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1、语法专题(七)比较结构一、 比较等级和比较结构 比较等级是指形容词和副词有原级、比较级和最高级之分。而比较结构是指运用形容词和副词的级别,对两种或两种以上的事物进行比较的短语结构。根据比较级别可以分为三类:一是表示某物和某物一样;二是表示某物比另外某物更加怎么样;三是表示某物最怎么样。下面我们分别来看表示这三种比较的英语结够有哪些。二、 三种比较结构(一)原级:as as结构, 具体在句子中,就有两种应用形式: A is as +adj as B 或者:A do B as + adv + as C (do). Mary is as tall as Betty. I drove as caref

2、ully as Tom did. 好,我们来看一下这种结构的一些变化形式:1) 否定式:A is not as/so + adj + as B;或 A do not do B so/as + adv + as C (do).Mary is not so tall as Betty. I did not drive as carefully as Tom did. 2) as +many/much + 名词+ as There are as many students in our class as in their class.We have as much snow this year as

3、 last year. 3) A is as + adj + a/an + 名词 + as B Mary is not as beautiful a girl as Betty.I just want to read as interesting a book as that one. 4) A is a/an + 名词 + as + adj + as B.实际上这是将上面第3)种的名词提前,这样as + adj + as B就变成了后置定语。Mary is not a girl as beautiful as Betty.I just want to read a book as inter

4、esting as that one. 5)A is as+adj(1) as A is+adj (2).注意:(1)这是 as.as结构比较特殊的用法,是指将同一事物就其两个不同的方面进行比较, 所以结构中的两个形容词是不同的。Mary is as beautiful as she is clever.= Mary is beautiful, and she is clever too.= Mary is both beautiful and clever.= Mary is not only beautiful but also clever.This book is not as int

5、ersting as it is instructive.= This book is instructive, but it is not interesting. (2)否定形式中的一种特例:A is not so much a/an B as (A is) a C.翻译是:与其说A是B, 不如说他是C.He killed many innocent people. So he was not so much a hero as a killer.他杀了许多无辜百姓。所以与其说他是英雄,不如说他是杀人犯。 6) 带有修饰语的as.as.结构。 A is almost/exactly/nea

6、rly/just/quite/not/not half/half/twice/three times + as +adj as B A do B almost/exactly/nearly/just/quite/not/not half/half/twice/three times as + adv + as C I am just half as tall as Yao Ming. Yao Ming is twice as tall as me. I dont eat half as much as he does. He doesnt work half as hard as me. I

7、work twice as hard as he.(二)比较级:morethan结构,具体在句子中,就有两种应用形式: A is er than B( A is more + adj原级 + than B),或者: A do B er than C (A do B more +adv原级 + than C.). Mary is taller than Betty. Mary is more beautiful than Betty. Mary studies harder than Betty. I drove more carefully than Tom did. 下面我们来看该结构的各种

8、变形:1) 否定形式 A is noter than B( A is not more + adj原级 + than B) 或者: A dont do B er than C (A dont do B more +adv原级 + than C.).Mary is not more beautiful than Betty. Mary does not study harder than Betty. 注意:这里可以用lessthan来表示morethan的反义,但lessthan 听起来不自然,用asas或morethan更加普通。如:Mary is less beautiful than B

9、etty.= Mary is not as beautiful as Betty.= Betty is more beautiful than Mary.2) more/less/fewer + 名词 +than There are more students in our class than in their class.He makes more money in a month than I do in a year.再将上面两句话换种方式说:There are less (=fewer) students in their class than in ours.I make less

10、 money in a year than he does in a month. 3) A is + a/aner/more + adj原级 + 名词 + than B. Mary is a more beautiful girl than Betty. Toms house is a larger house than my house. = Tom has a larger house than mine.4) A is + a/an +名词 +er/more + adj原级 + than B.该结构就是在上面第3)种的基础上将名词提前,这样er/more + adj原级 + than

11、B就变成了后置定语。如:Mary is a girl more beautiful than Betty. Toms house is a house larger than mine. = Tom has a house larger than mine. 5)A is more+adj(1) + (a/an+名词) + than +adj (2).注意:这是more.than结构用来将同一事物就其两个不同的方面进行比较, 所以结构中的两个形容词是不同的。翻译成:与其说A(2),不如说它(1)。如:Mary is more beautiful than clever. 与其说玛丽聪明,不如说

12、她漂亮。 = Mary is less clever than beautiful. Mary is more a beautiful girl than a clever girl. = Mary is less a clever girl than a beautiful girl.6)带有修饰语的morethan结构A is + a little, a bit, a lot, even, far, many, much, rather, slightly, twice, three times +er than B( A is + 以上副词修饰语 + more + adj原级 + tha

13、n B) 或者: A do B +以上副词修饰语 +er than C (A do B+ 副词修饰语 + more +adv原级 + than C.) Mary is even more beautiful than Betty. There are many more students in our class than in theirs. I have much more money than he has. He makes twice more money than me. Our Chinese team had won three times more golden medals

14、 than their team had.(三)最高级:the most结构,具体在句子中,就有两种应用形式: A is the est +比较范围. (A is the most + adj原级+比较范围) 或者: A do B theest +比较范围. (A do B the most + adj原级+比较范围) Mary is the most beautiful in our class. Mary works (the) hardiest in our class. (有时the可以省略) 下面我们来看一下变形的形式: 1)A is the est + 名词 +比较范围. (A i

15、s the most + adj+名词原级+比较范围) 其实就是在adj之后接了名词。 Mary is the most beautiful girl in our class. 2) the most/fewest/least + 名词这是表示最多/最少的什么东西。Which country in the world produces the most wine?Harry made the fewest mistakes in his class.Tom drank the least wine among last night.3) 最高级the most有时可以用比较级more than 来表示:Tom is the tallest boy in his class. = Tom is taller than any other boy in his class. 4)最高级the most有时前面可以用副词by far来修饰,表示到目前为止,某事物是最


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