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1、外研版五年级英语上册期中测试卷(通用) 题序一二三四五六七八总分得分(满分:100分 时间:60分钟)一、从下列每组单词中选出不同类的一项。(10分)1、( )Awhat BsometimesCusually2( )Aswimming BdancingCtake3( )Abreakfast BlateCdinner4( )Aa. m. Bp. m.Cgo5( )Aexercises BcleanCplay二、选出下列每组中单词画线部分发音不同的一项。(10分)1、( )Asnow Byellow Cdown2( )Atea Bbread Csea3( )Ahe Bshe Cegg4( )Aby

2、e Bwindy Csunny5( )Acow Bhow Csnow三、选择填空。(20分)1、Can I take a picture _ the mountain? ( )Yes, you can.AtoBofCat2、You _ tired. Please have a rest (休息). ( )AseeBwatchClook3、Its too _. I dont like it. ( )AfreshBhotCdelicious4、Childrens Day is June. ( )AinBatCon5、I usually go _ with my mother.( )AswimBto

3、 swimmingCswimming6、What would you like _? ( )Id like a hamburger, please.AhaveBto drinkCto eat7、_ book is in the classroom. _ is here. ( )AMine;YourBMy;YourCMy;Yours8、My pen is red. _ is yellow. ( )AYouBYoursCYour9、Im _. Id like some tea. ( )AhungryBthirstyCfull10、_ your name? ( )AWhatsBWhatChow四、

4、用所给单词的适当形式填空。(10分)1Its seven oclock, Jim _ (get ) up.2_ the Whites _ (have) dinner? No, they arent.3My sister _ (study) very well.4Where is Mary? She _ (run) with her friends on the playground.5Would you like _ (go ) _ (shop) with me after school?五、 按要求改写句子。(10分)1.Teachers Day is in September.(就划线部分

5、提问)_is_Day?2.I like autumn.(改为否定句)I_ _autumn.3.I like summer best.(就划线部分提问)_ _do you like best?4.Is he drinking water?(做否定回答)No,_ _.5.我们通常在6:30吃早餐。(汉译英)We usually_ _at 6:30.六、 连词成句。(10分)1there, is, lake, a (?)_2any, animals, are, there (?)_3some, ducks, there, are, rabbits, and (.)_4are, any, the, p

6、ark, in, there, lakes (?)_5the, a, house, there, nature, near, is, park (.)_七、 给下列问句选择正确的答语。(10分)AIll cook noodles for her.BIts on April 25th.CThank you.DIts on the second Sunday in May.E. We eat mooncakes.1When is your birthday? ( )2What will you do for your mum? ( )3Happy birthday, Mum. ( )4What d

7、o you usually do on Mid-Autumn Day? ( )5When is Mothers Day? ( )八、 阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。(20分)Hello! Im Wang Yong. Im at home. Its six oclock in the evening. Grandma is cooking dinner in the kitchen. I am doing my homework in the study. I am hungry. Now its 1:30. dinner is ready. All my family are eating

8、dinner. The food is tasty. Its 2:20. Im washing the dishes. Mum is reading a book in the study. Grandma is watching TV in the living room. Father is answering the phone. Grandpa is drawing a picture in his bedroom.1Wang Yong is doing his homework at school. ( )2Wang Yongs grandma cooks dinner at six

9、 oclock in the evening. ( )3They eat dinner at six thirty. ( )4Wang Yong washes the dishes at seven twenty. ( )5Wang Yongs grandpa draws a picture in the study at seven. ( )参考答案一、从下列每组单词中选出不同类的一项。(10分)1、1A2C3B4C5A二、选出下列每组中单词画线部分发音不同的一项。(10分)1、1C2B3C4A5C三、选择填空。(20分)1、B2、C3、B4、A5、C6、C7、C8、B9、B10、A四、 用

10、所给单词的适当形式填空。(10分)1、1is getting2 Are having3studies4is running5 to go shopping五、 按要求改写句子。(10分)1、 1.When Teachers 2.dont like 3.Which season 4.he isnt 5.eat breakfast六、 连词成句。(10分)1、1Is there a lake?2Are there any animals?3There are some ducks and rabbits.4Are there any lakes in the park?5There is a house near the nature park.七、 给下列问句选择正确的答语。(10分)1、1B2A3C4E5D八、 阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。(20分)2、1F2T3T4T5F页码 / 总页数


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