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1、1: Well be very careful and keep what youve told us strictly_. A rigorous B confidential C private D mysterious选 D。private:私下的,私人的rigorous:rirs严厉的;mysterious:mistiris神秘的 confidential:,knfidenl秘密的,机密的2: Many pure metals have little use because they are too soft, rust too easily, or have some other_.A

2、 drawbacks B handicaps C bruisesD blunders选A. drawback: 缺点,弊端 handicap: 生理缺陷,残疾 bruisebru:z : 擦伤,青肿;blunderblnd:大错 The old lady has a private room that is mysterious.The major drawback主要缺点 of the chair is that it is not convenient for (the handicapped残疾人). He is so careless that he always make terri

3、ble blunders. This time, he had himself badly bruidse. 总是犯大错,这次他把自己弄得鼻青脸肿。We should have confidence in them that they will keep it confidential.Our work failed to meet their rigorous standards. 没能达到他们的严格标准3:Many great scientist _their success to hard work. A: portray B:ascribe C:impart D: acknowledg

4、e选B。 portray p:treiv. 描绘,表现 e.g. He always s himself as the victim. 他总把自己说成是受害者。ascribe skraib vt. 归因于;归咎于 He his failure to bad luck. impart imp:t vt. 给予(尤指抽象事物)The lighting s an air of romance to the dinner. 灯光给晚餐制造了些浪漫气氛。acknowledge knlid 承认(属实)a generally fact公认的事实4: His_directions confused us;

5、we did not know which of the two roads to take.A. ambiguous B. complicated C: arbitrary D: intricate选A。Ambiguous mbijus adj. 模糊不清的;引起歧义的 words arbitrary :bitrri 任意的,武断的make an decision; “intricate intrikt adj. 复杂的;错综的 design 5. He wouldnt answer the reporters questions, nor would he_for a photograph

6、.A summon B highlight C pose D marshal选C ; summon smn 召集,鼓起 up the courage; highlight hailait 突出,强调;pose puz ; marshal m:l n. 元帅,v. 结集,收集,安排6. Depression is often caused by the effects of stress and overwork.A total B increased C terrific D cumulative选D. increasingly important越来越重要,cumulative kju:mj

7、u,leitiv 累积的7. The price of the coal will vary according to how far it has to be transported and how expensive the freight_are.A payments B charges C funds D prices选B,煤价根据运输路程的长短和运费的高低而变动。Freight freit n. Payment支付,支付款;charge费用,要价;funds:基金,存款 e.g. welfare 福利基金;price:价格,代价e.g. He will do it at any pr

8、ice.不惜任何代价。vary vri 变化,改变 vary with sth. 随而变化 the demand varies with the season.8. The manager gave her his_that her complaint would be investigated.A assurance B assumption C sanction D insurance选A assurance n. urns, assure v. I can assure you she is safe.我可以向你保证 assumption smpn n. 设想sanction s,kn制

9、裁,处罚 administrative 行政制裁 9:The Prime Minister was followed by five or six _ when he got off the plane. A. laymen B. servants C. directors D. attendants选:D 总理下飞机时,身后跟着五、六位随从。layman 外行,门外汉。servant 仆人。(多指在主人家帮佣从而获得一定工资或得到食宿之人)director 董事,主任,主管,导演,指挥。Attend, attendant tendnt侍者,随从 ( 多指跟随主人左右并为主人提供各种服务之人 ) 。 10: All guests were invited to attend the wedding _and had a very good time. A. feast B. congratulations C. festival D. recreation 选A 所有的客人都被邀参加了结婚典礼,他们玩得很痛快。 feast fi:st 节日盛宴,宴会,酒席 (wedding feast:婚宴;wedding ceremony婚礼) recreation ,rekriein, 娱乐,消遣。


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