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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上(一)、神经内科系统疾病 1. 中 风 342.90 半身麻痹 Hemiplegia 344.90 麻痹 Paralysis 434.0 脑血栓症 Cerebral thrombosis 434.1 脑栓塞症 Cerebral embolism 2. 高血压 401.91 原发性高血压 Hypertension primary 402.900 高血压性心脏病,未提及充血性 心脏病 Hypertensive heart disease,without congestive heart failure 3. 头痛/偏头痛/颜面神经痛 346.8 其他型态之偏头痛 Othe

2、r forms of migraine 346.90 偏头痛 Migraine 350.1 三叉神经痛 Trigeminal neuralgia 784.0 头痛 Headache 4. 颜面肌疾患(颜面神经麻痹) 351.0 贝尔麻痹(面神经麻痹) Bell s palsy 351.9 未明示之面神经疾患 Facial nerve disorder , unspecified 351.90 面神经疾患 Facial nerve disorders 351.91 颜面神经麻痹 Facial nerve paralysis 5. 坐骨神经痛 355.0 坐骨神经病灶 Lesion of scia

3、tic nerve 722.10 腰部椎间盘移位,未伴有脊髓病 变 Displacement of lumbar intervertebral disc whthout myelopathy 722.2 椎间盘移位,未明示位置且未伴 有脊髓病变 Displacement of intervertebral disc , site unspecified , without myelopathy 722.20 椎间盘移位,未伴有脊髓病变 Displacement of intervertebral disc , without myelopathy 724.3 坐骨神经痛 Sciatica (二

4、)、运动系统疾病 4 1. 颈肌痛 847.0 颈部扭伤及拉伤 Sprains and strains of neck 2. 肩胛及臂肌肉痛(五十肩) 353.0 臂神经丛病灶 Brachial plexus lesions 719.41 关节痛,肩部 Pain in joint , shoulder region 719.42 关节痛,上臂 Pain in joint , upper arm 719.43 关节痛,前臂 Pain in joint , forearm 726.0 肩部粘连囊炎 Adhesive capsulitis of shoulder 840.0 肩锁骨关节韧带之扭伤及拉

5、伤 Sprains and strains of acromioclavicular(joint )(ligam ent) 840.9 肩及上臂之未明示之扭伤及拉伤 Sprains and strains of unspecified site of shoulder and upper arm 840.90 肩及上臂扭伤及拉伤 Sprains and strains of shoulder and upper arm 3. 背肌痛 847.9 其他及未明示之开放性背部受伤 Sprains and strains of unspecified site of back 847.90 开放性背部

6、受伤 Sprains and strains of back 848.90 扭伤及拉伤 Sprains and strains 720.0 关节粘连性脊椎炎 Ankylosing spondylitis 724.50 背痛 Backache 724.90 背部疾患 Back disorders 4. 胁肌痛 353.8 其他神经根及神经丛疾患 Other nerve root and plexus disorders 353.90 神经根及神经丛疾患 Nerve root and plexus disorders 724.40 Thoracic or lumbosacral neuritis

7、or radiculitis 729.40 肌膜炎 Fasciitis 5. 腰肌痛 721.80 脊椎之病变 Disorders of spine 722.10 腰部椎间盘移位,未伴有脊髓病 变 Displacement of lumbar intervertebral disc without myelopathy 5 724.2 腰痛 Lumbago 724.790 尾骨疾患 Disorders of coccyx 728.85 肌肉痉挛 Spasm of muscle 728.850 筋膜症候群 Myofascial pain syndrome 847.2 腰部扭伤及拉伤 Sprain

8、s and strains of lumbar 847.4 尾部扭伤及拉伤 Sprains and strains of coccyx 6. 腓肠肌痉挛 726.700 踝及跗骨附著组织病变 Enthesopathy of ankle and tarsus 729.40 肌膜炎 Fasciitis 729.82 痉挛 Cramp 728.85 肌肉痉挛 Spasm of muscle 7. 肌肉萎缩 728.20 功能退化(废用性) Deconditioning 728.2 肌肉耗损及废用性萎缩,他处未 归类者 Muscular wasting and disuse atrophy , not

