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1、表9东北师范大学本科课堂教学实习教案 本次实习第 二 个教案学院:外国语学院专业:英语(师范)姓名:白文锦年级:08级院系指导教师签字:实习校指导教师签字:原任课教师签字:实习学校:吉林省抚松外国语学实习班级:七年级一班实习科目:初中英语实习时间: 2011 年 9 月 21 日(星期 三 )第 三 节教学题目(章、节)Unit 4 Where is my backpack? Section A 3a-4教材名称:义务教育课程标准实验教科书英语(新目标)Go for it! 第 一 册 第四单元出版社名称: 人民教育出版社 教学目的:Language knowledge: A: New wor

2、ds: dont= do not know bagB: sentence structure: Where are my books? I dont know. Are they on the bed? No, theyre not. Language skills: Talk about where things are;Learning strategies: Group work to discuss and act out. Recite according to the given words.Affection: learn to cooperate with others by

3、discussing and acting with others; Setting some tasks to help the students realize that learning English is interesting and useful.Culture awareness: learn how to describe positions of objects in western countries.教学重点:A: Learn three ways of describing different positions of objects (in, on, under).

4、B: Learn the sentence structure Where is/ are _? to ask the position of object.C: New words of this part.教学难点:A: teach the student way to ask position of many objects (plural forms).B: English expressions of describing different positions.课时安排:45ms教学手段:PPT and blackboard教 学 内 容 与 教 学 过 程备注Step1, Rev

5、iew Show some pictures of objects in pairs of single and plural form. And These objects are on/ in/ under something like table,chair, desk, case, dresser and so on. Then ask students to practice the sentence structures of“What is it?/ What are they?” “Where is/ are something? ” First, set a modle fo

6、r the students.(1) What is it? It is an apple. Where is the apple? It is on the books. (2) What are they? They are books. Where are the books? They are under the apple. T: Now work with your deskmate.跟你的同桌合作,用Where is/ are something? Its/ Theyre_.的句式来描述一下以下图片中各物品的位置。Are you clear? Ok, lets do it! (展

7、示七组图片,单复数对比展示, 抽一组的同学进行问答) (3)Where is the key? Its under the table. Where are the keys? They are on the table. (4)Where is the photo? Its on the desk. Where are the photos? They are on the wall(在墙上)。 (5)Where is the tomato? It is on the sofa. Where are the tomatoes? They are in the plate. (6)Where

8、is the bus? Its on the street.教 学 内 容 与 教 学 过 程备注 Where are the buses? They are on the street too. (7)Where is the watch? Its on the bookcase. Where are the watches? They are under the chair. (8)Where is the pencil case? Its in the backpack. Where are these pencil cases? They are on the table. (9)Wh

9、ere is the dictionary? Its on the bed. Where are the dictionaries? They are on the ground.Step 2, 3a T: Ok, you have done a very good job. Now, lets look at another picture.让我们一起来看另一张图。 Show a picture of an empty house. T: Where is the bag? Do you know?咱们在图上不能看到bag,所以我们不知道bag在哪儿,这时,咱们应该说-I dont know

10、.表示我不知道。Is it on the bed? 请回答我。-No, it isnt. Now, lets read together.让我们一起来把21页这个对话读一遍。Step 3, 3b, pairwork T: Now lets do a pairwork. 和你的同桌用PPT上的两个句式编两则小对话。Do you understand? Check.Step 4, find the difference. T:Ok, you are really good.大家完成的很好,下面,我们一起来做一个游戏。教 学 内 容 与 教 学 过 程备注 Ask and answer questi

11、ons to find the difference. T: 现在两人一组,一个同学看19页的图,另一个同学看21页的图,通过问答找到这两幅图的区别。 The teacher find a student to set a model by asking and answer questions. T: You, please! look at the picture on p19. Where is the backpack? Is it under the table? S: No, it isnt. Its on the table. Check (2 students one group to act it out) Read together.试讲评议纪录自我总结:能较好的把握本课的重点和难点;能很好的调动学生,课堂气氛活跃;某些环节之间连接有些脱节;学生练习时老师没有真正参与其中,只是来回走动,不利于提高他们的学习能力和课堂质量;Step 4 指令下得不清楚,应该先领学生看一遍图,分析完了两幅图,再进行问答。实习学校指导教师意见:本学院指导教师意见: 教 务 处 制 2011年9月 22日6


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