进行规劝; 3. 能借助语言框架,设计和制作安全宣传海报。文化品格目标:1.通过视频、图片、阅读文章等途径,能区分判断安全行为和危险行为,能树立安全第一的观念; 2. 通过学习如何保障安全,怎样解决问题,提升分析问题和解决问题的能力,学会更好地保护自己,强化安全意识。三、教学重难点 重点:运用祈使句进行规劝; 难点:从内容上看,本文句子较为散乱,需要用场景进行归纳整合;如何在不同的场所提出对应的安全建议。四、教学过程设计(一) warming

4、up1. ChantLook to the left.Look to the right.Is there a truck?Or a bus in sight?Theres none on the left.Theres none on the right.The way is clear.We can cross alright.2. Game: sharp eyes学生分组快速读出屏幕显示的词组。3. Game:Do or Dont? 学生看图说出图中人物的行为,并快速进行判断,如是安全的行为则马上说 “do, do, do”, 如是危险行为则说“ dont, dont, dont”。【设

5、计意图:复习重点单词及词组,复习Do与Dont的祈使句,复习有关在学校及在家里的安全行为。】(二)Presentation1. 用Mr. Bear引入话题,引起学生的兴趣。Mr. Bear 缺乏安全常识,因此常常闯祸。2. Lets talk: Is it safe?Mr. Bear 在街上接受陌生人给的糖果及钱,还在街上滑旱冰。请学生与同桌讨论这是否安全并给出建议。Watch out! / Be careful.Dont _. Do _. Its very_. You may_【设计意图:整合U9的重点句型,重温相关短语提供语言支持,帮助学生流利说话,进行规劝】2. What should

6、Mr. Bear do on the road?(1)观看Mr. Bear 直闯马路的视频,请学生与同桌讨论给出建议。Watch out! / Be careful.Dont _. Do _. Its very_. You may_(2)观看第二段视频,评价Mr. Bear的行为是否符合交通规则,是否已接受规劝并改正。 【设计意图:提供语言支持,整合本模块所学的短语及句型,帮助学生流利说话,并对他人的行为进行判断。】3.阅读文章并给Mr. Bear提出更多交通安全的建议。Exercise:1) What are the safety rules on the road?2) Guessing

7、the meaning of pavement.3) Fill in the blanks with should or shouldnt.4. Summary: How to stay safe? 请学生总结在不同的场所要注意的安全问题。(三)Development 1.学生小组合作设计安全宣传海报,选定一个场所,介绍如何注意安全。【设计意图:搭建语言框架,整合本模块所学的短语及句型,让学生用所学知识进行学以致用,提高学生的安全意识,提高自我保护能力。】2. 请学生以小组为单位展示自己的海报。(四) homework 1. Collect more safety rules2. Share

8、the poster with other groups.Road safety rulesThere are many busy roads in a big place like Guangzhou. To stay safe on the road, we must follow some rules. First, walk on the pavement, not on the street. Cars and buses run fast on the street. It is not safe to walk on the road. You may get hurt. And

9、 dont play on the road. It is very dangerous. Second, cross the road at a safety crossing. If there is no safety crossing, you must wait at the pavement and look out for the cars and buses. When you cross the road, first look to the left and then to the right, because people drive on the right side

10、of the road in china. Third, follow the traffic lights. We shouldnt cross the road when the traffic light is red. You can go when the green light is on. Remember, your safety is very important.Exercise:1. What are the safety rules?First, _.Second,_.Third, _.2. Fill in the blanks with should or shouldnt.(1). We _ play on the road.(2). We _ walk on the pavement.(3). We _ walk when the traffic light is red.(4). We _ look out for cars and buses.(5). We _ look to the left first and then look to the right when we cross the road.(6). We _ run on the road.



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