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1、现在完成时总结一 现在完成时的定义:表示过去发生但与现在仍有联系的动作或情况。基本结构:主+ _ + V分词否定句:_疑问句: _肯定、否定回答:_思考:动词过去分词的构成。1. 大部分+_ 2. 以不发音e结尾 _3.以辅音字母+y 结尾的_4. 双写最后一个字母的_5. 特殊的(参照课本122-123页不规则动词变化表)写出下列词语的过去式和过去分词。1. study_ _ 2. change_ _3.buy_ _4. know_ _5. come_ _6. do_ _7. eat_ _8. give_ _9. begin_ _10. stop_ _二现在完成时的用法。一. 表示过去发生或

2、完成的某一动作对现在造成的影响和结果。1. already , 中文意思_用在_句中,放在have_done,或句末。e.g. 我已经做完我的作业了。I _ _ _ my homework. 2. yet 中文意思_ 用在_句中。用于not_或者句末。e.g.你已经做完作业了吗? 不,我还没有做完它。_ you _ your homework _?No. I _ _ it _.Not _3. ever 中文意思_,用于句中,用在have_done。e.g. 你曾经看过这个电影吗? _ you _ watched this film?4. never中文意思_用于句中,have_done或者No

3、,_。我从未读过那个故事。 I _ _ _ that story.5. just中文意思_用于句中,have_done.我刚刚看见Daniel. I _ _ _ Daniel.6. recently/lately中文意思_用于句末或句首。近来我一直很忙。I _ _ busy recently.7. by now, till / until now, up to now ,so far中文意思_用于句末或句首。到目前为止,我们已经学了2000个单词。_8. in the past 10years, over the years, during the years _ 用于句末或句首。徐州在过去多

4、年期间发生了很大的变化。_9. before 中文意思_ 用于句末我之前读过那本书。_10. for a long time/for long/for years/for ages意思是_,用在句子开头或者句尾。我好久没看到他了。I _二 表示过去已经开始,一直延续到现在的动作或状态。经常和 for, since 连用。如:for two days两年了, since last year自去年起思考:for, since的区别_用 since 和 for 填空 1_ two years 2_ two years ago 3 _ last month 4_ yesterday 5 _ an ho

5、ur ago 6 _ she left here 7_ 1999 8_ 4 hours 9 _ three months 思考:对since和 for进行提问,用_.三从过去到现在发生的次数。经常和_连用。Lily 已经读过这本书好多次了。_.一、用所给单词的正确形式填空。1. I _(not think) you were here. When_you _(come)?2. You cant park the car here. Sorry, I _(not see) the sign over there.3. Your new phone looks cool. Where and Wh

6、en_ you _(buy) it ?4. You visited the famous park last year, right? No, I _(not hear) about it now.5. Something _(go) wrong with my computer. Dad, could you please come and help?6. She used to be a shy girl, but now she_(grow) into a pretty girl.7. Sorry, I _(forget) your phone number. Can you say t

7、hat again?8. Your dorm looks nice now. Who _(clean) it?9. In the past, Xuzhou _(be not) as beautiful as it is now. However, in the past few years, the local government _(turn) some old houses into tall buildings.10. This is the best film that I _(see).11. It is the second time that they _(come) to m

8、y school.12. You can watch TV after you _(finish) your homework.二、用所给动词的适当形式填空1. Where is Jim? He _(go) to the library already 2. -_ you _(enjoy) it?- Yes, I did. 3. Mr Green _(not come) back to China yet. 4. Where is my pen? How strange! It _(be) here just a moment ago. 5. Where is Jim? He _(do) hi

9、s homework in the study at present. 6. I _(know) the boy since 1993. 7. I _ ( not see) you for a long time.8. John _(be) to Beijing three times.9. I _(work) here since last Friday. 10. We _ never _ (eat) so delicious food.11She _(be) away from home for almost four years.12.Who _(teach) you English l

10、ast term?13.They _(go) to shopping centre already.14.Mr. Green _(not come) back to China yet.15.They _(not see) the film yet.16.Where is my pen? It _(be) here just a moment ago.17.I _(know) the place for many years.18.Sorry, Mr. Liu. I _(not finish) my homework yet.19._you ever _(travel) to Hainan Island by ship?20.The children _(eat) up everything on the table already.三、单项选择。1. Have you returned the book to the library_?Yes, I have _ returned it. A. yet, yet B. already, already C. already, yet D. yet, already. 2. Where is Mr Green now ? I havent seen him f


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