9、 elsewhere classified 8. 关节强直及紧缩 718.400 关节紧缩 Contracture of joint 718.41 关节紧缩,肩部 Contracture of joint , shoulder region 718.42 关节紧缩,上臂 Contracture of joint , upper arm 718.43 关节紧缩,前臂 Contracture of joint , forearm 718.44 关节紧缩,手 Contracture of joint , hand 718.45 关节紧缩,骨盆及股部 Contracture of joint , pe

10、lvic region and thigh 718.46 关节紧缩,下肢 Contracture of joint , lower leg 718.47 关节紧缩,踝及足 Contracture of joint, ankle and foot 718.48 关节紧缩,其他明示部位 Contracture of joint , other specified sites 718.49 关节紧缩,多处部位 Contracture of joint , multiple sites 9. 关节炎 713.0 关节病变,与其他内分泌及代谢 性失调有关者,部位不明 Arthropathy associ

11、ated with other endocrine and metabolic disorders 713.2 关节病变,与血液学疾患有关者 Arthropathy associated with 6 hematological disorders 713.3 关节病变,与皮肤疾患有关者 Arthropathy associated with dermatological disorders 714.0 类风湿关节炎 Rheumatoid arthritis 715.0 骨关节病,全身性者 Osteoarthrosis , generalized 715.00 骨关节病,全身性者,部位不明 O

12、steoarthrosis , generalized , unspecified site 715.000 骨关节病,全身性者 Osteoarthrosis , generalized 715.04 骨关节病,全身性者,手 Osteoarthrosis , generalized , hand 715.09 骨关节病,全身性者,多处部位 Osteoarthrosis , generalized , multiple sites 715.10 骨关节病,局限性,原发性者, 部位不明 Osteoarthrosis , localized , primary , unspecified site

13、715.11 骨关节病,局限性,原发性者, 肩部 Osteoarthrosis , localized , primary , shoulder region 715.12 骨关节病,局限性,原发性者, 上臂 Osteoarthrosis , localized , primary , upper arm 715.13 骨关节病,局限性,原发性者, 前臂 Osteoarthrosis , localized , primary , forearm 715.14 骨关节病,局限性,原发性者, 手 Osteoarthrosis , localized , primary , hand 715.15

14、 骨关节病,局限性,原发性者, 骨盆及股部 Osteoarthrosis , localized , primary , pelvic region and thigh 715.16 骨关节病,局限性,原发性者, 下肢 Osteoarthrosis , localized , primary , lower leg 715.17 骨关节病,局限性,原发性者, 踝及足 Osteoarthrosis , localized , primary , ankle and foot 715.18 骨关节病,局限性,原发性者, 其他明示部位 Osteoarthrosis , localized , pri

15、mary , other specified sites 715.21 骨关节病,局限性,续发性者, 肩部 Osteoarthrosis , localized , secondary , shoulder region 715.22 骨关节病,局限性,续发性者, 上臂 Osteoarthrosis , localized , secondary , upper arm 715.23 骨关节病,局限性,续发性者, 前臂 Osteoarthrosis , localized , secondary , forearm 715.24 骨关节病,局限性,续发性者, 手 Osteoarthrosis

16、, localized , secondary , hand 715.25 骨关节病,局限性,续发性者, 骨盆及股部 Osteoarthrosis , localized , secondary , pelvic region and thigh 715.26 骨关节病,局限性,续发性者, 下肢 Osteoarthrosis , localized , secondary , lower leg 715.27 骨关节病,局限性,续发性者, Osteoarthrosis , localized , 7 踝及足 secondary , ankle and foot 715.28 骨关节病,局限性,续发性者, 其他明示部位 Osteoarthrosis , localized , secondary , other specified sites 715.30 骨关节病,未明示为原发性或续 发性,部位不明 Osteoarthrosis , localized , not specified whether primary or secondary , unspecified


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