九年级英语 Unit 5 The Forbidden City知识精讲 北京课改版.doc

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1、Unit 5 The Forbidden City一、教学内容:Unit 5 The Forbidden City二、教学目标:知识目标:熟练掌握本单元课文中的单词,短语和句型。能力目标:培养学生综合运用知识的能力。三、教学难点:培养学生的综合能力四、重点知识:单词:本单元所有单词(单词表中)短语:1. be excited about 对感到兴奋 2. take place 发生 3. 500 kilometers long 五百米长 4. six-meter-deep moat 六米深的护城河 5. lie in the center of Beijing 位于北京的中心6. on eac

2、h side 在每一边/面7. divide into 分成8. be covered with 覆盖着 9. a million people 一百万人 10. one hundred thousand 十万 11. make impossible 使成为不可能 句型:It was not completed until 1420. 直到1420年才建成。The Forbidden City lies in the center of Beijing. 紫禁城坐落于北京的中心地段。The buildings are surrounded by a six-meter-deep moat an

3、d a ten- meter-high wall.那些建筑物被六米深的护城河与十米高的城墙包围着。The city is divided into two parts. (紫禁)城被分为两部分。五、重点知识讲解:1. People who have visited the Forbidden City would be impressed by the wisdom of the ancient Chinese. The Forbidden City lies in the center of Beijing, north of Tiananmen Square. It has 9999 bu

4、ildings, which are surrounded by a six-meter-deep moat and a ten-meter-high wall. The wall has a gate on each side: the Meridian Gate to the south, the Shenwu Gate to the north, the Xihua Gate to the west, and the Donghua Gate to the east. 译文:凡是参观过紫禁城的人一定会惊诧于中国古代人民的智慧。紫禁城位于北京城的中心,天安门广场的北边。紫禁城里面有9999

5、间房屋, 四周环绕着六米深的护城河和十米高的城墙。每一面城墙都有一个城门:南面是午门,北面是神武门,西面是西华门,东面是东华门。知识点:1)the wisdom of the ancient Chinese 中国古代人民的智慧2) lies in the centre of Beijing 位于北京城的中心3) north of Tiananmen Square 天安门广场的北边4) a six-meter-deep moat 六米深的护城河5) a ten-meter-high wall 十米高的城墙6) each 每一个each, every意思相近,经常可以互用,但在下列情况下有差别:

6、each重点指单个的个体,即逐个,而every重点强调整体. Study each sentence carefully.认真学习每个句子。(强调个体:逐一学习) Every sentence must have a verb每个句子必须有一个动词。(强调整体:所有句子) each更强调小的数量;而every则侧重大的数量. There were four books on the table. Each book was a different color. Carol loves reading. She has read every book in the library(all the

7、 books). each可以指两个东西,而every不能. In a football match, each team has 11 players. (not “every”) 表达动作的频率时,用every,不能用each “How often do you go shopping?” “Every day.” (not “each day” ) each和every均可与名词连用, 除此之外, each可单独使用, 而every不能. each book, every book, each one, every one but: Each is a different color.

8、(not “every”) Each of them is a different color. (not “every”)2. The Forbidden City got its name by forbidding common people to enter unless they were given permission. The city is divided into two parts. The southern part, or the Outer Court was where the emperor exercised his power over the nation

9、. The Outer Court covers a large space between the Meridian Gate and the Gate of Heavenly purity. The “three big halls” of Supreme Harmony, Complete Harmony and Preserving Harmony constitute the center of this building group. The northern part, or the Inner Court, was where the emperor lived with hi

10、s family members. 译文:以前,没有许可,普通人是不能进入紫禁城的。 这也是它的名字的由来。紫禁城分为两部分:南部,或叫外殿,是皇上对国家行使至高无上权力的地方。外殿包括了从午门到乾清门之间的大片空地。三大殿:太和殿、保和殿与中和殿构成了这组建筑群的中心。北部,或叫内殿,是皇上和皇室家族成员生活的地方。知识点: 1) unless 除非;如果不;要是不 例如:Unless he studies hard, he will never pass the examination. 他如果不努力学习, 就永远不能考及格。I shall go unless it rains. 如果不下

11、雨我就去。This baby seldom cries unless he is tired. 这个婴儿很少哭除非在他疲倦时。Ill go unless he telephones. 他不来电话我就去。Stay for dinner, unless youre busy. 如果你不忙,就留下来吃饭吧。Well be late unless we speed up. 我们要不加快速度,就会迟到。2) divided into 把分成3) cover 覆盖相关短语:be covered with 覆盖着be covered by 由覆盖例句:cover the table with a cloth

12、 把桌子铺上台布be covered with moss 长满绿苔be covered with snow all the year round 终年积雪cover the loss 弥补损失His studies covered a wide field. 他的知识渊博。Lies cannot cover up facts. 谎言掩盖不住事实。The best reporters were sent to cover the war. 最优秀的记者被派去做战地报道。All the pupils in the school are covered against accidents. 学校里所

13、有的学生都参加了人身保险。There are lots of bus lines covering the area. 有许多公共汽车路线遍布于这一地区。between and 和两者之间3. The building of the palace began in 1407, the 5th year of the Yongle rule, it was not completed until 1420. It was said that a million people, including one hundred thousand skilled workers were driven i

14、nto long-term hard labor. It was said that a well was dug every fifty meters along the road in order to pour water onto the road in winter. Ancient Chinese people showed their great skills in building the Forbidden City. Take the external city wall for example. The angular shape of the city wall made any attempt to climb it impossible.紫禁城始建于1407年,即永乐五年,直至1420年才完工。据说,有一百万工人包括十万工匠被迫去做长期苦工。据说当时沿路每隔50米就挖一口井,为的是在冬天可以把水倾倒在路上使其结冰,把巨大的石头顺着冰面滑进京城。古代中国人民在建造紫禁城时展示了他们高超的技艺。以宏伟的外部(红色)城墙为例,城墙的角度使得试图攀爬是不可


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