【英语】大纲版第2册 课课练Unit7:Grammar and Integrating skills

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1、课课练Unit7:Grammar and Integrating skills课前预习:无师自通.单词拼写1.The doctor asked me a great many questions and took s of my blood.2.I didnt know much about cancer then,but I had heard that it was an i disease.3.Cancer is a disease that begins in c .4.Doctors do know that cancer is not caused by injury and is

2、 not c .5.Living with cancer has made me realized how p life is and how important it is for us to take every chance to live life to the f .6.Bad news may discourage a patient,so it is very important that doctors try to cheer up the d patient.7.The little boy was d with cancer.答案:1.samples 2.incurabl

3、e 3.cells 4.contagious 5.precious,fullest 6.discouraged7.diagnosed.根据汉语完成句子1.据说两个国家之间的和谈破裂了。The peace talks between the two countries are said _.答案:to have broken down2.小偷闯入会议室,偷走了墙上那幅名画。The thieves broke into the meeting-room and _.答案:stole the famous painting on the wall 3.已经感染HIV病毒以后的人,就会患艾滋病。Peo

4、ple get AIDS after_ .答案:having been infected with the HIV virus4.大火从工厂延烧到附近的房子。_ to the houses nearby.答案:The fire spread from the factory5.你该满足了,你想要的已经全有了。You should feel content now,for _.答案:you have everything you could wish for课堂巩固:一点即通.语法专项练习1.If I _ ten years younger,I _ very happy.A.were;would

5、 be B.am;shall be C.were;shall be D.am;would be答案:A提示:从句的意思反映出其愿望是不可能实现的,应该使用虚拟语气。从各选项中分析只有A项符合虚拟条件句的语法规则。2.You can ask your brother for help.He is not at home.If he_ ,I _.A.is;would B.were;wouldC.is;will D.were;will答案:B提示:前文已经给出,这是一个与现在事实相反的虚拟条件从句。3.If you _ the doctors advice,you would have alread

6、y recovered.A.follow B.followedC.would follow D.had followed答案:D提示:从两个方面分析都应选D项。从follow the doctors advice动作本身分析,这是个非延续性动词,所以它只能是要么已经,要么将来,即要么与过去事实相反,要么与将来事实相反。从全句的意思分析,应是前者。也可以从主句中分析。它是与过去事实相反的would have recovered。从全句的意思上看,从句也应是与过去事实相反。4.If he had not missed the train,he _ by then.A.might get B.mig

7、ht have gotC.got D.had got答案:B提示:上一题考查从句中时态的选用,而本题则是考查主句时态的选用。从句是与过去事实相反,根据从句的意思,主句也就是与过去事实相反。5.What would you have done last night,if you _ to write your homework?A.hadnt B.havent hadC.didnt have D.hadnt had答案:D提示:主句与从句都理解为与过去事实要相反才正确。have to被否定后的意思是“不是不得不,不是非得”。have一词作“有”解时,其否定和疑问的形式有两种,you dont h

8、ave,you havent,但作除“有”解以外的含义时,只能有第一种否定或疑问形式,所以选项A是错的。B项不是虚拟语气,C项是与现在或将来事实相反,故也须排除。6.(2006山东烟台高三诊断测试,27) Ms Wang looks a rather kind lady.But in fact she is cold and hard on us.You _ believe it!A.mustnt B.needntC.shouldnt D.wouldnt答案:D提示:would表示说话人的意愿或向对方提出请求、建议。7.Why didnt you tell him the truth?If I

9、 _ you,I would have.A.were B.had beenC.am D.would be答案:B提示:从句应理解为与过去事实相反,故选had been。8.How do you like the party?Wonderful.If you had come with us,you _ a good time. A.had B.had hadC.would have D.would have had答案:D提示:问句中虽用现在时,但实际上是询问过去的事,故主从句都是与过去事实相反,所以would have had是对的。9.If I _ out of my ink,I woul

10、d have finished writing the paper.A.didnt run B.shouldnt funC.havent run D.hadnt run 答案:D提示:与过去事实相反的从句是过去完成时,故选hadnt run。run out of意为“用光”。10.If you _ early tomorrow morning,you would be there by noon.A.have started B.were startC.were to start D.had started答案:C提示:从句中的tomorrow morning已经告知我们,本句可理解为与将来事

11、实相反,A、D两项都不对。B项缺少to,故选were to start。.翻译句子1.If he were here,everything would be all right.答案:要是他在这儿,一切都没问题了。2.If it werent raining,we wouldnt stay indoors.答案:要是现在不下雨,我们就不会待在屋里了。3.How I wish it wasnt raining! 答案:现在要是不下雨多好!4.I wish he would try again.答案:我希望他还能再试一次。5.We wouldnt lose courage even if we s

12、hould fail again.答案:即使我们再失败一次我们也不会气馁。6.我要是记得地址就好了。答案:I wish I remembered the address.7.如果我是你,我不会灰心。答案:If I were you,I wouldnt lose heart.8.要是她今天还活着,我们会多高兴呀!答案:If she were alive today,how happy we would be!9.万一发生水灾我们怎么办?答案:If there should be a flood,what should we do? 10.要是我来做这事,我会是另一种做法。答案:If I were

13、 to do it,I would do it in a different way.课后检测:融会贯通.单项选择1.After the president made an official announcement,she expressed her _ opinion.A.personal B.private C.single D.individual答案:A提示:personal opinion意为“个人意见”。2.One of the advantages of living on the top floor of a high rise is that you can get a goo


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