2011高考英语总复习实用精品学案 高考语法专题 情态动词与虚拟语气 新人教版

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1、高考语法专题:情态动词与虚拟语气 考纲新研读 情态动词1. can, could (1)表示能力或客观可能性、请求或允许: Man cannot live without air or water. (2)表示惊异、怀疑、不相信: How can you be so careless! He couldnt be over sixty. (3)表示对过去否定或疑问的猜测: Jack cannot (couldnt) have been to China, has he? Can (Could) he have heard the news? (4)表示虚拟语气,用于肯定句,could have

2、 done,“过去能够干 某事而没干”。 I could have lent him money, but he didnt ask me. Given more time, I could have done it even better. (5)表示“有时会”: Training alone can be dangerous.2. may, might (1)表示推测“可能”: That may or may not be true. (2)对过去可能性的推测,may (might可能性更小)have done: She may not have seen the film. She mi

3、ght have had an accident. (3)表示虚拟语气“有可能干而没干”: She might have given you more help, but she didnt. (4)表示祝愿: May you succeed in passing the exam!3.must,have to (1)“必须”,“必要”: Soldiers must obey orders. You mustnt talk like that. (2)肯定的猜测(不能用于否定或疑问):“一定”: He must be seventy now. He must be doing his home

4、work upstairs. I think you must have made a mistake, didnt you? He must have been doing his homework then. (3)(表示与说话人愿望相反及不耐烦)偏要 Just as I was hurrying to class, Mary must come, telling a long story.4. need (1)“需要”,主要用于否定、疑问句。 You neednt do it at once. (2)neednt have done,“过去不需要干而干了”: You had enough

5、 time left. You neednt have hurried. (3)特殊句型,“需要干某事”: The tree needs (wants, requires) watering (to be watered).5.dare,dared (1)主要用于疑问、否定和条件句中: How dared they do such a thing? (2)可作实意动词:dare (to) do: He didnt dare (to) go there.6. shall, should (1)shall用于第一、第三人称疑问句中,征求对方意见: Shall I turn on the radio

6、? (2)shall用于第二、第三人称陈述句中,表示允诺、警告、命 令、决心等。 You shall fail if you dont take his advice. Nothing shall stop us from carrying out this plan. (3)should/ought to,“应该”: You should work hard at your lessons. (4)should(ought to) have done,“过去本来应该干某事而没干”; should not have done“过去本来不应该干某事而干了”,表示 委婉的批评: You shoul

7、d have come earlier. You shouldnt have told her about it. You ought to have told me about that yesterday.7. will, would (1)用于疑问句,表示请求、邀请: Will/Would you pass me the book? (2)“愿意”: If you will wait a little while, Ill call the manager. (3)“总是”: He will often sit up all night. He would drop in on me o

8、n Sundays. (4)用于否定句,表拒绝,尤指物: We pushed the bus, but it wouldnt move a bit.8.used to “过去曾经”,暗示现在不再如此: You used to smoke, usednt you (didnt you)? 虚拟语气 近几年,虚拟语气考查的重点是与情态动词连用的虚拟语气。如:should have done, could have done, might have done等。虚拟条件句等也时有涉及。1.虚拟语气在非真实条件句中的运用: (1)与现在事实相反: 条件句谓语用:If.did/were.;主句谓语用:w

9、ould (should, could, might) do.。例如: If I had enough money, I would buy the car. (But I havent enough money.) If it were not so late, we could have coffee.(2)与过去事实相反: 条件句谓语用:If.had done.;主句谓语用:would (should) have done.。例如: If they had invited me, I would have gone to the party. (But they didnt invite

10、 me.) They didnt invite me, otherwise, I would have gone to the party.(3)与将来事实相反: 条件句谓语用:If.did (were)/were to do/should do.;主句谓语 用:would (should) do.。例如: Im sure to succeed this time. If I failed (were to fail/should fail), I would try again.(4)过去现在混合: 条件句与过去事实相反,主句与现在事实相反。例如: If you had taken the

11、doctors advice, you wouldnt be in hospital now (you would be well now). (5)如果if省略,从句要倒装(主要是were/should/had)例如: Had they time, they would help us. Had you come earlier, you would have met the scientist. (6)用介词短语代替条件句: We would not have succeeded without your help (but for your help). But for the stor

12、m, we should have arrived earlier.2.宾语从句中的虚拟语气: (1)wish“希望;但愿”。wish后的宾语从句,如果跟虚拟语气, 有三种时态。即: 与现在事实相反,谓语用一般过去时态。例如: I wish I had your brain. 与过去事实相反,谓语用过过去完成时态。例如: How I wished I had studied then! 与将来事实相反,或不大可能实现的愿望,谓语用 would/could do。 例如: How I wish that I would go to the moon some day.(2)command,dem

13、and,insist,order,request,require,suggest等后面 的宾语从句,谓语用(should) do。总体掌握:“要求干,应该 干,但还没干”,就是说动作还没有发生。因此insist“坚持事 实”、suggest“暗示”都不用虚拟语气。 Mother insists I get rid of the bad habit. He insisted that he was a Party member and be sent to the front.注意:与此项有关的表语从句、同位语从句、主语从句等的谓 语同样用(should) do。例如: My suggestion is that he do the exercises first. 这样的名词有:advice, idea, demand, order, plan, request, suggestion等。3.主语从句中的虚拟语气:谓语同样用(should) do。例如:


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