1、英语四级作文题目篇一:历年英语四级真题作文范文汇总 历年英语四级真题作文范文汇总 202X年12月大学英语四级作文真题 iretios:For this par, you ae aloed3miutesto write srtessa ntitledHow SouldPrents elChildren to Be Inendent Yo shod wrt atlet150 wrs ollong eutine iven blo. 1. 目前不少父母为孩子包办一切 2.为了让孩子独立,父母应该 How huldPrens Hep hlren o e Indepenent 参考范文 Hel Chil
2、dren to ndenden Ths te“fmilypn”poli,tody Cina many amilies have onechld.Loing andcaingfr childrn is n l Chinsetraiton thathasreminedfothoand f yes.Bu thcildrena spoilts uch that teyaess indpedc.Thyy n erarnts n everythingTht isba for a chid gowing.Thrfore,parts shold delo he childrns ndepedence inst
3、ea odon eerythig for hm Te r some way hep ilden t be iendet.irtof ll,yu soul belee ochldrn can do he thng well.eond,gve thm more cacesto rcte,when teyot kno how to doi,jt te temteway.Third,dont bafaid to eethmfil.I theeinn,theymaydoomthing bad.But dowory,jus ltthem t agin.hy can dote work awellasyf
4、givnmore tim.To b idepenentisgood fr theildrn.A child who is ndepeen wl scceeeasl n he future. 202X年2月大学英语四级作文真题 Due Attntion Shoud e ive to Sling 1.如今不少学生在英语(论坛)学习中不重视拼写.出现这种情况的原因.这种现象导致的结果 范文参考:De tention ShoulBeGivnSpllng 1Nowadysfeer nd fwersdent attenti to thei word-pelling.codin to arecnturey,
5、 ther s a damatic inres inhe nmbr of stens wo an only imitate th prounciaon o aor but bincapble ofpll it. Inthsesay I williscuss the atorsf ti phenoeon an offey onview n it。 Therare a ube f facor caeaccountablefor this ituaion. One of theostcommon actorsi tht fwr ad fwer tdent nee t ritengih essas.
6、Beids, the gol o mos stnts o rn Enlish is ospak an pa th einationwicheansthey ustesecthe simirords accdng toth lisng maeias ad assages. Perhas h mot contributingfactor i the wd us of lcroni devices such as edctioaies ancompues a sdts nolonger ned to crret th rd y hemselves。 far as m cocened,I imy ar
7、ge thatwe needto atta grt iprane to word-selli. To te stdens, they soud ite nglish a uc s tey can. Manwhile,othe teachers,the ictatons houldbe reiforcd inh lss。 0X年2月英语四级作文 rae a grencmpus .建设绿色校园十分重要 2.绿色校园不仅指绿色环境 3.为了建设绿色校园我们应该 考试范文eate a Gr Cmpus “reen mpu”is, to smxten, reativelnew cocet ou.It n
8、ot onl n ceati aree environment on ampus, butalso rfertothat stuensholdbeeducad an hve a nvionmet sense in their mid. Ocurse, thcocpis veryimportat fo te sudets becaseit segoalsowrd he utre of the ord。 he young eneaion s under the burdeofsvere eniromental roblems ante opes of evrnnta iprovemen are i
9、n inhem.Threfor, campus y moe imortant ole in educting theyunggeneraionThe crationf“Green ampus” wil greatly tiuatestudentsotake partin vrious enironental rotetion actviis; ostimprny, 2studnts will be edcad to taeenvironalpoles seosly astheir ownissio and respnsibility. Undersuch timulatios, sudensm
10、a asp thechance t lear every ncesary curs for thiound susainaledeelpen f the ord。 To rin “grn campus”to tll p, effectivemeauresshould be take. Fist, ase on its edctionfunction, ps shou brint theryof “susainable dvlopm” intoclasroo,et evomntal managentrues ad cont envronent educion actviies. Seod,cap
11、us lso nds strenthn ts ies it he ociet, tieso comnicat wthprents adrts o as ensure thattudent oudhave a bt patcipationinthe practica actiities. ly by t coeffort of e whleoietyculd“green campus” work moothly d br benefitto poples webeng。 22X年6月四级作文范文 Freeissin msums越来越多的博物馆免费对外开放的目的是什么? 也会带来一些问题;你的看法
12、?Fre dission t MumNowys,alot of mseumsopent he pubic forfe, n a ot o peopl aretacte gothere. owee, it aso bought some unpected poblms. A psent, eopeca gtknowede from mny a like librares, ntenet, adother ores However, tere ialso mu noatio thtpople ct ge fmtheabove ws. Fe dmisinsums supy mre cance or the puicto get owldg hatcant be easiy acssed. epecan learnmore tigs abouthitory, at, siece nd so on. Alhough, this ind f olic boght mu conenence to thpblic, it a