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1、美国经济将会好转日期:2011-08-11 The U.S. unemployment rate was slightly better than expected in July. The relatively good news gave President Barack Obama a break from the weeks relentlessly bad news on Wall Street.美国7月份的失业率比预计的略好。这一相对的好消息让奥巴马总统从这星期华尔街持续不断的坏消息中松了一口气。As stock prices continued to slide in New Y

2、ork, the government reported Friday that the U.S. economy created 154,000 new private sector jobs in July. Cuts in government jobs led to a net total of 117,000 new positions last month. The nations unemployment rate eased from 9.2 percent in June to 9.1 percent in July.8月5日(星期五)纽约股市仍然不稳,同时政府发布报告称,7

3、月份美国私营部门创造了15万4000个就业机会。扣掉政府裁减的工作岗位,上个月美国经济净增添11万7000个工作职位。美国7月份的失业率从6月份的9.2%下降到9.1%。President Obama acknowledged that those numbers are better than expected, but not nearly good enough.奥巴马总统表示,这些数字比预期要好,但是还不够好。“We have to create more jobs than that each month to make up for the more than eight mill

4、ion jobs that the recession claimed, said President Obama. We need to create a self-sustaining cycle, where people are spending, and companies are hiring, and our economy is growing. And we have known that will take some time.”奥巴马说:“我们每个月必须创造比这更多的就业机会,从而弥补此次经济衰退中丧失的800多万个工作岗位。我们需要建立自我维持的循环,也就是人们在消费,

5、企业在招聘,经济在增长。我们知道这需要一些时间。”Opposition Republicans say the jobless numbers show that the Obama administrations economic program is not working.反对党共和党人说,这些失业数据显示奥巴马当局的经济计划没有产生作用。In a written statement, House of Representatives Speaker John Boehner called the report further proof that the economy is bein

6、g devastated by a binge of spending, taxing and regulating. He said Democrats are not creating more jobs, but “more fear, more uncertainty and more debt.”国会众议院议长约翰博纳在一份书面声明中称,7月份就业报告进一步证明美国经济正受到大量开支、赋税和管制的破坏。他说,民主党没有创造更多的就业机会,而是创造了“更多的恐惧、更多的不确定性和更多的债务。”Despite the criticism and the gloom in the worl

7、ds financial markets, the president said the economy continues to grow, although slowly, and he believes the situation will improve.尽管受到上述批评,尽管全球金融市场黯淡,奥巴马总统表示,美国经济继续增长,虽然步伐缓慢,但他相信经济状况将会改善。“But what I want the American people and our partners around the world to know is this: We are going to get thr

8、ough this, said Obama. Things will get better, and we are going to get there together.”奥巴马说:“但是我想要美国人民和我们全世界的伙伴了解的是:我们将渡过这个难关。情况会变得好起来,我们将一起走出低谷。”Mr. Obama spoke at the Washington Navy Yard, where he announced a plan to give tax breaks to companies that hire military veterans returning to civilian l

9、ife. 奥巴马在华盛顿海军工厂发表讲话,他在那里宣布了一项计划,将对那些雇佣退伍转业军人的公司提供税收减免。The program is intended to put 100,000 veterans and their spouses in private-sector jobs by 2013.这项计划旨在2013年前将10万退役军人及其配偶安置到私营部门工作。Meanwhile, Friday was the final day at the White House for the chairman of the presidents Council of Economic Advisers, Austan Goolsbee. He is resuming his academic career at the University of Chicago. A replacement has not been named.同时,星期五是总统的经济顾问委员会主席奥斯坦古尔斯比在白宫的最后一天。他将重返芝加哥大学任教。他的继任人选还未提名。



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