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1、华侨大学厦门工学院 毕业设计(论文)华侨大学厦门工学院本科生毕业设计(论文)题 目:新型斗车结构设计 姓 名: 林雪鹏 学 号: 0901109010 系 别: 机械工程及自动化 专 业: 机械制造 年 级: 09级 指导教师: 黄松伟 年 月 日独创性声明本毕业设计(论文)是我个人在导师指导下完成的。文中引用他人研究成果的部分已在标注中说明;其他同志对本设计(论文)的启发和贡献均已在谢辞中体现;其它内容及成果为本人独立完成。特此声明。论文作者签名: 日期: 关于论文使用授权的说明本人完全了解华侨大学厦门工学院有关保留、使用学位论文的规定,即:学院有权保留送交论文的印刷本、复印件和电子版本,允

2、许论文被查阅和借阅;学院可以公布论文的全部或部分内容,可以采用影印、缩印、数字化或其他复制手段保存论文。保密的论文在解密后应遵守此规定。论文作者签名: 指导教师签名: 日期: 新型斗车结构(优化)设计摘要随着社会的进步,人们生活的更加丰富多彩产生的垃圾也逐渐增多起来,而人口越来越集中的城市集聚效应导致的垃圾集聚化无疑是给这个日常百万吨的国家插上一把心头刀。自卸垃圾斗车的出现给这个问题的解决带来了曙光。虽然通过改革开放后国家的工业迅猛发展,汽车制造业的飞速腾飞是所有工业发展最快速的一个。但是我国专用汽车的生产起步较晚,是在20世纪60年代初期,是在军用改装车辆、消防改装车辆的基础上逐渐发展起来的


4、成对新型斗车的结构设计。了解和掌握相应的结构原理,采用多方比较取各方案的长处,使其新型斗车的结构需满足标准通用的要求。本文通过对各车型的研究了解,以东风车EQ3116GJ的底盘为例来进行设计,学习了解各斗车的参数及其各种机械部件的参数,对其设计中遇到的各种问题液压的选择等进行分析比较和选取,参考各设计手册与汽车构造等书籍,并与老师和同学们一起探讨和交流进行合理的设计。关键词:新型,斗车,结构New hopper structure (optimization) design AbstractAlong with the progress of the society, peoples live

5、s more colorful waste generated in the also increase gradually, and the population is more and more concentrated urban agglomeration effect caused by garbage agglomeration is undoubtedly to the daily one million tons of countries with a heart knife. The emergence of the garbage dump hopper brought d

6、awn to solve this problem. Although through national industrial rapid development after the reform and opening up, the rapid take-off of car manufacturing is one of the most rapid all industrial development. Specialized automobile production in China starts late, however, is in the early 1960 s, was

7、 in the military refitted vehicles, fire modified on the basis of gradually developed. After 30 years of development, special vehicle industry already has a certain scale in our country, especially in the 1990 s, special purpose vehicle industry in China with high speed growth. Garbage dump hopper b

8、elongs to a kind of special purpose vehicle, its development is rapid, but since there is no correct policy guidance, lead to the hopper is industry of their development, are ling lang see everywhere, function similar to the but again cant are general, usually a hopper appeared some problem is not f

9、rom the use of other different models of the hopper place to replace only from the brand to replace this model car, complement each other general this city and campus population concentration areas such as sanitation work has brought great trouble. So we set out to solve the current situation requir

10、es the development of a model more suitable new hopper, through the completely new design make the garbage dump hopper has new concept, new.From selection of chassis, and the dumping of the design of the structure, the design of the hinge to finish with the design of the hydraulic structure design o

11、f new type hopper. Understand and grasp the corresponding structure principle, adopt comparative take the strengths of the program, the new hopper structure to meet the requirements of standard general.In this paper, based on the research of the various models, east windmill EQ3116GJ chassis as an e

12、xample to design, learning about the hopper of the parameters and the parameters of various mechanical components, to all sorts of problems encountered in the design, and the choice of hydraulic analysis, comparison and selection of reference for the design manual and auto structure such as books, a

13、nd communicate with teachers and students to discuss and reasonable design.Key Words:New, hopper, the structure 第一章 绪论11.1 研究背景11.2 研究意义11.2 研究内容2第二章 新型斗车的相关介绍32.1引言32.2国内外垃圾斗车发展概况42.2.1国外垃圾斗车产品现状42.2.2我国垃圾斗车的现状及发展趋势52.3研究本课题的目的和意义52.4 新型垃圾斗车的概述52.5 新型垃圾斗车的分类6第三章 新型斗车的结构设计73.1新型斗车底盘的选择73.2举升倾倒机构73.2

14、.1工作原理及其运动流程7 3.2.2执行结构方案设计103.2.3车厢翻转机构的设计103.2.4 机构综合分析定型10举升机构14翻转机构15 整体布局17 机构总图173.3铰接结构17 3.3.1铰接装置的设计18 3.3.2铰接环的设计19 3.3.3销轴的选择20 3.3.4车厢底部吊耳的设计20 3.3.5液压缸铰支座与球铰部分设计21 3.3.6侧厢板自动开启机构的设计22 3.3.7导向装置的设计223.4液压系统设计23 3.4.1液压传动23 3.4.2自卸汽车液压系统设计24液压缸概述24液压系统原理图25液压系统图25结论26参考文献27谢辞28 华侨大学厦门工学院 毕业设计(论文)第1章 绪论1.1 研究背景 近年以来,全国的城镇生活垃圾清运量约2.04亿吨,全国城乡的生活垃圾清运量约3.20亿吨。对于这些生活垃圾的产生量,如城镇人均的日产量按1.0kg来估计,村庄人均日产量以0.5kg估计,则全国城乡的生活垃圾产生量约3.65亿吨,产生量和清运量之间差值约为14%。


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