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1、银川五中英语同课异构活动教学设计新人教版七年级英语(上)Unit 7 How much are these socks?Period 1 (section A 1a-1c)陈学峰2014-12-3Unit 7 How much are these socks?Period 1一、 Teaching aims and demands1. Knowledge objectives(1) vocabulary : how much, socks, T-shirt, shorts, sweater, trousers, shoes, skirt.(2) Target language:- How mu

2、ch is this / that ?- Its dollars.- How much are these / those?- Theyre dollars.2. Ability objectivesListening and speaking3. Moral objectivesStudents are able to express what goods they want: color, size and prize.二、 key points.1. vocabulary2. Target language三、 Difficult pointsUse the target languag

3、e correctly四、 Teaching methods1. listening and speaking2. Encourage students to take part in activities.五Teaching aid.Multi-media六、Teaching procedureTasks Teachers activitiesSsactivitiespurposeStep 1Warming upWelcome to class!Enjoy music营造上课氛围Step 2 Lead-in Ask Ss the topic accordingTo the picturesG

4、uess , tell the topic 观察与猜测能力Step 3New words teaching (1) lets go shopping!Money: 1 yuan , 1dollar,3yuan , 3 dollars(2) sweater, shirt, T-shirt,Skirt (3) trousers, shorts, socks, shoes.(4) pay attention: trousers, shorts, socks, shoes. glassesLearn and think aboutLearn and repeatRemember解决目标语言学习的障碍S

5、tep4Memory challenge(1) show the pictures and the words(2) Top 10 game Read and remember In the order 记忆力挑战Step 5 1a.(1)Have Ss do it(2)Have a checkFinish 1aThen show词汇巩固Step 6Presentation Step 7.Pair work (1)show target language: How much is ?Its dollarsHow much are ?Theyre dollars(2) presentation:

6、-How much is this/that?-Its dollars(师)-How much is this/that?-(生)-(3) pair work(4) presentation:-How much are these/those.?-Theyre dollars(师)-How much?-? (生)-(生)Ask Ss to practice target language in pairs. Feel and think about LearnRepeat Think aboutHave a tryPractice in pairsLearn RepeatThink about

7、Have a tryPractice inpairs 可以试着让学生回答!师引导,学生思师边引边放手给学生,直至最终完全放手给学生(单数名词)生生练习 (复数名词)单复数混在一起练习,注意区分Step 8.creationhow some single nouns and price over 10, some plural nouns and price, have Ss try!Have a try大胆创新,看有无突破。Step 9.Listening 1b.(1) play the tape(2) ask Ss to follow the tapeListen and finish th

8、e task逐步培养语音、语调Step 10Guessing game How much ?I think itsdollars/I think theyre dollarsPlay games,Relaxing!游戏放松大脑,轻松巩固Step 11Survey (1) Encourage Ss to make a survey: what do you have?What color is/ are ?How much is / are ?(2) Ask Ss to give a report according to the survey.(3) Have a check Make a surveyWrite a reportshow和伙伴交流自己服饰的颜色和价格(实践活动)Step 12.Education Its difficult to make money. we should save money.Share 升华主题


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