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1、摘要水稻工厂化育秧流水线的播土器设计摘 要水稻工厂化育秧技术是我国水稻栽培技术的发展方向,而研究设计育秧设备,是推进该技术不断发展的技术措施之一。工厂化育秧包括播土、播种、覆土、洒水等主要生产过程,通常认为播种作业是非常重要的过程,但是,播土作业同样是育秧过程中不可缺少的重要环节,由于传统的育秧过程中每穴种子数多,对播土与覆土要求不十分严格,随着超级稻育秧技术兴起,每穴种子数减少,播种精度提高,对播/覆土要求十分严格,如播土厚度不均匀将影响育秧质量。 本文简要的介绍了国内外的育秧技术的发展情况和国内现有的播土装置的构造优缺点,分析并提出现有播土装置的缺陷,设计出新型播土装置,并对此进行了全面的

2、理论分析与研究。本文的研究结论如下: 1)系统地介绍了我国现有播、覆土装置的研究现状,详细的分析了它们的结构特点和不足,在此基础之上,研制出一种排土稳定均匀的播土装置,选取 V 形推土片大直径滚筒作为排土部分的关键部件。 2)确定了 V 形推土片大直径滚筒播土装置的滚筒结构参数、V 形推土片的结构参数和分布情况。利用土壤与钢的摩擦角和摩擦系数,确定了土箱排土口位置、导流板与水平面的夹角 和挡土板的结构、位置参数。从理论上建立了滚筒转速与生产率、播土厚度、V 形推土片宽度时间的数学模型,建立了排土量与滚筒转速、V 形推土片参数之间的数学模型。利用 CATIA 软件装配模块建立了播土装置的 3D

3、模型。关键词:水稻;秧盘育秧;播土装置;工厂化育秧IIAbstractDesign of Spreading Soil Device for Factor Rice Seedling-NurseryAbstractThe technology of Factory Seedling-nursery is the development direction of the paddy cultivating technology in our country, to research and design the seedling-nursery device is one of the most

4、 important methods to impel the seedling-nursery technology to develop unceasingly. Factory Seedling-nursery is made up of four processes which are Soil-spread, Precision seeding, Soil-cover and Water spray. In the usually opinion, the most important process is the Precision seeding, but the process

5、 of soil-spread is also essential to the seedling-nursery. With the development of the technology of super paddy seedling-nursery, the number of the seeds in per hole is decreased and the seeding precision is enhanced, so it is much strict to the processes of Soil-spread and Soil-cover, the quality

6、of seedling will be reduced if the thickness of soil in the tray is not uniformity. Based on the comprehensive introduction to the structural characteristics of seedling development of domestic and foreign technology and the existing domestic broadcast equipment on the basis of soil analysis and poi

7、nted out the deficiencies of the prior sowing soil means proposed new sowing soil means, and this conduct theoretical analysis and systematic research. Research conclusions are as follows: 1) On the basis of introducing the research condition of the soil-spread and soil-cover devices in the internat

8、ional and domestic countries by the numbers, and analyzing their structure characteristic and shortage in details, the purpose of the research in the thesis was putted forward: a spreading soil device which spreads and covers soil steadily is developed, the large diameter drum with V-shaped tablet a

9、s the soil-spread components of the spreading soil device is chosen. 2) The sizes of the lager drum with the V-shaped tablet were confirmed, and the distribution of the V-shaped tablet on the film of the drum was also confirmed in order to ensure the spreading soil device to spread soil continuously

10、 when the drum rotates slowly. Made full use of the friction angle between soil and steel, the position of the soil box placket, the gradient of the soil-lead board was confirmed. In order to prevent the soil splashing, a block was designed. The thesis set up the mechanics model that indicates the r

11、elation between the rotate speed of the drum and productivity, the thickness of the soil in the tray, the width of the V-shaped tablet, and set up the mechanics model that indicates the relation between the volume of the soil expelled from the soil box per second and the rotate speed of the drum, th

12、e sizes of the V-shaped tablet. On the basis of the Pro/E software, the 3D siMULation model of the spreading soil device was set up.Key Words: Rice;Seedling Trays;Spreading Soil Device;Factory Seedling-nursery - 6 -目录目 录摘要IAbstractII1 绪论- 1 -1.1 课题背景- 1 -1.1.1 水稻的生产情况及意义- 1 -1.1.2 水稻的主要种植模式及分布区域- 2

13、-1.1.3 水稻种植技术的多样性- 3 -1.1.4 所设计的播土装置的目的与意义- 3 -1.2 播土装置国内外发展现状- 4 -1.2.1 国外研究现状- 4 -1.2.2 国内研究现状- 4 -1.3 研究内容- 5 -2 水稻秧盘育秧精密播种流水线的工作原理- 7 -2.1 总体结构- 7 -2.2 播土装置的整体结构方案确定- 7 -2.3 工作原理- 8 -3 播土装置的结构设计- 9 -3.1 排土结构的设计- 9 -3.2 导流板设计- 18 -3.3 挡土板设计- 19 -4 CATIA 的播土装置 3D 实体建模- 20 -4.1 零件- 20 -4.2 播土装置总装图-

14、 21 -5 结论- 22 -参考文献- 23 -致谢- 25 -绪论1 绪论1.1 课题背景1.1.1 水稻的生产情况及意义在世界粮食安全中占有极其重要的地位的粮食作物是水稻。亚洲是世界最大的水稻种植区,世界水稻总产量的92来自于亚洲,美国是北美的主要水稻生产国,欧洲最大的水稻生产国是意大利。中国是世界上最大的水稻生产国,水稻年平均种植面积约3000万公顷,占全国谷物种植面积的30左右,世界水稻种植面积的20左右;水稻也是我国最主要的粮食作物之一,稻谷总产量近2亿吨,占全国粮食总产的40,占世界稻谷总产的35,稻谷平均单产6.212吨公顷,我国有近60%的人以稻米为主食,每年直接消耗大米1.

15、3亿1.4亿吨,同时水稻深加工产业也日益兴起,例如一种高档营养保健食用油是由米糠油加工而成的,在美国市场上价格是橄榄油的3倍,而且其中还富含人体所需的多种维生素、工业用原料及饲料,进行多种产品精深加工,带来巨大的经济效益,加工后的副产品的价值已引起世界各国的重视,因此水稻生产在推动世界的经济发展方面占有重要地位。 水稻是我国种植面积最大、单产量高、总产最多的粮食作物,水稻生产在我国粮食生产中占有极其重要的地位。加快发展水稻生产的机械化,减轻水稻生产的劳动强度,降低生产成本,增加产量和收益,是提高水稻综合生产能力,保障我国粮食安全的一项战略措施,对推动现代农业和社会主义新农村建设具有重要意义。目前,美国、意大利、日本、韩国的水稻生产机械化水平均已达到97%以上,实现了水稻生产全程机械化。国内外的实践证明,水稻生产全程机械化具有如下显著优点: 1)效率高 步进式和乘座式插秧机作业效率分别是人工栽插的11.5倍和30倍;机抛效率是人抛的25倍,是人力插秧的120倍;机直播人均生产率比手插高30倍;联合机械化收获作业效率是人工的4060倍。 2)省工节本 水稻机械直播比人工栽插可节省成本约750元/公顷;机械栽插比人工手插平均节约成本450元/公顷左右;机械收获较人工收获节省成本300元/公顷。 3)减少损失、增产增收 联合机械化收获总损失率低于5%,比



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