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1、 新概念英语词汇速记手册1新概念1词汇 01-05动词 原谅Excuse me!对不起!Excuse me,is this your pen?对不起,这是你的钢笔吗?Excuse me,what time is it?对不起,现在几点了?me代词 我(宾格)Me Give me that book.把那本书给我。Please tell me more.请告知我多一些.yes是的Yes,it is.是的,是我的.Are you a student? - Yes,I am.你是学生吗?是的,我是。Can I have a cup of tea? -yes,of course.能给我来一杯茶吗? 固

2、然可以.is动词be 动词现在时第三人称单数Is this your handbag?这是你的手提包吗?Today is Mondy.今日是星期一。This car is mine.这车是我的。this代词这Is this your book?这是您的书的吗?pardon?对不起,请再说一遍.Pardon me!对不起,请再说一遍.Pardon,will you say that again?对不起,请你再说一遍.it代词它Yes,it is.是的,是我的.Whose bike is this?这是谁的自行车?It”s mine.这是我的.That skirt is expensive,isn

3、”t it?这条裙子很贵,是吗?thank you感谢你(们)Thank you very much.特别感谢!Thank you for your help!感谢你的帮忙.She said “thank you“ to me with a smile.她微笑地对我说了声“感谢“.very much特别地I like her very much.我特别喜爱她.Marie likes singing very much.玛丽特别喜爱唱歌.Lesson 2pen名词钢笔Is this your pen?这是你的钢笔吗?May I borrow your pen?我能借你的钢笔用吗?This pen

4、 is made in China.这支笔是中国制造.pencil名词铅笔Is this your pencil?这是你的铅笔吗?The pencil on the desk is mine.桌面上的铅笔是我的.Whose pencil is this?这是谁的铅笔?book名词书Is this your book?这是你的书吗?I am reading a book.我正在读着一本书.He has lots of books.他有许多书.watch名词手表Is this your watch?这是你的手表吗?My watch has stopped.我的表已经停了.This watch is

5、 too dear.这只手表太贵了.coat名词上衣,外衣Is this your coat?这是你的上衣吗?How much is this coat?这件上衣多少钱?Put on your coat.把外衣穿上.dress名词连衣裙Is this your dress?这是你的连衣裙吗?Her new dress looks nice.她的新连衣裙很好看.How much is this dress?这套连衣裙要多少钱?skirt名词裙子Is this your skirt?这是你的裙子吗?She is wearing a short skirt.她穿着一条短裙.This kind of

6、skirt is popular this year.今年流行这种裙子.shirt名词衬衣Is this your shirt?这是你的衬衣吗?He put on a shirt and went out.他穿上衬衣后就走出去了.The man is a shirt is my uncle.穿衬衣的男士是我叔叔.car名词小汽车Is this your car?这是你的小汽车吗?Many people go to work by car.许多人开车去上班.There are many cars in the street.街上有许多小汽车.house名词房子Is this your house

7、?这是你的房子吗?He lives in a big house.他住在一所大房子里.He has a house in Paris.他在巴黎有房子.Lesson 3umbrella名词伞My coat and my umbrella,please.请把我的外套和伞拿给我.Bring your umbrella with you,it”s going to rain.带把伞吧,快要下雨了.Where”s my umbrella?我的雨伞在哪呢?please感慨词请Please pass me the book.请把那本书递给我.Close the door,please.请把门关上.here副

8、词这里Here is my ticket.这是我(存放东西)的牌子.Here comes the bus!公共汽车来了.My aunt lives here.我的姨妈住在这里.my代词(形容词性物主代词)我的My coat and my umbrella please.请把我的外套和伞拿给我.I called my mum yesterday.昨天我打电话给我母亲了.Have you seen my book?你看到我的书了吗?ticket名词票The plane ticket is $200.机票是200美元.I forgot to bring my ticket with me.我遗忘带票

9、了.number名词号码Thank you,sir. Number five.感谢,先生.是5号.What is your phone number,please?请问你的电话号码是多少?My room number is 309.我的房间号码是309.five数词5There are five people in my family.我们家有五个人.He can eat five apples at a time.他一次能吃5个苹果.sorry形容词对不起的This is not my my umbrella.这不是我的伞.Sorry,sir.对不起,先生.Sorry,I”m late.对不

10、起,我迟到了.I”m sorry;I broke your glass.对不起,我把你的杯子打破了.Sir名词先生Can I help you,sir?先生,需要帮助吗?Sir,you”ve dropped something.先生,你掉东西了.cloakroom名词衣物存放处Excuse me,where”s the cloakroom?打扰了,请问衣物存放处在哪?You can leave your coat in the cloakroom.你可以把外衣物存放处.Lesson 4suit名词一套衣服Is this your suit?这是你的衣服吗?He looks nice in th

11、e new suit.他穿那套新衣服很好看.How much is your suit?你的那套衣服多少钱?School学校Is this your school?这是你的学校吗?Dad takes us to school every day.爸爸每天送我们到学校.Which school do you go to?你在哪所学校上学?teacher名词教师Is this your teacher?这是你的教师吗?Miss Lee is my favorite teacher.李是我最喜爱的教师.How many teachers are there in your school?你们学校有多

12、少教师.son名词儿子Is this your son?这是你的儿子吗?Her son is 8 years old.她的儿子8岁了.Your son is so lovely.你的儿子很得意.daughter名词女儿Is this your daughter?这是你的女儿吗?My daughter”s at school now.我的女儿现在已经上学了.They have three sons and a daughter.他们有三个儿子和一个女儿.Lesson 5Mr.名词先生Good morning,Mr.Blake.早上好,布莱克先生.Hello,Mr.White.你好,怀特先生.Mr

13、.Smith comes from London.史密斯先生从伦敦来.good形容词好Good morning!早上好!He is a good teacher.他是一个好的教师.It”s good to see you.见到你真好.morning名词早晨We are leaving tomorrow morning.我们明天早上离开.I get up early every morning.每天早上我都起得早.Miss名词小姐This is Miss Sophie Dupont.这位是索菲娅.杜邦小姐.This is Miss Green,your new teacher.这位是格林小姐,你

14、们的新教师.Good morning,Miss Lee.早上好,李小姐.new形容词新的Sophie is a new student.索菲娅是个新学生.Do you like my new car?你喜爱我的新车吗?He got a new job last week.他上星期找了份新的工作.student名词学生The school has about 3,000 students.这所学校有学生大约3,000人.He is a student at a night school.他在一所夜校读书.French名词,形容词法国的,法国人,法语She is French.她是法国人.Do you speak French?你讲法语吗?French wine is fam



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