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1、2019年宁波大学661基础英语考研真题(总分:150.00,做题时间:180分钟)一、Vocabulary & Structure(总题数:60,分数:60. 00)Liverpool * s first game of the season had to be because of bad weather.(分数:1.00)A. determinedB. scheduledC. attendedD. postponed J解析:句意:由于天气不好,这个赛季利物浦的第场比赛不得已推迟了。此题考查单词词义。postpone延 期;缓办。determine决定。schedule预定,排程。att

2、end参加:注意:照料;伴随。结合句意,选择 Doon recycling and energy-efficiency.on recycling and energy-efficiency.1. The new government policy places far greater (分数:1.00)A. influenceB. inquiryC. embarrassmentD. emphasis J解析:句意:新一届政府措施十分更视循环和节能。此题考查单词词义,emphasis重点:强调;加强语气。 influence影响;势力;有影响的人或事。inquiry探究;调查:质询。embarr

3、assment窘迫,难堪;使 人为难的人或事物。结合句意,选择D。2. Throughout his life Kelvin remained to his fundamental political principles.(分数:1.00)A. interestedB. faithful JC. confidentD. sensitive解折:开尔文一生都坚持自己的基本政治原那么。此题考查单词词义,faithful忠实的:如实的:准确可靠的。 interested感兴趣的;有权益的:有成见的。confident自信的;确信的。sensitive敏感的;感觉的。 结合句意,选择BoHe pau

4、sed, drank a glass of wine, reflected a moment, and .(分数:1. 00)A. insistedB. warned JC. threatenedD. announced 解析: 句意:罗杰的经理警告他说,如果他没完成工作就必须熬夜。此题考查单词词义,warn警告,提醒;通 知。insist坚持,强调。threaten威胁:恐吓。announce宣布;述说;预示。结合句意,选择B。34. By the time he has finished his week s work, John has hardly energy left forthe

5、 weekend.(分数:1. 00)A. any JB. muchC. noD. same解析:句意:这周工作结束的时候,约翰儿乎没有精力留给周末了。此题考查语法。hardly表示“几乎没 有”,含否认意义,因此使用any。结合句意,选择A。35. As the gameto a close, disappointed spectators started to 1 eave,(分数:1. 00)A. ledB. nearedC. approachedD. drew J解析:句意:随着比赛接近尾声,观众垂头丧气地逐渐离开。此题考查动词用法,draw to a close是固定搭 配,即com

6、e to an end。approach到达,接近,approach to表示的方法。lead领导,通向。near接近,靠近,不与t。连用。结合句意,选择D。36. 1 dont remember the front door when I left home this morning.(分数:1. 00)A. to lockB. locking JC. lockedD. to have locked解析:句意:今天早上从家走的时候我忘记锁门了。此题考查动词用法,remember doing sth.记得做过某事 (已经发生)0 remember to do sih.记得去做某事(尚未发生)。

7、结合句意,选择37.1 to other people borrowing my books: they always forget to return them.(分数: 1.00)A. disagreeB. avoidC. dislikeD. object J解析:句意:我不给别人借书,因为他们总忘还。此题考查动词用法,object反对,不及物动词,后边常 接 to disagree 不同意,disagree sb. to do sth. avoid 防止,avoid to doing sth 防止做某事。结合 句意,选择DoAndrew s attempts to get into th

8、e swimming team have not with much success.(分数:1.00)A. associatedB. concludedC. joinedD. met J解析:句意:安德鲁为进入游泳队所做的努力并没有成功。木题考查短语辨析。meet with遇到。associate with与相联系。join with和结合。conclude with得出结论。结合句意,选择D。38. Although Harry had obviously read the newspaper article carefully, he didn* t seem tohave the ma

9、in point.(分数:1. 00)A. grasped VB. clutchedC. claspedD. gripped解析:句意:虽然哈利明显已经认真读了报纸,但是他好像没有抓住重点。此题考查近义词辨析,几个选项都 含有“抓住”之意。grasp指紧紧抓住,有理解(知识点)的意思。clutch指因害怕或担忧而紧握,紧 抓。clasp指抱紧,搂在怀里。grip指全力抓紧事物。结合句意,选择A。39. A lot of the views put forward in the documentary were open to.(分数:1. 00)A. enquiryB. queryC. que

10、stion VD. wonder解析:句意:记录片中很多观点还有待讨论。此题考查固定搭配,open to question待决的问题:容易讨论的问 题。enquiry询问。query疑问,质问。wonder惊讶,奇迹。结合句意,选择C。“Dont you think the so-called belief in fate is a excuse for avoidingresponsibility for what happens in your life?(分数:1. 00)A. laneB. limpC. limeD. lame J解析:句意:难道你不觉得,所谓的信命,是对生活遭遇的逃避

11、,是一个站不住脚的借口吗?此题考查形近词 辨析,lame不完全的:无说服力的:差劲的。lane小巷,航线,车道。limp软弱的,柔软的。lime石 灰:酸橙:绿黄色。结合句意,选择D。42. Evidence came up specific sounds are recognized by babies as young as six monthsold.(分数:1.00)A. that JB. whereC. whichD. whose解析:句意:证据说明,6个月大的婴儿就能识别特定的声音。此题考查同位语从句。“specific sounds are recognized by babie

12、s as young as six months old解释名词evidence的内容,所以选择 that。 结合句意,选择AoAcute hearing helps most animals sense the approach of thunderstorms long before people .(分数:1.00)A. do JB. hearC. do themD. hearing it解析:句意:敏锐的听觉使多数动物能远在人之前发觉雷雨的来临。此题考查语法。do代替see the approach of thunderstormso 结合句意,选择 A。43. This is an

13、illness that can result in total blindness left untreated.(分数:1.00)A. whi leB. if JC. thoughD. unless解析:句意:这病如果不治,会彻底致盲。此题考查语法。“if+过去分词”结构,可视为条件从句的省略句, 相当于if it is left untreatedw , untreated”为过去分词补足语。结合句意,选择B。44. The central provinces have floods in some years and .(分数:1. 00)A. drought in other yea

14、rs JB. droughts are othersC. while other droughtsD. others in drought解析:句意:中部各省有些年遭受洪涝,有些年遭受干早。此题考查语法。and连接两个并列的局部,因后而 没有谓语,说明二者的谓语相同,都是have,那么填入的内容就应该与f loods in some years并列, drought in others表示另一些年干旱”.结合句意,选择A。45. Do help yoursel f to some fruit, you?(分数:1.00)A. can tB. don tC. wouldn* tD. won t

15、V解析:句意:清你随便吃这些水果,好吗?此题考查反义疑问句。英语中对于祈使句的反问-般用will,上文 为肯定语气,故反问局部用否认形式。结合句意,选择D。46. There nothing more for discussion, the meeting came to an end half an hourearl ier.(分数:1. 00)A. to beB. to have beenC. being JD. be解析:句意:由于没什么可讨论的事了,会议提前半小时结束了。此题考查独立主格,名词/代词+非谓语动 词/形容词/副词/介词短语构成独立主格,可以表示前面名词/代词的状态、状况或动作,相当于一个状 语从句,表示时间、原因、条件等。在此题中,主句用的是过去时,说明已经发生,排除表示将来的I。 be。结合句意,选择C。47. 1 was very much put by Mark* s rude behavior; it really annoyed me.(分数:1. 00)A. overB. offC. upD. by 解析: 句意:此题考查短语辨析。put over驶过;使被接受;传达的意义等。put off扔掉;阻止: 使不高兴等。put up举起



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