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1、Unit2 单元练习题一单词拼写1.( )Lily studies very _ and she always gets greats grades.A.hardly B.goood C.hard D.well2.( )Zhang Lili “the most beautiful teacher”, has moved us deeply.Yes, and she is _ popular with her students.A.sometimes B.never C.always D.hardly3.( )The skirt is not good but _ it is cheap.A.a

2、t last B.at most C.at least D.at first4.( )Sally _ go to school by bike, but Im not sure.A,may be B.maybe C.might D.must5.( )His life was too _ to find time for hobbies.A.free B.full C.busy D.hard6.( )I was so tired that I could _ walk any farther.A.nearly B.hardly C.really D.suddenly7.( )His father

3、s illness is the _ of eating unhealthy food.A.result B.cause C.reason D.end8.( )A lot of people here,_, John, would rather have coffee.A.like that B.such as C.for example D.like9.( )Have you ever seen _ big panda before?A.a such B.such a C.so a D.a s10.( )I left my keys in the room yesterday. I had

4、to get in _ the window.Its dangerous to do that.A.in B.through C.across D.to11.( )It is raining hard outside. _, I think I should go to school.A.But B.Yet C.However D.Though12.( )Lincoln got little school education, which added up to _ one year.A.more than B.no more than C.over D.no than13.( )Tom, _

5、 do you visit your parents ? Twice a week.A.how long B.how soon C.how far D.how often14.( )Welcome to my new house .Ann and John! Help _ to some fruit.A.myself B.yourself C.himself D.herself15.( )His mark is not _ better than mine.A.almost B.nearly C.never D.yet16.( )I think eating more _ food can h

6、elp you keep _.A.health;health B.health;healthy C.healthy;health D.healthy;healthy17.( )I need _ bananas to make fruit salad. Could you please buy some?A.few B.a few C.little D.a little18.( )Liu Yang is the first woman _ to the moon.A.to get B.getting C.to reach D.reaching二单词拼写1.What do you think of

7、 the man ?He is successful. His success is _ (通过) his hard work.2.Where is Jim? Oh, he is reading _(杂志) in his study.3.We are going to have a picnic. Would you like to go t_? Sure, Id love tojoin you4. Whats the matter? She has a headache. She must go to see a d_.5. CCTV News is a popular p_. We all

8、 like it very much.6. How often do you play basketball? Only t_ a week. On Friday and Saturday.7. Some Children often use the I_ with the help of their parents.8. He spends more than an hour _ (锻炼) every day.9. Mary does some _(shop) on Sundays.10. How many _(time) have you been to Beijing.11. Do yo

9、u know the answer to the question about _(finish) our homework.12. Lu Xun is a great _ (write).13. I think the best way _(relax).14. The boy had to drop out of school after his fathers _(die).15. Eighty _(percent) of the students watch TV on weekends.三翻译句子1.我们提出的有关看电视的问题的回答也是令人感兴趣的。(answer)The_ were

10、 also interesting.2.所以赶快开始锻炼。不要等到来不及了。(before)So_!3.我喜欢运动,例如打篮球、排球、网球等。(such as)I like sports,_ and so on.4.简是美国的一个16岁的高中学生。(year)Jane is _ in the USA.5.迈克每天上网两三次。(time)Mike _ every day.6.30%的学生从不上网。(not at all)Thirty _.7.我妈妈让我每天喝牛奶。(ask)My mother _ every day.8.你可以和你的朋友及家人一起度过一段时间。(spend)You can _ y

11、our friends and family_.9.我对他去世的消息感到惊讶。(surprise)I _ the news about his death.10.李明喜欢在空闲时间上网冲浪。(free)Li Ming likes _.四 任务型阅读“ Green ” is more than just a colour. It means that you should live to protect the environment . the water , the land and the air . You can be a green kid by following these st

12、eps .Reduce( 减少) it. When you use less of something , you do a good thing for the Earth . For example , a shorter shower means you use less water . ( 1.) Turn off the water when you are brushing your teeth .Reuse it .Many times , even if you don t need something ,someone else might just need it . Fo

13、r example , if your younger sister doesn t play with her bear toy , you can give ( 2.) it to your neighbour . Try to change books, toys , even clothes with friends . Enjoy it .It s true that pollution is a great problem now , ( 3.) _ the Earth is still a beautiful and interesting place to explore ( 探索 ). Go for a hike ( 远足 ) , visit nature centres , and gardens , climb mountains and take a boat in the rivers . Outdoor activities are good for you . You can also plant trees ,collect reusa


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