课 题Unit6In the kitchen.doc

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1、课 题Unit6In the kitchen (Grammar time and Fun time)日期 2019.4教学目标1能熟练运用句型现在进行时态的一般疑问句进行对话。2能理解并掌握特殊名词变复数的用法及规则。教学重点能熟练运用句型现在进行时态的一般疑问句进行对话。教学难点能熟练运用本课所学的词汇和句型。教学策略及教学准备教学策略:A. 创设情境,组织有效的问答、游戏等活动帮助学生操练句型,建构知识。B. 在情境中学习。C.让学生在主动探究、合作学习的过程中,内化知识,提升能力。教学准备:PPT教学过程(可续页)教学步骤所用时间教 师 活 动学 生 活 动设计说明Step1.Warmi

2、ng upStep2.presetationStep4 ConsolidationStep5.Homework525Step1:Free talk(1)ReviewRead and fill in the blanksAsk and answer (3) To be a teacher示范:T作Mike S齐答S1作Mike S2回答Step2 Happy partyDuring May Day Holiday,children had a party.First,get some food from the fridge.You should finish the tasks before

3、the fridge opened.A,speak out the fruit loudly.B,can you say more words about fruit?C,here some more words about food,theyre from two different groups: countable noun and uncountable noun.Lets put them in right place.D:These words have their good friends.First,lets find the friends of uncountable no

4、uns.Then,lets find friends of countable nouns.E,Do they have the same friend?Some a lot of 板书:There is .There are .F,look at these sentences,pay attention to the marked parts. Can you make a conclusion?G,Conclude the variation in the plural of countable nouns.H,boys and girls,you did a good job.so,

5、the fridge can open.Lets get the food.2,Next,now,we have so much food.Lets cook it for the party.Lets guess: What are they doing?Is she.?S说T答:Maybe.B,呈现Grammar time.当你猜测。可以用以下。C,lets tryHow do we answer?D,Lets sayWork in groups/pairs.What are they doing?E,Lets check.3,We have a lot of nice food.Lets

6、 have a party now.Can you note it down?4,They have a good time at the party.An hour later,look at the picture, what a messy room!Lets clean it!Step3:Summary1,listen and judge2,Lets say and readHomework1,Play the game of Fun time with your friend after class.2. Try to write a short play about cooking

7、 dinner with your family.3. Preview Sound time and Cartoon time of Unit 6.2,Today we learn that we should help and love each other.学生讨论课文插图学生根据课文图片口头完成填空。学生当小老师提出问题。Look and say学生发现规律并总结。Look and sayLook and guess学生根据提示说出一般疑问句。看图说问句,根据提示选择答句。同桌看图进行对话练习看游戏规则。和教师师范对话。小组间进行游戏活动。学生看图完成对话。 通过师生对话激发学生参与学习

8、的兴趣。自然过渡到语法教学。通过教师的点拨,让学生发现规律。创设信息沟,让学生在猜的过程中操练句型。发挥学生自主创造性学习的能力。对本课所学的整体回顾,学以致用。板书: Unit6 In the kitchenThere is some are some Are youing? Yes, I am./No, Im not.Is he / she .ing?Yes, he/she is .No, he/she isntAre they ing?Yes, they are.No, they arent. 同学们,你能把他们快乐的一刻记录下来吗? It is Sunday morning, Liu

9、Tao and his friends are having a party .Look! Some of them _._._.-. (另挑选3个人物)I think they are very _ today.Listen and judge:1.The children are having a party. ( ) 2.Su Hai and Su Yang are sweeping the floor. ( )3.Liu Tao is helping them. ( )4.Wang Bing and Yang Ling are cleaning the table. ( )5.They are tired, but happy. ( )


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