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1、2022年考博英语-北京科技大学考前模拟强化练习题(附答案详解)1. 单选题John said that he didnt quite( )and asked me to repeat what I had said.问题1选项A.snatch upB.summon upC.catch onD.watch out【答案】C【解析】考查词组辨析。A项snatch up“夺取,抓起”,B项summon up“鼓起,唤起”,C项catch on“理解,变得流行”,D项watch out“小心,提防”。根据后面的句意“要我重复我说过的话”可知,空格部分表示“明白,理解”,只有C项符合。句意:约翰说他不

2、太明白,要我重复一遍刚才说的话。因此,该题选择C项正确。2. 单选题The sale of alcoholic beverages is( )to those above 21 in some regions.问题1选项A.confinedB.InhibitedC.obligedD.restricted【答案】D【解析】考查动词辨析。A项confine“限制”,B项inhibit“禁止”,C项oblige“要求,约束”,oblige to表示“不得不”;D项restrict“限制”,restrict to表示“限制在”。句意:在某些地区,酒精饮料只能出售给21岁以上的人。因此D项正确。3. 单

3、选题“There is a weird power in a spoken word,” Joseph Conrad once said.问题1选项A.mightyB.prospectiveC.oddD.formidable【答案】C【解析】考查形容词辨析。weird表示“奇怪的,不可思议的”;A项mighty“强有力的”,B项prospective“未来的”,C项odd“古怪的”,D项formidable“令人敬畏的”。句意:约瑟夫康纳德(Joseph Conrad)曾经说过:“口头语言拥有神奇的力量。”根据句意可知C项正确。4. 单选题Under the rules of the Inte

4、rnational Olympic Committee, Jim Thorpe forfeited his amateur status when he played semiprofessional baseball in 1911.问题1选项A.tested tB.exploited tC.announced tD.lost【答案】D【解析】考查动词辨析。forfeit表示“丧失权利、名誉、生命等”;A项test“测试”,B项exploit“开发,开拓”,C项announce“宣布”,D项lost“丢失,丧失”。句意:根据国际奥委会的规定,当吉姆索普在1911年参加半职业棒球比赛时,他就丧

5、失了业余棒球运动员的身份。根据句意可知,该题选择D项正确。5. 翻译题The Olympic Games are a display of international goodwill. The ceremonies, with their emphasis upon both nationalism and internationalism, are a thrilling sight to see. At the start, the king or president of the country in which the Olympic Games are being held is

6、presented. The national anthem of his country is sung. Then follows a parade of all the contestants, each bearing his countrys flag and shield. This march is accompanied by a fanfare of trumpets. When the Olympic flag is raised, guns fire a salute. Doves, symbols of peace, are released. Finally then

7、 sacred fire is lit. The Olympic flame is set alight by a torch that has been carried by relay runners all the way from Olympia, Greece. The sacred fire then burns throughout the entire Olympic Games.【答案】答:奥运会是一个展现国际友好的平台。这些强调民族主义和国际主义的仪式是一种令人激动的景象。仪式一开始出现的是举办国的国王或者总统,并伴随着该国国歌的奏起。然后是各个国家的运动员队伍高举自己国家

8、的国旗和国徽,依次列队入场。伴随着这些游行队伍的是声势浩大的喇叭声。当奥林匹克会会旗升起时,鸣炮敬礼,象征和平的鸽子被放飞。最后,奥运圣火由从希腊奥林匹亚山脉一路传递过来的火炬来点燃。神圣的奥运会火焰将会照亮整个比赛进程。6. 单选题In the letter, my friend said that he would love to have me as a guest in his( )home.问题1选项A.humbleB.obscureC.inferiorD.lower【答案】A【解析】考查形容词辨析。A项humble“谦逊的,简陋的”,B项obscure“昏暗的,晦涩的”,C项inf

9、erior“自卑的,下等的”,D项lower“下方的,下级的”。根据关键词home(家,住宅)可知,空格处填入“简陋的”最合适。句意:在信中,我的朋友说他很愿意我在他简陋的家里做客。因此,该题A项正确。7. 单选题The stronger the motivation, the more quickly a person will learn a foreign language.问题1选项A.superstitionB.worshipC.purposeD.desire【答案】D【解析】考查名词辨析。motivation表示“动机,推动”;A项superstition“迷信”,B项worshi

10、p“崇拜,尊敬”,C项purpose“目的”,D项desire“欲望”。句意:一个人学习外语的动机越强,就会学得越快。根据句意可知,只有D项意思与之相近,故该题选择D项正确。8. 单选题Tall people earn considerably more money throughout their lives than their shorter co-workers, with each inch adding about US$789 a year in pay, according to a new study. “Height(1)career success,” says Timo

11、thy Judge, a University of Florida professor of management, who led the study. “These findings are troubling since, with a few(2), such as professional basketball, no one could argue that height is something essential required for job(3),” Judge points out.Judge analyzed results of four large-scale

12、studies in the US and Britain that followed thousands of people from childhood to adulthood, examining details of their work and personal lives. “If you take this(4)the course of a 30-year career, were talking about literally hundreds of thousands of dollars of earnings(5)that a tall person enjoys,”

13、 Judge said.Greater height boosted both subjective ratings of work performancea supervisors(6)of how effective someone isand(7)measures of performancesuch as sales volume. Being tall may boost self-confidence, improving performance. Other people may also give higher(8)and greater respect to a tall p

14、erson, giving them an edge in negotiating states, he says.The commanding influence of height may be a remainder of our evolutionary(9). Maybe from a time when humans lived among animals and size was(10)power and strength used when making “fight or run” decisions.问题1选项A.makes outB.works inC.takes onD

15、.matters for问题2选项A.casesB.exceptionsC.examplesD.problems问题3选项A.performanceB.operationC.conditionD.environment问题4选项A.onB.withC.overD.to问题5选项A.deficiencyB.advantageC.lossD.necessity问题6选项A.imaginationB.decisionC.judgeD.evaluation问题7选项A.relativeB.absoluteC.objectiveD.initiative问题8选项A.stateB.statusC.situationD.statue问题9选项


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