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1、高一英语期末复习 M 3 U3 姓名_ _一、单项填空1. When I called at his home the other day, I found him sitting on an armchair,_ in his hands. A. buried his head B. burying his head C. his head burying D. his head to be buried 2._ you mention it, I do remember the incident. Did it happen sometime last year?A. On B. Now

2、C. If D. Until3. Mr. White, along with his assistants, _ on the project day and night to meet the deadline.A. work B. working C. is working D. are working 4._ giving a general introduction to computer, the course also provides practical experience.A. In return for B. Except for C. In addition to D.

3、Due to 5. Id like to do something for you _ everything youve done for me. A. in exchange B. in turn C. in return for D. in terms of 6. -What a nice fire you have in your fireplace! - During the winter I like my house_. A. warmly and comfortably B. warm and comfortable C. warm and comfortably D. warm

4、ly and comfortable 7. In_ of the dead soldiers, a grand_ was built on the spot of the great campaign. A. memory; memory B. memory; memorialC. memorial; memory D. memorial; memorial 8._ late, he also forgot his books.A. Not only he turned up B. Not only he turned out C. Not only did he turn out D. No

5、t only did he turn up9. A lot of the children at the school do not live in the town, but come in from the _ countryside. A. surrounded B. surrounding C. surroundings D. surround 10. The horrible noise from the mans room simply _ me mad.A. put B. caused C. drove D. turned 11.The discovery of new evid

6、ence led to _. A. the thief having caught B. catch the thief C. the thief being caught D. the thief to be caught 12. Two middle-aged passengers fell into the sea. _, neither of them could swim.A. In fact B. Unfortunately C. Naturally D. Luckily 13.-Its a good idea. But whos going to _ the plan? - I

7、think Tom and Grey will.A. set aside B. carry out C. take in D. get through 14.After he graduated from college, he _ his fathers business.A. took in B. took up C. took over D. took on 15. All possible means _ been taken to prevent the river _. A. have; polluting B. has; polluted C. has; from pollute

8、d D. have; being polluted二、单词拼写1. Its good to get back to _(文明) after living in a tent in the remote area for two weeks2. Its many years since Mount Vesuvius last _(爆发).3._(不幸的是), we arrived too late to catch the place.4. I work for a _(商业的) radio station.5. _ (战斗) broke out in three districts of th

9、e city last night.6. What exactly is the _ (影响) of television on children.7. After several hours circling in the sky, the plane managed to land safely on the a_.8. Abraham Lincoln, who set slaves free in the USA, was among the greatest p_ in American history.9. The time bomb e_ , but nobody was inju

10、red.10. How to get rid of the increasing waste is a m_ problem the world is facing now.11. The local government has decided to raise a m_ in honor of the dead.12. During the attack on Pearl Harbor, many American b_ were destroyed by the Japanese army planes.13. After the 9.11 event, the American gov

11、ernment d_ war against terrorism.14. Today the r_ of ancient Rome have become a scenic spot to tourists from all over the world.15. The box didnt s_ immediately; it floated for a little while.三完成句子1不幸的是,全城的人都被活埋,整座城市也被掩埋了。All the people were , and the city.2 有一条古老的供水系统贯穿市中心。There was an ancient wate

12、r system that the middle of the city.3现在的沙漠一度是一片绿地长着参天大树,然而,尽管如此也没能阻止这座城市被沙尘覆盖的命运。The dessert was once a green land trees, but event that didnt the city by sand.4这次袭击使得美国进入了第二次世界大战。The attack the US the Second World War.5他对中国的文化和教育的发展产生了深远影响。He the of Chinas culture and education.6秦王朝被推翻,汉朝成立,定都长安。T

13、he Qing Dynasty , and The Han Dynasty was founded Changan its capital city.四、句型转换:1. Tom didnt finish the experiment and John didnt ,either. Tom John finished the experiment.2. Thought he is over 70, he id at the top of the condition.He is 70 years old, but he is .3. It seemed that he had traveled across the Sahara Desert.He seemed the Sahara Desert.4. The noise of the airplane almost made me mad.The noise of the airplane almost


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