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1、引言 Introduction人文地理学,作为科学王国中一支较小的学科,尽管常常不被人们关注和重视,然而它却是一支最具活力的学科,它的研究主题社会的空间组织和人与环境的关系为许许多多形式的研究和朝气蓬勃的地理学者提供了机遇和挑战。在最近30年来,西方人文地理学可以说是百家争鸣、百花齐放。人文地理学家不断地接受他们以前很少遇到的其它学科的新思想、新观念,这样就给人文地理学的发展带来无限的生机。Human geography is such a subject full of vitalities despite of being neglected sometimes.Its research

2、themes, the social-spatial structure and the relationship between human and environments, have brought opportunities and challenges to both various forms of research and geographers.In recent 30 years, the western human geography has so many variegated theories and ramifications.Human geographers ha

3、ve kept absorbing new ideas and opinions from many other subjects, which gives tremendous vital force to the development of human geography. 一、人文地理学的性质 Characters of human geography 1、地理学形成及分化 Formation and differentiation of geography 地理学(geography)是希腊语中关于地球和书写两个词复合词,主要研究人类生活空间的地球表面(Haggett,1990)。

4、Geography mainly studies the earth sphere that people live in. 大学地理学的发展一开始就受到自然科学和人文社会科学两大类学科分化的影响,研究自然环境的地理学称为“自然地理学”,研究人工环境的称“人文地理学”。 Geography studied in university had ramifications about “physical geography” and “human geography” because its development had been affected by the differentiation

5、of natural science and social science from the beginning. 随着科学的进步和社会需求的出现,地理学的定义也在不断地发生变化。通过英国和美国地理学家学会研究组对大多数地理学系课程和学科体系的调查发现, 1990年代的地理学主要由人文地理学、自然地理学、混合人文和自然地理学和其它领域四个方面所组成 。 With the development of sciences and the emergence of social demands, the definition of geography has been evolving contin

6、uously. As shown in a survey about the curriculum and the subject system of geography, in the 1990s, geography was consisted of four branches: human geography, physical geography, human- physical geography together with other geography fields.2、人文地理学的发展Progress of human geography 18世纪后期到19世纪早期,德国和法国

7、的人文地理学萌芽 From late 1800s to early 1900s, human geography germinated in German and France. 19181939,两次世界大战之间,处在早期调查阶段 From 1918 to1939, the progress of human geography was in the period of early survey. 二战后,主要从1960年代起,人文地理学与其他社会科学互动与接轨,实现了从区域描述到诠释人与社会、人与环境、及人与地点或地方关系的转变。 After the world War II, espec

8、ially from the 1960s, human geography had interacted and linked up with other social sciences. It changed into interpreting the relationship between human and society, human and environment, human and site or place, while in the early time, it mainly aimed to describe region and place. 20世纪60-70年代,地

9、理学的数量革命涉及到 “社会经济”的诸多主题,为后来的诸如人口、社会、城市、经济、工业和农业地理学等一些专门人文地理学学科的发展奠定了基础。 From 1960s to 1970s, quantitative revolution in geography stepped into many themes of social sciences.It contributed to the development of many human geography specialties such as population geography,social geography,urban geogr

10、aphy,economic geography,industrial geography and agricultural geography. 20世纪70-80年代,世界人文地理学出现了两个主要趋势:内部的专门化和哲学上的多元化。 From 1970s to 1980s, two important trends of the world human geography, inner specialization and philosophical diversity, had come into being. 20世纪80年代,实证主义地理学、人文主义地理学和激进地理学成为人文地理学三种

11、非常不同的学科方法。 In the 1980s, positivistic geography, humanist geography and radical geography had become three distinct subject methods. 在过去20年里,其它学科思想给人文地理学科带来了新的增长点。人种地理学、人口地理学、聚落地理学、文化地理学、政治地理学、商业地理学、经济地理学、工业地理学、农业地理学、交通运输地理学等都是在此阶段形成并发展壮大起来。 In the past 20 years, various thoughts from other sciences

12、 have brought new growth points to human geography. Ethnic geography, population geography, settlement geography, cultural geography, political geography, commercial geography, economic geography, industrial geography, agricultural geography, transportation geography and so on have developed during

13、the time.二、当代人文地理学研究内容 当代人文地理学的基本理论主要涉及空间、全球化、城市化、人口、迁移、文化、景观、发展和地缘政治等。 The basic theories of contemporary human geography refer to space, globalization, urbanization, population, migration, culture, landscape, development, geopolitics and so on . 其内容主要包括:(1)社会经济发展的全球化特征与地区差异之间的关系;(2)人类与其周围生活环境之间的相互

14、关系;(3)不同空间尺度(包括世界、国家、地区和城市)的政治、经济演化特征与趋势;(4)与民族、种族、性别、年龄、阶级等因素相联的社会文化特征及其对空间发展的影响。 The main contents include: (1)the relation between globalization and regional differences; (2)the relation between human and circumstances; (3)the political and economic evolution of different-scale space(including th

15、e world, state, region and urban). (4)the social-cultural characters of factors relating to nationality, race, gender, age, class, and their effects on spatial development .1、经济地理学 Economic geography 以阐释人类生产和生活资料的生产、流通和消费分配等人类经济活动的地域分布和空间组织为主要任务。 Main task: study the spatial distribution and arrange

16、ment of human economical activities, such as production, circulation and consumption. 传统的经济地理学关心各种资源、生产及商业的分布同自然环境的关系,以生产布局、区位分析为研究核心。 Traditional economic geography was concerned with the connections between natural environment and the arrangement of resources, production and commerce. Its research highlighted production distributio



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