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1、 全新版大学英语综合教程第四册:得到你想要的工作Get the Job You Want 得到你想要的工作 Harvey B. Mackay 哈维B麦凯 I run a manufacturing company with about employees, and I often do the interviewing and hiring myself. I like talking to potential salespeople, because they”re our link to customers. 我经营着一家出名左右员工的制造公司,我本人经常要对求职者进展面试,打算是否聘用。

2、我喜爱与可能成为营业员的人交谈,由于他们会是我们与顾客联系的纽带。 When a recent college graduate came into my office not too long ago looking for a sales job, I asked him what he had done to prepare for the interview. He said he”d read something about us somewhere. 不久前一个新近毕业的大学生到我办公室谋求一份销售工作。我问他为这次面试做过哪些预备。他说他在什么地方看到过有关本公司的一些状况。Ha

3、d he called anyone at Mackay Envelope Corporation to find out more about us? No. Had he called our suppliers? Our customers? No.他有没有给麦凯信封公司的人打过电话,好了解更多有关我们的状况?没打过。他有没有给我们的供给厂商打过电话?还有我们的客户?都没有。Had he checked with his university to see if there were any graduates working at Mackay whom he could interv

4、iew? Had he asked any friends to grill him in a mock interview? Did he go to the library to find newspaper clippings on us?他可曾在就读的大学里查问过有没有校友在本公司就职,以便向他们了解一些状况?他可曾请朋友向他提问,对他进展模拟面试?可曾去图书馆查找过有关本公司的剪报?Did he write a letter beforehand to tell us about himself, what he was doing to prepare for the interv

5、iew and why he”d be right for the job? Was he planning to follow up the interview with another letter indicating his eagerness to join us? Would the letter be in our hands within hours of the meeting, possibly even hand-delivered?他事先有没有写封信来介绍自己,告知我们自己为这次面试在做哪些预备,自己何以能胜任此项工作?面试之后他是否准备再写一封信,说明自己加盟本公司的

6、诚意?这封信会不会在面试后的小时之内送到我们手上,或许甚至是亲自送来?The answer to every question was the same: no. That left me with only one other question: How well prepared would this person be if he were to call on a prospective customer for us? I already knew the answer.他对上述每一个问题的答复全都一样:没有。这样我就只剩一个问题要问了:假如此人代表本公司去见可能成为我们客户的人,他

7、预备工作会做得怎样?答案不言自明。As I see it, there are four keys to getting hired:在笔者看来,如欲被聘用,应留意四个要诀:1 . Prepare to win. “If you miss one day of practice, you notice the difference,“ the saying goes among musicians. “If you miss two days of practice, the critics notice the difference. If you miss three days of pr

8、actice, the audience notices the difference.“1. 预备去赢。“一日不练,自己知道,”音乐家中有这样的说法。“两日不练,音乐评论家知道。三日不练,观众知道。“When we watch a world-class musician or a top athlete, we don”t see the years of preparation that enabled him or her to become great. The Michael Jordans of the world have talent, yes, but they”re al

9、so the first ones on and the last ones off the basketball court. The same preparation applies in every form of human endeavor. If you want the job, you have to prepare to win it.我们在观看音乐家或顶尖运发动的表演时,看到的并不是使他们变成出类拔萃人物的常年苦练。世界上诸如迈克尔乔丹这样的顶尖人物无疑具有非凡才能,但他们在篮球场上也是第一个到,最终一个走。同样的苦练适用于人类的各项活动。若想被聘用,就要预备去赢。When

10、 I graduated from college, the odds were good that I would have the same job for the rest of my life. And that”s how it worked out. But getting hired is no longer a once-in-a-lifetime experience. Employment experts believe that today”s graduates could face as many as ten job changes during their car

11、eers.我大学毕业时,我极有可能终身从事同一个工作。当时状况也确实如此。但如今已不再是一生被聘去做一个工作了。指导就业的专家认为,今日的大学毕业生在他们的生涯中可能会经受多达10次的职业变动。That may sound like a lot of pressure. But if you”re prepared, the pressure is on the other folks - the ones who haven”t done their homework.听上去好像压力不小。然而,假如你做了预备,压力就是别人的那些没做预备的人.You won”t get every job y

12、ou go after. The best salespeople don”t close every sale. Michael Jordan makes barely half of his field-goal attempts. But it takes no longer to prepare well for one interview than to wander in half-prepared for five. And your prospects for success will be many times better.你不行能得到你想要的每份工作。的售货人员也不行能每

13、次都成交。迈克尔乔丹投篮命中率牵强过半。但仔细预备一次面试的时间不会多于马马虎虎预备五次面试的时间,而你胜利的可能性要多得多。2. Never stop learning. Recently I played a doubles tennis match paired with a -year-old. I wondered how things would work out; I shouldn”t have. We hammered our opponents 6-1, 6-1!2. 永不中断学习。最近我和一位高龄的老者伙伴打双人网球。我琢磨着那会是什么结局;可我的担忧是多余的。我们以两个

14、6:1击败对手。As we were switching sides to play a third set, he said to me, “Do you mind if I play the backhand court? I always like to work on my weaknesses.“ What a fantastic example of a person who has never stopped learning. Incidentally, we won the third set 6-1.我们交换场地打第三局时,他对我说:“我打反手击球你不介意吧?我一直喜爱多练

15、练自己的弱点。”好一个永不中断学习的精彩实例。顺便说一下,我们6:1赢了第三局。As we walked off the court, my -year-old partner chuckled and said, “I thought you”d like to know about my number-one ranking in doubles in the United States in my age bracket, 85 and up!“ He wasn”t thinking 90; he wasn”t even thinking 85. He was thinking numb

16、er one.走出赛场,我那高龄的伙伴笑着说:“你或许想知道我在岁以上年龄段的美国网球双打排名第一!”他想的不是年届90,想的甚至也不是85岁高龄。他想的是第一。You can do the same if you work on your weaknesses and develop your strengths. To be able to compete, you”ve got to keep learning all your life.假如你努力克制自己的弱点,发挥自己的优势,你同样可以做得那么好。要有力量竞争,就得终生学习。3. Believe in yourself, even when no one else does. Do you r



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