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1、Lesson27: Planet Danny导入:首先上课之初为学生展示关于著名大片E.T.的图片,吸引学生的眼球。再问他们了解这个电影与否,图片中E.T.来自哪里?就会有学生回答它不是来自地球而是外星球(other planet)。引入本课标题- Planet Danny.学习目标展示:Language aim: Have students master all the new words and phrases.Ability aim: Make students have a further understanding of the solar system. Have students

2、 describe the life on other planet.Moral aim: Develop students interest in astronomy.此部分让学生自己读,以使他们了解自己本节课需要掌握的东西和目标。Language point:New words: telescope. Solar, tiny, huge, certainly, certain, unless, double, single, mystery, mysterious.In the solar system, look for, come out, at night, in/during th

3、e day, turn around, even if/ even though, A be double the size of B= A be two times as big as B, sth be worth+n/V-ing, belong to, more than= over, less than.Exercise:Practice for new words:1.John sees the star with a telescope.2.I wont go to the party unless I was invited.3.Do you want a single room

4、 or a double room?4.The universe is a mystery.5.The earth, the sun and the moon all belong to the solar system.6.How did people move these huge pieces of stone in ancient times?Practice for phrases and patterns:1.With the help of telescope, a tiny spot will become a huge one.2.The sun, the earth and

5、 the moon all belongs to a galaxy called 3.the solar system.4.The universe is so mysterious, it has lots of mysteries.5.When the sun comes out, everything becomes lively.Listen to the tape, read and do exercise in part 1&3 on page 71.After the exercise then let students read the passage in part 1.以上

6、部分使学生掌握了解课文内容,并学习本课的新知识点之后在加以练习题进行巩固。过度:Since Danny wants to discover a new planet with his telescope, what do you want to do with yours, if you have a great telescope?Ss: I want to discover my new planet with it.T: Suppose you can find one, do you want to pay a travel to it? How do you go there?引出下

7、一张课件:宇航员与宇宙飞船, 在此简要介绍我国在航天事业中取得的成就。(Have students read the words about Yang Liwei.)If you are the astronauts in an advanced spaceship, what can you see in the space?就此引出下面的十张图片。他们依次从大到小介绍了 the universethe Milk Way(galaxy)the solar systemthe sunthe earththe mooncomet Halleymeteor28 constellations(in

8、Chinese culture)12 constellations(in western culture).*以上换线部分只是作为了解,不用解释给学生。以上的图片中每一张下面都有一句话是对图片的解说。Eg: The sun is a hot huge object which/ that is in the center of the solar system. 让学生在观察完每张图片后大声读出句子。(之所以把每张图片用简单的定语描述是因为本单元的语法重点为定语从句。在后面的28课中将要进行深入的探讨和学习。此处只是作为铺垫而不做讲解。)在逐次学习了太空中的这些事物之后,引领学生一起对以上的图

9、片画一个简要的简笔画以帮助学生能够更直观的掌握每个宇宙空间之间的关系。讨论与思考:(过渡:Can we see all of these clearly with our eyes? What should we do? Ss: We should ask help from the telescope.)引出关于望远镜的图片。Task: 1. If you have a great telescope as the second one, what will you do?Ss: To discover a new planet with it.2. What will you call i

10、t if you find a new planet? Will it be named after you?3. Is there any life on your planet?4. How is the life on your planet? Have students answer all the questions above. Then ask them to make them into a short passage.成果产出:给学生5-7分钟的时间去构思他们的短文。让后让个别学生上台介绍自己的行星。 标题为: Life on planet #*Describe the li

11、ving things, the life, the food, house, clothes, transportation, work, study, etc, on your own planet.在此之前可以给学生一个范文。Life on planet CasilyOur life on planet Casily is quite different from yours. We dont need food, sleep and clothes. Because the air is our food, we can have a full stomach anywhere and

12、 anytime. It saves lots of time.When feel tired, we just need to stay in the sunshine. Our body will be repowered with it.Is it a shame without clothes? Of course, not. We have plenty of clothes. Oxygen in the air is our clothes. Maybe you will say the life on our planet is dull and boring, you are

13、wrong again. We can change the color and shape of oxygen with our mind. So everyone here has their own unique clothes. Its colorful here.Do you want to know more about us? How is our family, friends, relatives even the transportation?We have big and warm family here. Anyone who is older than us is o

14、ur parent. The one who has the same age as us is our sibling, who is younger than us is our baby. So we treat everyone as our family member.The living thing on the planet besides us is our friends and relatives. We often visit them with gifts. How do we get there?Each of us has a special wheel. When

15、 we want to travel to someplace, it will appear in front of us when we miss them in mind. Dont worry about the long distance between us. Because the wheel can travel as fast as light. We will put them in our ears after using it, just as the magic stick of Monkey King.Do you like the life on our plan

16、et? Waiting for a visit to us. Whenever you need a visiting, please miss me in your mind, then you will get a surprise.此例文较长,但学生不需要写的这么长,他们只要简要介绍清楚提示中所给的信息即可。最后在对学生的短文做出简要评价。Board writing: Lesson 27: Planet Danny1. the solar system2. look for, find3. come out4. at night, in/during the day.5. turnaround6. even if/ even


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