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1、高等学校英语应用能力考试B级答案第一部分1-10: BBBCB AACAC11-15: popular / including / service/ expected / successful 第二部分 词汇1. D 2. B. 3. C. 4. A. 5. D.6. to visit 7. confidence 8. standing 9. introducing 10. reading/to read第三部分 语法1. 反意问句1. did he 2. didnt he 3. may I 4. have they 5. is he6. didnt/usednt he 7. is there

2、 8. isnt it 9. shall we 10. isnt she2. 主谓一致1. A 2. B 3. D 4. C 5. D 6. B 7. A 8. B 9. C 10. B3. 定语从句1. B 2. A 3. A 4. D 5. D 6. C 7. B 8. C 9. D 10. A4. 名词性从句1. B 2. D 3. C 4. D 5. C 6. A 7. A 8. D 9. B 10. C5. 状语从句1. B 2. B 3. A 4. D 5. B 6. C 7. A 8. C 9. A 10. D6. 虚拟语气1. D 2. A 3. C 4. A 5. B6. h

3、ad fastened 7. (should) send for 8. (should) carry 9. didnt see 10. live7. 时态1. B 2. D 3. C 4. D 5. D 6. go 7. would be built 8. had been produced 9. are asked 10. will find8. 情态动词1. C 2. D 3. C 4. A 5.D 6. not be kept 7. would bring 8. might have left 9. be kept 10. be heard9. 独立结构1. D 2. D 3. B 4.

4、 A 5. C 6. B 7. B10. 倒装1. B 2. D 3. C 4. B 5. B11. 非限定动词1. A 2. B 3. D 4. C 5. A6. to lock 7. discussed 8. to say 9. Seen 10. to take 第四部分 阅读理解1-10:DBCAC CADAC11-15: (your)valuables/ inside/ seven / $169/ repayment 16-20: 16. N, M 17. H, B 18. L, K 19. E, G 20. G, B21-25: International basketball ma

5、tch/ Capital Stadium80 Yuan / Ticket Office / China and America第五部分 翻译1-5: B C A D/ B C A D/ C B A D/ C A D B/ D A B C6. 万事开头难。不管是踏入学校的第一天还是新工作伊始,抑或是每周的第一天。第一天也让人兴奋,许多人怀着些许颤栗的心迎接它的到来,因为从此人们就得接受变化。而那些能够更好适应变化的人,就能在人生路上更加成功。7. 白云机场每天都有五百多架飞机在此起飞或降落,这些飞机连接着接近100个中国城市和30个国际城市。修建投资约人民币200亿(合美元24亿)的机场一期工程

6、,近期投入使用。8. 现在通往西藏有三条铁路线:从北京、四川成都和青海西宁。不久之后,从东边的上海和南边的广州两条新铁路线也将开通。所有开往西藏自治区省会拉萨的列车都采用先进的技术。9. 由于彩铃可以下载到任何类型的电话上,例如手机或固定电话。因此它们变得非常流行。一些个人使用者甚至想要把自己的声音录制下来通过彩铃发送给他们的朋友。实际上,当彩铃业务首次出现时,很少有人对它的前景持乐观态度。10. 当你第一次去一个朋友家时,带一件礼物是必须的。即使你不知道朋友会喜欢什么,买一件可以表达你心意的礼物就可以。一件不合适的礼物总比没有礼物强。因为礼物象征着友好,它的实用价值是其次。Model 11-

7、10: CBAAD DDBCD11-15: 1955/ 20 years/ Fruit trees./ Young children/ Older children16-25: BACBC DDDBA26-35: shorten / depended / heard / living/ arrivaldescription / celebration / Advertisement / were disappointed/ singing36-45: DCDAB CBAAB 46-50: make your life easier/ 5 (five)/ 3-way conference/ we

8、ather reports/ free CND calling card51. C, D 52. F, I 53. H, L 54. G, B 55. J, E56-60: English and French/ headquarters in Luxembourg/ both men and women / August 31st / will not return it61-64: .BCAD/ BADC/ DCAB/ BDAC65. 参考译文 这种新型设计的办公家具在我们这儿很畅销,它使用方便,储存文件很方便,占据面积小。另外,价格上也很优惠。比我们以前的产品和同类厂家的产品便宜25%。

9、Model 21-10: CADAB BADBC11-15: way/ sight/ depends on/ sends/ falling down16-25: BADAA CCDDB26-35: cleverest(most clever)/ effective/ were employed/ foreigner/ aredriving/ achievement/ unnecessarily/ seeing/ earlier36-45: ABCBC DBCCB 46-50: beautiful weather/ wonderful scenery/ 71.9/ 23 inches/ warm

10、 sunshine51. H, D 52. L, C 53. J, N 54. E, A 55. I, F56. this weeks issue 57. overall hotel work 58. a recent photograph59. an assistant manager 60. having her holiday/on her holiday61. CBAD 62. CADB 63. DCAB 64. ABCD65. 招聘生产计划员 生产计划员这一职位的应聘者应为大学毕业生,至少有两年生产管理经验,必须英语流利,精通数学,应聘者必须有较强的沟通能力和团队组织能力。本公司提供

11、优厚的工资和其他福利等待遇。请将详细英文简历(附近照一张及期望工资)寄至香港67809号邮政信箱。Model 31-10: ACBDC DAABD11-15: 11. mouth to mouth 12. end up 13. leaves something out 14. basis 15. accurate16-25: DCDBC CABCA26-35: being punished / possibility / qualified / enabled / dangerous was bought/ make up ones mind(s)/ impatience / were wat

12、ching/ would not be36-45: BBBCB BACCC46-50: the vocabulary / Record the material/ words and phrase/ important / make up a story51. G, D 52. N, K 53. E, F 54. C, I 55. J, M56. bad effects 57. much entertainment 58. enjoyment 59. real world 60. programs to watch61. CDBA 62. BADC 63. ADBC 64. CBDA65. 参

13、考译文 无论新娘穿戴什么,传统上她应该是婚礼上打扮最漂亮、最重要的女士。因此,其他女士在婚礼上穿戴比新娘更漂亮被认为是非常无理的做法。Model 41-10: DDABB CBDBC11: throughout 12. major 13. thousand 14. share 15. farther16-25: ADCDB BDBBC 26-35: looking/ permitting / to grow/ (should) have/ was destroyedsuccessful / greatest/ invitation / seriously/ surprising 36-45: CDACB DACDA46-50: 46. non-native speakers 47. successful 48. commerce, industry and higher education 49. Language Center, University 50. Martin Wilson51. D,L 52. E,M 53. A,O 54. C,K 55. J,H56. the culture 57. history and customs 58. travel



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