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1、阅读理解训练题(五十八)AWe arranged that Kissinger(基辛格)would fly to Vietnam early in July and then stop in Pakistan on the way back. There he would develop a stomachache that would require him to stay in bed and not be seen by the press. Then with President Yaphas help, he would be taken to an airport where a

2、Pakistani jet would fly him over the mountains to China.Kissingers trip was given the name Polo after Marco Polo, another Western traveler who made history by journeying to China. Everything went quite smoothly. His slight illness in Islamabad received only small attention from reporters covering hi

3、m. They accepted the story that he would be kept shut up for at least a few days and began making arrangements for their own activities.Because of the need for complete secrecy and the lack of any direct communication facilities(联络设备)between Beijing and Washington, I knew that we would have no word

4、from Kissinger while he was in China. Even after he had returned to Pakistan, it would still be important to keep it secret, so before Kissinger left, we agreed on a single code word-Eureka-which he would use if his mission(任务,使命)was successful and the presidential trip had been arranged.On July 11,

5、 Al Haig, who knew our code word, phoned to say that a cable(电报)from Kissinger had arrived.“Whats the message? ”I asked . “Eureka, ”he replied. 56Kissinger stopped in Pakistan because .Ahe had a stomachache Bhe needed President Yaphas help in carrying out a secret planChe did not want to be seen by

6、the pressDhe would like to take a Pakistani jet on his way back.57The reporters in Islamabad believed that .AMarco Polo made a trip to China BKissinger would make a jourey to China.CKissinger was making arrangements for their activities. DKissinger was sick.58Washington would have no word form Kissi

7、nger while he was in China, mainly because .Ahis trip must be kept secrect BPresident Yapha would not fly together with KissingerCCommunication between China and Islamabad was impossibleDAl Haig would phone to the author to tell him about Kissingers trip.59From the passage we can infer that Kissinge

8、rs cable carrying the message“Eureka”must have been sent .Abefore he had leftBeijing Bsoon after he had returned to Pakistan from China.Cas soon as he had arrived in Washington on July 11Dbefore he returned to Pakistan on July 11BGood evening. Chinese President Jiang Zemin and his American counterpa

9、rt Bill Clinton have acknowledged their political differences, but they wrapped up their historic summit(高级会晤)emphasizing(强调)the importance of their common interest. As Mark Thun reports from Washington, the two leaders hammered out agreements on a number of issues(问题,争论点),although human rights rema

10、ins a sticking point.The two sides came to agreements over plenty of items, which could shake the world for a long time to come. The most important is probably the high-level dialogues and consultations(磋商). The Presidents will visit each other regularly, there will be a Washington-Beijing communica

11、tions link for direct contact, and there will be regular exchanges or visits by cabinet(内阁)and other officials on political and security(安全)issues. On nuclear cooperation, Mr Clinton promises the sale of nuclear technology to China for peaceful use, something not possible now with an American ban af

12、ter the 1989 Tiananmen crackdown(严厉取缔).The two countries have agreed to strengthen military maritime safety(加强海军方面的安全合作).And Beijing and Washington are both working towards Chinas entry into the WTO, with China aiming to make substantial tariff reductions(大幅度降低关税). Taiwan is considered the most impo

13、rtant issue, but theres little breakthrough(突破)here. The two sides agreed that there should be only one China, and that the Chinese should be allowed to resolve the problem by themselves. Its over the matter of human rights which the two countries have the most obvious differences.The autumn air mig

14、ht have been chilly(寒冷的),but the welcoming ceremony for the Chinese President was anything but cold. Mr and Mrs Jiang Zemin were greeted by the American President and the First Lady. The two heads of state inspected the honour guard and national anthems were played with the twenty-one gun salute as

15、the background. With a chime swinging leisurely only a few steps away, President Bill Clinton spoke of a better future,“Let us strengthen the bonds between us, let us pursue common causes, let us address our differences openly and with respect, let us build a better world for our children.”And Mr Ji

16、ang gave a similarly optimistic reply, partly in English, “Let us, the Chinese and the Americans, join hands, and together with people around the world, work hard to bring about the new century of peace, stability and the prosperity.” 60What style is this short passage?ATV news broadcasting. BA document(文件)on state affairs.CA summar



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