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1、英语培训(二)并列句并列句是由并列连词把两个或两个以上的简单句连接起来的句子,其结构为“简单句+并列连词+ 简单句”。常见的并列连词有and, but, so 和or。这不, 弟兄四个人聚在一起,煞有介事地开起会来了。那咱们就来听听吧!and 自述我的意思是“和”,有我的并列句表示联合关系。如:彼得踢足球,并踢得很好。Peter plays football, and he is good at it.but 自述我的意思是“但是”,和我在一起的并列句当然是表示转折的关系了。在使用时,千万要注意我有一个冤家,它是though 或although(虽然,尽管),有它没我,有我没它!如:虽然天下着

2、雨,但是我还是去上学了。It rained heavily, but I still went to school.so 自述我的意思是“所以”,有我的并列句表示因果关系。我呢,也有一个不能出现的死对头,because (因为)。在使用时,你可要小心了。如:因为没有车了,所以我不得不走着回家。I had to walk home because there was no bus.There was no bus, so I had to walk home.or 自述我有两个意思,“或者”或“否则”,和我在一起的并列句表示选择关系。如:你可以待在家里,或者跟我们去钓鱼。 You can sta

3、y at home, or go fishing with us.好好学习吧,否则你就落后于其他人了。Work hard, or youll fall behind others.怎么样,听完了四兄弟的自述,对并列句掌握的怎么样了呢?来“并列句操练场”大显身手吧!并列句操练场从方框中所给的并列词中,选出正确的一个,完成句子。and or so but because though1. Open the door_ let the cool air in.2. There are few new words in the article, _we couldnt understand it.3.

4、 I like beef, _my father doesnt like it.4. We finished the homework quickly _ it was very easy.5. Be more careful, _ youll have an accident.6. Its raining very hard, _ wed better stay here.7. Claire wanted to buy a car, _ he didnt have enough money.8. Hes always very careful, _ he never makes any mi

5、stakes.9. Take a raincoat with you, _ youll get wet.10. He kept on working outside, _ it was colder and colder.宾语从句在本单元的学习中,我们在多处都见到了宾语从句。其实,在以前的课文中,我们也接触过它。那么,在具体使用时,有什么要注意的地方吗?一注意:注意引导词由陈述句转化而来的宾语从句,引导词为that,that在口语或非正式文体中可省略;由一般疑问句转化而来的宾语从句,引导词为if或whether;由特殊疑问句转化而来的宾语从句,引导词为句子本身的特殊疑问词,即what,when

6、,where等。例如:Tom says (that) he will fly to Beijing tomorrow. 汤姆说他明天将要坐飞机去北京。He asked me if / whether I know his name. 他问我是否知道他的名字。I want to know where you went yesterday. 我想知道你昨天去哪儿了。二注意:注意从句语序宾语从句的语序应该为陈述句语序,即“主语+谓语+宾语+其他”。也就是说,将疑问句转化成宾语从句时,一定要将疑问句语序转变成陈述句语序。例如:Can you tell me what he is doing? 你能告诉

7、我他正在做什么吗? 当疑问句在宾语从句中做主语时,语序不变。例如:Do you know what makes him so angry? 你知道什么事使他如此生气吗?I dont know what is wrong with her. 我不知道她出什么事了。三注意:注意从句时态主句为一般现在时态,则宾语从句根据实际情况用任意的时态;但主句为一般过去时态时,宾语从句则要用过去的相对应的某种时态。例如:She tells me that she will come by train. 她说她将要坐火车来。She told me that she would come by train. 她说她

8、将要坐火车来。 如果宾语从句表示的是客观真理或是科学事实,其谓语动词仍用一般现在时态。例如:Our teacher told us that the sun is much bigger than the moon.老师告诉我们说太阳比月球大得多。引导词例句特别提示从属连词thatWe all know(that)he is a lawyer.that在宾语从句中没有实际意义,只是引导从句的作用,可省略。if,whetherDo you know if / whether he will come here on foot tomorrow?She hasnt decided whether

9、to go or not.if和whether意为“是否”,一般情况下可通用;whether可以和or not连用,后可接不定式。连接代词which,what,who,whom,whoseI wonder which shirt I can buy for my father.I cant remember what he said just now.The man who likes swimming is my friend.He asked me whose class I liked best.连接代词一般表示疑问,但what除了表示疑问之外,还可表示陈述。连接副词how,why,wh

10、ere,whenCould you tell me how you go to school every day?I dont know why you were late this morning.I want to know where you are living now.He didnt tell me when he would go to Tokyo.连接代词和副词后的宾语从句要用陈述句语序。宾语从句之其他用法例句特别提示否定前移I dont think he is a lawyer.We dont believe he will come here.主语为第一人称(I或we),谓

11、语动词为think,believe,suppose,guess,从句为否定时,前移到主句中。和简单句互换I dont know what I should do next.= I dont know what to do next.主从句主语一致一、单项选择( )1. - Do you know _ she came to Shanghai? - Yes, she came by plane. A. what B. why C. when D. how( )2. Im afraid that no one knows _. A. when will the match start B. whe

12、re has our teacher goneC. who will win the match D. how long has he lived here( )3. I wanted to know _. A. what is he doing at nine last night B. what he was doing at nine last nightC. what did he do at nine last night D. what was he doing at nine last night( )4. - I hear we have a new teacher this

13、term. - Really? Do you know _? A. what subject he teach B. what subject do he teachC. what subject does he teach D. what subject he teaches( )5. The teacher asked Nancy _. A. where does she come from B. what did she like bestC. if she could speak Chinese D. when was she born( )6. These shoes are nei

14、ther cheap nor comfortable. I dont understand _ women likebuying them. A. why B. when C. whether D. how( )7. You are growing so fast. Can you tell me _ now? A. how fast are you B. how fast you areC. how tall are you D. how tall you are( )8. Mr. Wang didnt know _ yesterday evening. A. when does his son come here B. when his son comes hereC. when did his sin come here D. when his son came here( )9. Do you know _ over there? A. what ha


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