Unit 3 Animals教学设计.doc

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1、Unit 3 Animals教学设计 吴红丽一、Teaching aims:一)、知识与技能1.Review the words:rabbit,panda,frog, hamster, fish, tiger, bird, cats, dogs and butterflies.2.Learn new words: lion,wolf, fox, hippo,snake, duck, cow,sheep and pig .3.Learn new sentences:What s your favourite animal? My favourite animal is二)、过程与方法1.List

2、en and do.激发学生的学习兴趣,以旧引新。2.利用课件,图文并茂,声、形结合,利于学生掌握本课生词。3.通过观看课件、做游戏进一步巩固所学单词和句型。4.通过填写调查表,达到学以致用的目的。5.结合12生肖,学用结合。6.利用课件让学生了解一些珍稀动物,拓展学生知识面。7.小练笔,读写结合,达到学以致用的目的。三)、情感态度与价值观让学生认识到动物是我们的朋友,我们要爱护动物,保护动物。二、Teaching important and different points:1.Learn new words: lion,wolf, fox, hippo,snake, duck, cow,s

3、heep and pig .2.Learn new sentences: Whats your favourite animal? My favourite animal is三、Teaching methods:情景教学法、游戏活动法、任务型教学法四、Teaching aims:CAI课件五、Teaching course:Step 1.Warming-upT: Listen and do.Stand up. Fly like a budgie. Run like a rabbit. Swim like a fish. Sit like a dog. Roar like a tiger. S

4、it down.Step 2. Revision1. T:Do you like animals? Lets play a game. Guess. What am I ? (课件)Im white. Ive got two long ears. I eat grass.Im black and white. Ive got two black eyes. I like to eat bamboo(竹子).2.Look and say.1)-Whats this? -Its a frog/hamster/fish/tiger/bird.2)What are they? Theyre cats/

5、dogs/butterflies. T: Theyre animals.Step 3. PresentationT:I like animals very much. Do you like animals?S: Yes, I do.1. T: First lets go to the zoo. (课件)T: Look. Whats this? Is it a tiger? S: No, it isnt.T: Right. Its a lion. lion lion lion T: Look. Is it a dog?S: No, it isnt.T: A wolf. Its a wolf.

6、wolf wolf wolf T: Its a fox. fox fox foxT: Look. Is this a horse? S: No, it isnt.T: Right. Its a hippo. hippo hippo hippoT: Look. Its a snake. 1). Work in pairs. Help each other. 2). Show in groups. (运用课件)T: Theyre wolves/foxes/hippos. Compare wolf and wolves, fox and foxes, hippo and hippos. What c

7、an you find?3) fox, hippo, wolf单复数变化2. T: Then lets go to the farm. (课件)Look carefully. What animals can you see? T: Look. Whats this?S: Its a duck/cow/pig/. They live on the farm.(师及时表扬,加分。)Step 4 Self check1. T: Open your books. Turn to Page 20.1)Listen and number.2)Listen again and check.2. T:Let

8、 s play a game. Look carefully. Whats missing?(课件同时出现三张动物图片,其中一张消失,让学生快速说出消失的动物名称,教师根据学生的反应,加分。)3. Look and guess.4. 把动物们送回家。wolf sheep hippo snake cow fox lion pig归类:zoo farm (课件)1)Finish it by yourselves.2) Check in pairs.Step 5. Consolidation1. Fill in the missing letters.(课件)l_on w_lf f_x_ sn_k_

9、c_w h_pp_ p_g d_ck1)Finish by yourselves.2) Check in pairs.窗体顶端2.T: Guess my favourite animal.S: Its a cow.T: Hello!My favourite animal is cows.Whats your favourite animal?S1: My favourite animal is dogs.1) Ask and answer in pairs.2) Show in groups.(师及时评价, 加分)3. Do a survey. animalsnameslionsfoxeswo

10、lveshippose.g.T: Hello! I like animals. Do you like animals?S1: Yes, I do.T: My favourite animal is cows. Do you like cows?S1: No, I dont. T: Whats your favourite animal?S1: My favourite animal is dogs. T: Thank you. Goodbye!S1: Bye!1) Work in groups. 2) Show in groups. (师及时评价, 奖励加分)Step 6. Extensio

11、n1.(课件)T: Do you know Chinese zodiac?(12生肖)Fill in the blanks.(填空)_ ox _ _ dragon _ horse _ monkey chicken _ _1) Work in groups.2) Say answers in groups.2. (课件)T: Guess. What am I?Im very big. Ive got a big long nose. Ive got two long teeth.T: Youre clever. Im an elephant. (边读单词,边表演)T: I like elepha

12、nts very much. Do you like elephants?(利用课件,让学生了解一些珍稀动物monkey, crocodile,bear)(最后评出优胜小组,奖励加分)T: Animals are our friends. We should protect animals and be friends with them. We must look after animals.3. 小练笔,描述动物。Its a Its It can It has got It eats It lives1) Describe an animal in groups.2) Show in groups.Homework:1运用所学单词和句型自编歌谣。2收集珍稀动物资料。B.D.Unit 3 Animalslion wolf fox hippo snakeduck cow sheep pigWhats your favourite animal?My favourite animal is


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