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1、小学五年级英语(上)期末综合试题Class _ Name _ Mark _Part 1 听力部分一、 根据你所听到的内容,判断对错,对的写“T”,错的写“F”。( )( )( )( ) ( )( )二、听对话,把下图排列顺序。1. 2. 3. 4. 5. ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )三、选出你所听到的选项。( ) 1. A. this morning B. in the morning C. morning call( ) 2. A. dry B. fly C. kite( ) 3. A. mouth B. mouse C. south( ) 4. A. played B.liste

2、ned C. acted( ) 5. A. road B.goat C. boat( ) 6. A. last year B. last night C. last week( ) 7. A. Lisas room is very tidy. B. Lisas room is very messy. C. Lisas and Jennys room is very messy.( ) 8. A. Did you study last night ? B. Did you play basketball last night ? C. Did you plant cook dinner last

3、 night ?四、 听问句,选择正确的答语。( ) 1. A. It was tidy. B. It is rainy. C. Yes, it is.( ) 2. A. Yes, they did. B. No, he didnt. C. Yes, she did.( ) 3. A. Hes listening to music. B. He listened to music. C. Hes listen to music.( ) 4. A. I washed my hair. B. He washed his hair. C. She washed her hair.( ) 5. A.

4、He played ping-pong yesterday. B. She visited her grandma. C. I studied English.五、 补全短文。 I like _. _ is my favorite season. Its _ but its _. Also, my birthday is in _. Im _ years old.Part 2 笔试部分一、 选择正确的选项,补充完整下列单词。( ) 1. m _ ss _ A. o / i B. e / y C. e / i ( ) 2. t _ d _ A. i / y B. y / i C. o / y (

5、 ) 3. cl _ _ n A. e e B. o u C. e a ( ) 4. p _ _ nted A. e i B. a i C. i a( ) 5. pl_ _ted A. e i B. a i C. a n( ) 6. j_ _ped A. a m B. u m C. o m( ) 7. pr_ _ticed A. e c B. u a C. a c二、 写出下列动词的过去式。Is _ are _ do _ use _ carry _ help_listen_ play _ visit_三、 用动词的过去式翻译下列短语。1、看电视 _ 2、植树 _3、煮饭 _ 4、听音乐 _5、

6、洗衣服 _ 6、 擦窗 _7、帮助爷爷 _ 8、打电话给朋友 _四、选择填空。( ) 1. He _basketball yesterday. A. played B. playing C. plays( ) 2. What _you do yesterday? A. do B. did C.are( ) 3.What did she do the day _yesterday? A. before B. after C. under( ) 4. Gogo and Tony played _this morning. A. in B. outside C. on( ) 5. I _Englis

7、h now, but I didnt _ last night. A. study / study B. am studying / study C. studying / studied( ) 6. - _Lisa plant trees with her mother this morning? - No, she _. A. Does / doesnt B. Is / isnt C. Did / didnt( ) 7. Listen ! The bird _ now. A. is singing B.sing C. sings( ) 8. What _ your cousin _yest

8、erday? A. did / do B. did / did C. does / does( ) 9. It _ rainy this morning. A. is B.was C. were( ) 10. The shoes arent dry. They are _. A. tidy B. messy C. wet五、把同类的单词写在同一横线上。June warm wet have doctor January c all dirty August farmer listen look May messy clean watch December 1.February: _2.cool:

9、 _3.teacher: _4.plant: _六、连词成句。1. messy / your / morning / bedroom / this / was / ( . )_2. was / it / cool / dry / and / yesterday / ( ? )_3. were / Jennys / what / shoes / morning / this / like / ( ? )_4. have / do / any / you / clips /paper / ( ? )_5.called / night / friend / I / last / my / ( . )

10、_6. can /go /we / swimming / summer/ in / ( . )_七、阅读短文,回答问题。It was Tree planting Day last Sunday. Its sunny and warm. Tony and Jenny planted trees at Tree Planting Camp. Gogo helped Tony and Jenny planted trees.They planted three trees. Mr.Green washed his boots , Mrs. Green painted a picture. They were busy.1. What was the weather like last Sunday?_2. What did Tony and Jenny do?_



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