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1、-精选财经经济类资料- 考研复试英语自我介绍范文 考研复试英语自我介绍范文(一) Good morning/afternoon, my dear teachers (my dear professors)。 I am very glad to be here for your interview. My name is _.I am _ years old. I come from _, a very beautiful city. My undergraduate period will be accomplished in _university in July, 2009. And no

2、w, I am trying my best for obtaining a key to _ University. Generally speaking, I am a hard-working student. I will try my best to finish it no matter how difficult it is. When I was sophomore, I found web design very interesting, so I learned it very hard. To weave a homepage for myself, I stayed w

3、ith my personal computer for half a month, and I am the first one in my class who own his homepage. Furthermore, I am a person with great perseverance. During the days preparing for the first examination, I insist on running every day, no matter what the weather was like. And just owning to this, I

4、could concentrate on my study and succeeded in the end. Well, in my spare time, I like basketball, tennis and Chinese chess. Also, English is my favorite. I often go to English corner to practice my oral English on every Thursday, and write compositions to improve my written ability. But I know my E

5、nglish is not good enough, I will continue studying. Ok, thats all, thank you for your attention. 考研复试英语自我介绍范文(二) Respected Professors,Good afternoon! Im great honored to meet you allow me to give a brief self-introduction. Im ,26 years old , born in city , the year of ,I entered University, majorin

6、g in Machincal Designing and Producing. During those 4 yearsstudy,I worked hard and I was always active in various activities. I gained the first scholarship for four times and I joined the Communist Party at the college. After my graduation in June ,I worked in company. I got a position in the Tech

7、nology Department the first year and I was involved in several internet projects, such as the one for College student Recruitment in Henan Province and the one for Computer Center in Mathmatics Department in Zhengzhou University. Owning to my hard work ,I was awarded the Best Newcomer Prize in the y

8、ear . The next year, I was transferred into the Principal Customer Department, responsible for developing and strengthening a good relationship between the principal customers and my company. Two major customers, Henan Provincipal Department of Transportation and Henan Provincial Department of Perso

9、nnel, are under my work. However,with time going on ,the more I experienced, the clearer I realized that Im really interested in the Enterprise Management .I find many enterprises have the problem of an unmatched management to its developing speed . Im eager to learn more about management and I hope

10、 I can study further in this University. So I resigned in August , 2008 and started the way to pursuing my studies. After about half years hard work, Im finally standing before your honorable professors now. Im really excited. Though Ive sacrificed much on my way to pusuing studies, I believe its wo

11、rthwhile. I believe working hard will finally be prepared. Thank you ! 考研复试英语自我介绍注意事项 不同的学校对口语测试有不同的标准和流程。有些制定了非常详细的标准和流程,甚至规定了每个老师发问的方式和时间;有些只是面试老师的自由发挥,成绩也基本上由面试老师主观判定。不管面试是否严格控制,考生对下面几个问题一定要认真准备,并形成一套属于自己的表达框架: 一是自我介绍,如来自哪里,毕业学校、所学专业、毕业论文课题、业余爱好、家庭基本情况等信息。二是做好用英语定义和解释自己所学专业的准备。口语测试时,老师有可能就本专业展开话题

12、,考查考生用英语讲述事物的能力。因此考生对此要有所准备,先用一些自己比较熟悉的句型和词汇将答案组织起来,再用一些更精确的不经常用的句型和词汇来替换,提高语言质量,让考官感觉表述地道,有利于获得好成绩。在自我介绍完了老师就会开始问你问题这里列出一些常见的问题,可以认真准备。注意在准备的过程中,要结合自己的经历和见解来准备答案,让自己回答的问题和整个的自我介绍融为一个整体。要不然很容易被考官抓住把柄,问个没完,很容易因紧张而露出马脚。 在每一年的面试中都会有很多相同的问题,这些问题看起来很平常,却有很多陷阱,一不小心就会被考官抓主小辫子了。回答这些常见的看起来很平常的问题,是很有艺术的。 基本上每

13、个院校每个专业的口试中都会涉及这一方面。考官其实是要借此了解你的口头表达能力以及你的报名表之外的一些信息。自我介绍时间以2-3分钟为宜。思路要清楚,要突出重点,口语尽量流利(不要太流利了,有背诵之嫌)。 1) 考官要求你作自我介绍时,不要用?let me introduce myself briefly / please allow me to introduce myself to you等句子,重复、啰嗦。开头可以只用一句话引入:Dear professors, I feel so glad to meet all of you here.然后就可以进入主题,介绍姓名、年龄等等。 2) 自

14、我介绍的主体内容 姓名。介绍自己姓名时,发音一定要准(南方考生要多加注意)。 年龄。年龄可以跟在姓名后带过(I am XXX, 25 years old)。 原来的院校、专业。注意:一定要把原来学校的英文名称、专业的英文名称弄清楚(尤其是跨校、跨专业的学生)。所属的公司、职位。注意:在职考生则应将自己公司、自己职位/职称的英文名称弄明白。 性格、能力。可以着重强调你的个性对你报考的专业有何积极的作用。如果报考的是学术性的专业,可以说自己细心(carefully,detail-oriented)、条理分明(logical)、踏实(steady)等;如果是研究性、应用性更强一点的专业,可以说自己负

15、责(responsible)、可靠(dependable)、有效率(efficient)等。 其他的一些表示性格、能力的形容词有:active, aggressive(有进取心的), adaptable, amicable(友好的), analytical(善于分析的), cooperative, creative, disciplined, dutiful, energetic, faithful, gentle, independent(有主见的), innovative, motivated, modest, objective, precise, punctual, precise(一丝不苟的), temperate等等。 在职考生或有过工作经验的考生还可以强调一下你的工作成绩,如:As the assistant to the General Manger of XXX Company, I have helped to negotiate a $200,000 deal for the corporation. 爱好。All work and no play make Jack a dull boy. 除了强调你的学习的重视,同时也要避免给考官一种“书呆子”的感觉


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