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1、八年级上册知识点Unit 1重点短语:1. go to sp. with sb. _ (直接放在主语后)2. something interesting/ special_ (定语后置)3. quite a few_ (后面接名词)4. most of the time_ (通常放在句末)5. seem to do sth. / seem to be+ adj._ (作谓语)6. baby pigs_ (名词修饰名词,变复数)7. write/ keep a diary 写/ 记日记8. be excellent in_ (介词in后接名词、代词、v-ing)9. Central Park/

2、Tiananmen Square/ the Palace Museum10. buy sth. for sb._11. arrive in/ at_(get/reach)12. find sb./ sth./ doing sth.+adj._13. decide to do sth._ 14. decide on sth._15. feel like+ 名词 感觉好像/ 摸起来像是例1. It feels like rain soon.例2. The bread feels like a stone.16. feel like doing sth. 想要做某事 17. in the past_

3、18. make a difference 例1.We hope that we can make a difference! 例2.We want to make a difference to the world.19. wait for_ (for后接名词、代词)20. cant wait to do sth._ 21. rain hard_22. because of_ 23. along the way_(放在句末)24. another 2 hours_(通常放在句末)25. find out_ 26. keep doing sth._27. do sth. in exciteme

4、nt_28. up and down_(通常放在句末)29. one hour later/ after one hour_30. on ones way+地点副词/to+ 地点名词_31. home cooking_ 32. so that_重点句子:1. How do you like?2. It is/ was ones first time to do sth.3. The only problem is/ was that.4. There is/was nothing but.5. Long time no see!6. Bye for now.7. How was/ were?

5、It was/ They were.8. It was so beautiful that we forgot about the last five hours.9. My legs were so tired that I wanted to stop.10. I did buy something for my best friend.语法: 复合不定代词1. 构成2. 分类3. 用法:(1)用于肯定句还是否定句 (2)复合不定代词作主语(3) 定语后置4. 易混淆:(1)nothing/ nobody/none (2)everyone/ every one(3)none/no oneU

6、nit 2重点短语1. twice/three times a week_(常用于句末)2. go to the movies_ 3. help with sth._4. stay up (late)_ 5. be good for/at/with/to_6. at least/most_ =( no less/ more than)7. daily habit_ 8. free time activities_9. fifteen percent of_(后接名词或代词)10. four to/ or six times a weak_11. not at all_ 12. be surpr

7、ised at_13. use for_(for后接名词、代词、动词ing形式)14. useto do sth._ 15. start/end with_16. such as_(as 后接名词、代词、动词ing,相当于like,与for example不同)17. the answer to the questions_18. the (best) way to do sth._19. 16-year-old_ 20. junk food_21. go to the doctor/ dentist_22. on weekends/ on the weekend_23. get togeth

8、er_ 24. more/ less than_重点句型及语法-How often do /does? -.(How many/ much/ long/ far/soon?)Unit 3重点短语1. as as_ 2. be talented in_3. the same as/ do the same thing as sb._4. care about_ 5. as long as_6. make sb.+ adj./ make sb. do sth._7. be different from_ 8. bring out_9. get better grades_ 10. feel wel

9、l/ better_11. reach for_ 12. touch ones heart_13. share with sb._ 14. in class_15. make friends (with sb.)_ 16. in fact_17. less hard-working_ 18. break ones arm_19. be similar to_ 20. in way_21. English study center_ 22. be good with_23. call sb. at+ 电话号码/ e-mail sb. at+电邮地址_24. both and/ both of_重

10、点句子:1. For me, a good friend makes me/ likes to/ is.2. I dont really care if my friends are the same as me or different.3. I know she cares about me because shes always there to listen.4. Both Sam and Tom can play the drums.5. The English Study Center needs a weekend student helper for primary schoo

11、l students.Unit 4短语:1. be close to_ 2. welcome to_3. so far_ 4. thanks for_5. talent show_ 6. watch sb. do sth._7. more and more popular_8. show sb. sth._9. around the word_10. have one thing/nothing in common (with)11. and so on_ 12.all kinds of_13. be up to_ 14. play a role (in)_15. get a prize/ t

12、he first prize_16. make up/ be made up_17. take seriously_ 18. far(away) from_19. make ones dream come true_20. the best place to go_21. stop to do/ doing_ 22. upside down_23. for sure_(用于句末)24. have/ take a seat_ 25. street performers_重点句子:1. Im new in town.2. Welcome to the neighborhood.3. Not everybody enjoys watching these shows.4. There is something for everyone at the park.Unit 34 语法形容词、副词的比较等级:1 三个等级(比较范围)2 比较级、最高级的构成:规则、不规则同类事物进行比较3 结构:同级比较: asas 比较级:比较级+ than 最高级:(the)最高级+of/ in4. 特殊用法:(1) 越.越 (2)越来越(3)the+比较级+ of the two 两者中更的(4)比较级前的修饰语: much、far、a lot、a little、a bit、even(5)one of


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