江苏省铜山区清华中学七年级英语下册 Unit 7 Abilities Grammar1学案(无答案)(新版)牛津版

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江苏省铜山区清华中学七年级英语下册 Unit 7 Abilities Grammar1学案(无答案)(新版)牛津版_第1页
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江苏省铜山区清华中学七年级英语下册 Unit 7 Abilities Grammar1学案(无答案)(新版)牛津版_第2页
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《江苏省铜山区清华中学七年级英语下册 Unit 7 Abilities Grammar1学案(无答案)(新版)牛津版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《江苏省铜山区清华中学七年级英语下册 Unit 7 Abilities Grammar1学案(无答案)(新版)牛津版(2页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 7 Abilities Grammar1【学习目标】1.能识别并理解如何使用can和could表示现在和过去的能力。2.能识别并理解如何使用can,could和may表示许可。【学习重难点】1.能正确使用can,could和may 2.能完成本节课相关的习题。【自主学习】(认真预习课本,完成知识梳理,在课本上做好标注)基础知识A、预习本课单词(P85),先根据音标自己拼读,再听磁带核对发音,并熟读。(同桌互查,小组长检查)并能根据音标写出下列单词及汉语意思:(注意这些词的词性)1. smk_ _(v.) 2. kmr_ _(n.) 3. eksrei_ _(n.) B、 短语互译1.

2、划船_ 2.ride a horse_ 3.没问题 4.by the way_ 5.在过去 6.make a call on your phone_ 7.步行去那 8.a good place to have fun_ C. 用can cant could couldnt填空1._ _you swim ?Yes ,I_. 2.She _ play tennis when she was 10. 3.He knows little English ,and _understand the story. 4.They can row a boat now, but tow days ago ,th

3、ey_-5.What _I do for you ?【课堂达标检测】一、词汇 根据首字母及句意补全单词。1.Can you r_ a boat? Yes, I can.2.Simon c_ play football when he was 5 yeas old.3.Daniel could s_ English very well.4.Last year ,Amy couldnt f_ a kite ,but now she can .5. He couldnt swim b_ but now he is very good at it.二、翻译句子。1.我很高兴因为她正在康复。Im ver

4、y happy because she is _ _ now. 2.昨天我没能去你家因为下雨了。 I _ go to your home because it _. 3他们没踢成足球因为Daniel望带球了。 They _ play football because Daniel _ _ _ football. 4.Millie昨天没能上学因为他她感冒了。 Millie _ come to school yesterday because she _ _ _. 5别担心,我能帮你 _ _, I _ help you.三、阅读理解。most children today go to a scho

5、ol where each class has its own room. It was different from many years ago . Most children went to a one-room schoolhouse all the children learned in one room from the same teacher. A fourth grader might have sat next to a ninth grader. Possibly you have seen a one room schoolhouse on a television p

6、rogram.There was a good reason for many of the one-room schoolhouses. They were often in the countryside , where there were only ten or twenty children going to school. Then one room was big enough for everyone ! Today there are many more children going to school. The one-room schoolhouse has just d

7、isappeared.( )1. The best title for this text is _- A. Todays Schoolhouse B. The One-room Schoolhouse C. Big Enough for Everyone D. Fourth and Ninth Graders( )2.Children going to a one-room schoolhouse had_ A. the same teacher B. different teachers C. no lunchtime D. no homework( )3. Schoolhouse today usually have _ A. one room B. one t teacher C. twenty pupils D. more than one room( )4.One-room schoolhouses were not used where _- A. there were farmers nearby B. people lived far apart C. there were many pupils D. there was one teacher 【反思】_ 1


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