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1、 英语六级考试单词Lesson 11 act up 出毛病,运行不正常2 subjective /human activity主观能动性,人类的行为3 Actions speak louder than words 事实胜于雄辩4 react on /against 对什么做出反应5 agent 政府代表 a revenue agent 税务官6 put on the agenda 提上议事日程7 interfere in sbs private affairs 干涉某人私事 interfere between /with husband and wife 介入人家夫妻间的事 interfer

2、e with sth.干涉妨碍8 interior n.内部;the-内地;a.内部的;内地的,国内的;the interior wall 内墙;travel in the interior 在内地旅游;9 internal property 本质特征10 interval n .间隔,间距;at intervals 每隔一段时间或距离;11 intermittent a.间歇的,断断续续的;intermittent noise 断断续续的噪声; 12 intersection n. 道路交叉口,交点13 rim n. (圆形物体的)边,缘;v.环绕(圆形或环形物体)的边缘;rim of th

3、e bowl.14. Interim a. 暂时的,临时的;n.间歇,过渡期间;in the interim 在其间, at interim 暂时的,临时代理的;15 rip v.撕破,扯坏,n. 裂口16 grim a. 讨厌的,糟糕的;严厉的;严酷的,无情的;a grim and ruthless person 一个冷酷无情的人;have a grim day 糟糕的一天;17 grin vi. & n.咧嘴笑;grin and bear it 无言的接受或承受;18 giggle vi. & n,咯咯笑Lesson 21. attain实现;达到attain ones goal2. co

4、ntain 控制,抑制 contain ones anger3. entertain 招待,款待 entertain friends at/to dinner招待朋友吃饭 entertaining a. entertainment n.文娱节目;请客4. ballot 投票选举5. maintain law and order/discipline 维持治安/纪律6. obtain knowledge 获得知识7. retain balance 保持平衡 retain water保持水分 retain ones office 保住职位8. abandon medical for literat

5、ure 弃医从文9. sustain ones interest in 保持对什么的兴趣 sustained 持续的;持久的;sustained economic growth 持续的经济增长10. continent 大陆,洲the continent of Asia 亚细亚大陆11. Content n. /a. /vt. be content with, content oneself with ;to ones heart content 心满意足12. retention n.保留,保持Retention of these territories became a sacred na

6、tional cause.13.habit is second nature.习惯成自然。14customary a. 习惯上的,惯常的,合乎习俗的 law 习惯法15.inhabit vt.居住于,16.inhibit vt.阻止,妨碍 ,17. stall vt 拖延,n.货摊off creditors 拖延债务18.uphold vt.支持鼓励赞成19.manage ones household 治家20In previous times,从前21Withhold 保留,拒绝,隐瞒;抑制 the truth from sb.对某人隐瞒真相 withhold payment 拒付22Con

7、dense v(使)压缩,简缩,(使)凝结,condense air into liquid23.configuration 配置,格局,构造24腐蚀 corrode erosionLesson 31. without a peer 无比的,不可匹敌的2. by /in comparison相比之下3. apparatus n. 装置,器械4. Hope for the best and prepare for the worst.5. 隔离 insulate/isolate insulate sth. from sth. 6. alienate使疏远,离间 from alien a. 陌生的

8、,be alien to 7. 人不可貌相 One should not judge people by their appearance.8. imaginary 想象的 ,虚构的 imaginative 富有想象力的9. preliminary 初步的,预备的10. premature 仓促的,不成熟的11. premium n.保险金,额外费用,奖品a,高级的,售价高的 at a premium 奇缺的,难得的,以高价 Lesson 41. regulate v.管理控制,2. 选修课optional subject3. My heart bleeds for you .我衷心同情你 b

9、leed 勒索某人的钱 bleed the staff for money.4. spoil n. 战利品,赃物share the spoils 分赃5. wreck the marriage 破坏婚姻6. prejudice n.偏见成见7. critical a.决定性的 ,关键性的8. criterion n.准则,标准 That is the of success that we use.这是我们用来衡量成功的标准。9. incentive n. 刺激,激励10. intricate n. 错综复杂的 plot11. intrigue n.阴谋,v.用诡计取得,激起的兴趣12. int

10、rinsic a.固有的,本质的,内在的Hunting mice is intrinsic behavior in most cats.13. intrude vi.侵入,侵扰,打扰intrude on sbs time 占用某人的时间 into 侵入14. impair v 损害,削弱 Lesson 51. liable a. to可能的,for有义务的 liability 责任2. reliable a.可靠的,可信赖的 reliance 依赖,依靠on3. league n.联盟,同盟4. colleague n.同事5. bound范围,限制6. boundary n.边界,范围7.

11、bend over backwards 竭尽全力,bend over (down) and pick sth. up.弯下身子拾起某物8. relate vt. 讲述9. alloy 合金,将。铸成合金(ally)10. oblige v.迫使,帮忙,obligation 义务,责任11. divine a.神圣的,极好的=holy 12. assert vt. 坚持;断言assert oneself 坚持自己的观点13. exert vt用力,尽力;运用 oneself to do sth. 尽力去做某事 14. adjoin v 与毗连15. conjunction n.连词;结合16.

12、junction 连接点,会合点17. yoke vt结合,链接,n束缚,枷锁 Lesson 61. object n.物体,目标;to反对 objection to 反对 objective 客观的2. reject拒绝,摈弃;次品3. subject n.主题科目,受。支配的,遭受to subjective主观的,个人的a judgment4. adjacent a.毗邻的,邻近的to5. cast v投,掷;投射;n 全体演员,演员表,投掷 nets into sea把网投向大海 The moon cast a brilliant light over the plain.6. flin

13、g Vt. 用力地扔,掷 a stone at a dog7. hurl 猛投,力掷;愤慨地说出8. toss Vt. 投,掷 about in bed在床上辗转反侧9. fossil n.化石,顽固不化的人10. gossip n.流言蜚语,v说长道短 about11. confront vt.遭遇,正视 reality 正视现实 be with 12. facet n. 方面,面13. preface 序言 surface表面,外观v显现superficial 肤浅的14. foremost a 最重要的,first and foremost 首先,首要的是15. forerunner 先

14、驱,前兆 Lesson 7,1. bar n.酒吧;条块;闩;V.闩,阻止2. saloon 酒吧;大厅3. pub 酒吧,酒馆4. inn 客栈(lodge),小旅馆5. barrel 桶;筒,枪管6. barrier 栅栏,检票口;障碍7. baffle 是困惑,难住8. bewilder是迷惑,难住 ed ing9. 圆规compasses10. periodic 周期的,定期的11. periodical n.期刊a. 周期的,定期的12. amateur 外行(的),业余爱好者(的);13. She is gonging rather deaf.他耳朵越来越背了。14. compat

15、ible兼容的,合得来的(with)15. pathetic 可怜的,悲惨的,令人生厌的 16. sympathetic a 同情的;赞同的 17. He won by 23 votes.18. convict 证明。有罪,宣判。有罪;罪犯 sb of robbery 19. exquisite a 精美的;敏锐的;剧烈的Lesson 81. pat v&n轻拍 a. 恰好的,合适的 pat on the back 赞扬 pat a ball 拍球 2. batter v猛击 n.面糊3. collide with 抵触,碰撞,冲突4. militant 激进的,好斗的5. revolt 反叛,起义;反抗6. reconcile 协调,和解;顺从,甘心于 n, reconciliatio



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